BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

bobbyvalentino написал:
damns the daggers!

using rift bane,
wondering if i should continue to build any of them, beat needle lookings promising

Id go for Beast Needle , the crit chance is beast :D
maddoxeu написал:
bobbyvalentino написал:
damns the daggers!

using rift bane,
wondering if i should continue to build any of them, beat needle lookings promising

Id go for Beast Needle , the crit chance is beast :D

building daggers .. i got tempted by
have it as ias crit fire dmg eternaled ... already used like 5 or 6 eternals again and boy do i hate daggers ( lgoh lgoh lgoh mgok 20%phys then said fuck it saved it with 1 et for maybe end league craft and triple exed to have something usable). so to sum it up if you rly rly want to go craft with ets do it on a perfect start at least daggers are the mother of all asspains in this game. you can and prolly should yolo that one though and hope to get lucky.

in general i see a lot of comparably smart discussion going on i like that :D.


for the mf aura version definelty 2 blue since u just can not fit in pcoc on flciker anymore the sockets just aint there. for the dps version you still could do it with maxed gems though what we did in domi was swap inc crit in and out on demand. that gem is now so powerfull though that fa and inc accu dont compete on an even field anymore and it became imho mandatory. i would only go for 3g these days when i knew i would only play the char with a charge supplier.

vaal pact:

yes i meanwhile got vaal pact. you can switch to it at around 30k dps. what i felt though is that at 30k there is a shit spot. you basically have to be carefull then on the really big packs for reflect without it but on the other hand the leech doesnt feel quite right on single target with it. With 96 i had a enough points spare and the gear proegressed quite far so i chose to go for vp even in the 30k mf version since i rather wanted to not care about the big packs anymore and play more carefull on the single target encounters (exiles / bosses). you basically have to invest some regrets and try if you like it or not. What you defienlty have to do with vp though is fit in either purity of fire or purity of lightning or get at least donyaris invitation. at 75 res vaaal pact leeches like 3,85 life for eery 4 dmg taken and u need to either increase leech a tad or resistances a tad to have some dmg that actually leeches back.


its the lack of movement and the lack of leech when not atacking that make it inferior. dps wise you can push the same build with wands to more dmg then this one does but those are numbers which you well don't really need any more imho.

buzzsaw vs this one:

this here has more endgame potential, way higher dps, more fun fiddling aorund with gear in general a bit more challenging to balance (mana needs, defense vs offense etc) can be built into an mf version etc. Buzzsaw = cheap, effective a bit more tnaky before the real endgame dps numbers with vaaal apct and 6k es. map mod wise both have issues with bloodmagic, -res + ele reflect shouldnt be play with this one but buzzsaw prolly can because it doesnt do enough dmg to care for those problems.

my current setup:

at 96 i died thrice to situations that basicalyl were related to me using the mf gear ( to low es, not automatically overcapped res). SInc epocket with his troll flameblast and iski with his 60k dps basically made it impossible to cull anything but bosses i decided to stop mfing for the rest of the way to 100 since the risk reward ratio became just to low.

fun fact: despite me using the aura support stuff and not having all dps nodes iski and i have close to the same dps these days. that vastly changes once he gets close to my auras though.

in general: i'm sry i dont respond here more often but i currently use all time we have available for mapping. I am back to working again after 2 weeks off at the league start and kinda want to make it as painfull for the top ten to get that #1 back as possible :D. if you have urgent questions that are not answered here contact me ingame or tune in on the stream and post in the twitch chat. i try to at least answer there as much as i can.

if you want to know how the specc feels on different stages i advise you looking through the past broadcasts. there are several hour long mapping sessiosn for the different gear levels available. i did some aziri for fun after lvling 97 yesterday. the first kill i fucked up so badly ( random pushing pots sucking flameblasts like a horny whore, raping first vaal before he did a second move and fightning the other one 100% to 0 on robocop mode ...etc). the two kills after that went a lot smoother.

current specc:

current gear:
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
I got confused by all the different builds and setups you two have been posting, support version, mf, dps, atziri... Also Scion, Ranger, Shadow... lol, got me lost.
So, Im a humble solo player, dont want to be mfer, just kill stuff. What build should i see? Is ranger a good choice?
And you take +40 mana on bandits? Why, isnt the mana all reserved?

hello, I'm just curious if you're using the same bandit rewards as before?

norm - mana
cruel - point or ias
merc - power charge

mainly interested in knowing if u and iski are both still using the mana from norm or are now using point instead?
spr4ts написал:
Is ranger a good choice?
And you take +40 mana on bandits? Why, isnt the mana all reserved?

Ranger is a good choice. Scion/Ranger/Shadow are the same very late endgame. Witch is very close as well.

We take the +40 mana for the maximum mana pool. Because it increases your mana reggen, increases your leech cap, increases the open mana you have after reserves.

I recently took two more mana nodes at 96 to go from ~840 to 1000 max mana. Solved my mana issues after some gear changes where I lost some mana.
Should tell you how important it is.

Still the same rewards.
Power Charge

It's pretty simple:
You can't get 40 flat mana with one skillpoint. (flat! increased by your %mana nodes/int)
There is only one 8%ias node on the tree. Compare to berserking. That's 3x6% nodes.
You want every power charge in reach.
IGN: Iski
spr4ts написал:
I got confused by all the different builds and setups you two have been posting, support version, mf, dps, atziri... Also Scion, Ranger, Shadow... lol, got me lost.
So, Im a humble solo player, dont want to be mfer, just kill stuff. What build should i see? Is ranger a good choice?
And you take +40 mana on bandits? Why, isnt the mana all reserved?

you need to adjust the build to your gear/lvls, you have to think yourself what stats you need/want. build at lvl 100 is different than build at lvl 80 for obvious reasons. build in standardleague will be different than build in a new league.

scion and ranger both builds are pretty similiar, so take whatever.

more mana= more leech (since you can only leech 12,5% of your max mana)
"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
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Current Gear. Still farming up for Shav's/CoE no luck so far, but flubby did sell me my nice dagger!

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Please Note I have TWO 5L Solaris, one for Soloing (RRGGB) and the one I have on (GGGRB) for culling in my map group.
ricklington написал:
Current Gear. Still farming up for Shav's/CoE no luck so far, but flubby did sell me my nice dagger!

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Please Note I have TWO 5L Solaris, one for Soloing (RRGGB) and the one I have on (GGGRB) for culling in my map group.

Get crit on your weapon and your DPS will increase majorly.
Ah right, thks for the explanation. This gotta be the first build I see that takes the mana.
What about the build, which one should I take as reference?
do you have all the required items 6l shavs, coe, high crit/aps ambush dagger? good spelldmg shield?
"Path of nurfs" - LVL 100 + LVL 100 + LVL 100 ENDGAME REAVER
"1.3.0 Path of nurfs 3. expansion"
Shops: 1031762,774343,883462,371756,1091096,1099789,1260674
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