BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

obscenely написал:
Haboryme написал:
I currently have 5.9k ES and 9k EV and yet I still feel like I could use a bit more.
Precinct and Courtyard bosses (the leap slam guy) can easily drop me below 30% ES in one hit as soon as the map has some dmg enhancing mods.

May I see your gear please

Playing MF so dps is kinda low but I always play with a friend who does the dps, I get us the loot. I'm running Wrath, Anger, Grace, Discipline, Clarity and the 3 purities (for ele weakness maps I add purity of elements with snapshotting).
There isn't much room for additional ES from the gear, I'll try to divine the Shav's to 180+ but I already used many divines so this will wait.

stzbttln написал:
I've posted advice in this thread before, but never actually linked my gear / tree, so here it is just to assure you I'm not talking out of my ass.

Current level 78 scion build :

final version :

Currently have 47.4k dps, 5.05 APS, 83% chance to hit, 71% crit chance with all charges,670% crit multi, 16% life leech from phys damage, 8.8 life leech from all damage, 8% mana leech from phys damage. Not running grace for now, have like 16% chance to evade, 75 all res, 4.2k ES and my next few nodes are going into ES, aiming for 5k +.

Need lioeneye's paws with +1 to level of all gems with RRRB or RRBB, pm me what you've got. Also interested in wondertraps and goldwyrms.

Get Arcing Blows, it's just one point and a good one with that.
^ Yeah I'll definitely try to fit it in, since I recently switched some auras around and I'm now running level 25 wrath in my

Gives me a flat 5K dps boost lol, so yeah I'll try arcing blows + 25 wrath in the future. Just need a pair of lioneye's with RRRB so I can run lvl 24 anger and lvl 25 wrath, or RRBB for wrath and discipline. If anyone is selling a pair of RRRB / RRBB lioneye's, wondertrap or goldwyrm, please send me a pm.

How much unreserved mana do you guys have? Without clarity I try to have at least 200, even 300 since sometimes I use GMP.

Edit : with level 22 wrath and no arcing blows, I'm at 47.6k dps. With 25 wrath and arcing blows : 54.8k
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime
Последняя редакция: stzbttln#2928. Время: 15 апр. 2014 г., 13:06:51
I just hit 92 today (also got my first exalt \o/), so decided to 6link, after 220fus and 0 5L I got

I'll keep the off-colours like that for a bit (always a pain to destroy a 5 off), see if someone is interested in this combination. I'm not sure if low life melee chars are really a thing right now.

Currently at 130 unreserved mana, I run Clarity so even without any target I can spam ST for a while. I don't run half regen (no VP) or no regen since in Ambush I don't feel the need to roll high quantity maps, I get enough quite easily.
Последняя редакция: Haboryme#1915. Время: 15 апр. 2014 г., 18:50:31
Grats on the 6L. I don't think those colours are optimal for any of the popular builds (flicker/ST/coc) unfortunately.

Haven't tried no regen yet but I handle half-regen without any trouble. Elemental reflect is not a problem even at 75 resist and 55K dps with VP, I was really surprised by that. Also got my second midnight fragment ever to drop yesterday so I'll try to run atziri without dying once this time around. Hopefully I don't get a flask again...

#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime
stzbttln написал:
Grats on the 6L. I don't think those colours are optimal for any of the popular builds (flicker/ST/coc) unfortunately.

Haven't tried no regen yet but I handle half-regen without any trouble. Elemental reflect is not a problem even at 75 resist and 55K dps with VP, I was really surprised by that. Also got my second midnight fragment ever to drop yesterday so I'll try to run atziri without dying once this time around. Hopefully I don't get a flask again...

Yeah I agree, these colours aren't probably really useful atm, I'll probably eternal them, if I ever want to do a melee build.

I'm on a lucky streak:
1 more divine
1 race:
(and my first ever demi, probably the last too xD)

From my experience reflec only becomes an issue in -res maps, I couldn't do -25 rolls and even with -15 it was dicey.
Gl on Atziri
Последняя редакция: Haboryme#1915. Время: 16 апр. 2014 г., 6:18:33
Well, as for me - ele reflect is not a problem if ur dps is about 30k. (my dps 56-60k)
if ele reflect map or half regen - I swap WED gem to 20/23 reduce mana gem= ~30k dps. I don't like to risk with jumping ES from 5K to 2K and so on...

Haboryme, gratz with 6L and its worth to recolor (or welcome to flicker build), my friend had the same RRRRGB shav and he is trying to RRGGBB atm ;)
What about -max maps... just f##k it. With that build you just cant stop killing everything and yes, 1shot urself also... Got 1shot today from strongbox at -max Palace v_v

Got yesterday descent boots and now crying, that I'm using lioneyes paws instead of stun imun passive
Imo best ES boots in ambush? no MS, but who needs it with whirl.blades...
Скрытый текст

@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 16 апр. 2014 г., 10:44:20
Traded my Shav for

Someone really wanted these colours, at least they didn't go to waste.
I went for BBBRGG instead of BBRRGG because I usually play with Item Rarity, and Inc Dmg gives more dps than WED. This isn't optimal for pure dps though, when trying Atziri I'll replace Item Rarity with Light Pen.

This boots are just awesome, I used (and still have them) tri-res boots but I with far less ES, it means losing stun immunity so that quite a big deal.
Последняя редакция: Haboryme#1915. Время: 16 апр. 2014 г., 12:01:02
yeah... just though about changing passive tree.. I will lose 3 points for US (would save 3 points from 18 all res) + all evasion (6k at party).. idk.. imo not worth it atm, I would also lose +1 gems boots, (23 lvl auras to 21 lvl)
Was aiming to Inner Force in future at 97lvl,
wrath 23lvl = (+188 dmg) +42% effect from tree = 266 + inner force = 306 ~dmg
Anger 23lvl = (+157) +42% effect = 222 + inner force = +255 ~dmg

If inner force buffs not as aura effect ( I mean after all aura buffs) then its
321 ~dmg for Wrath and 268 ~dmg for Anger.

Anyone know how does it work for sure?

Blood Rage 20/28 = +60%as up to 72%as

Btw, I hope u got some exalts for swapping ur 5off ;)
At ur place I would non-stop chrom to RRGGBB, WED gem gives me 26k dps(56k 6L)
Also I dont know how are u going Atziri with this build...

@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 16 апр. 2014 г., 12:41:33
ex_vitek написал:
yeah... just though about changing passive tree.. I will lose 3 points for US (would save 3 points from 18 all res) + all evasion (6k at party).. idk.. imo not worth it atm, I would also lose +1 gems boots, (23 lvl auras to 21 lvl)
Was aiming to Inner Force in future at 97lvl, atm wrath 23lvl = (+188 dmg) +42% effect from tree = 266 + inner force = 306 ~dmg. looks solid

Btw, I hope u got some exalts for swapping ur 5off ;)
At ur place I would non-stop chrom to RRGGBB, WED gem gives me 26k dps(56k 6L)
Also I dont know how are u going Atziri with this build...

I don't know your passive tree but inner force is amazing and I would defnitely recommend picking it whatever the cost.

I'm not sure if the atziri comment was directed at me, but I've killed here on my lvl 91 templar with this same build but since it's a lot less point efficient, I only had about 40k dps. Died 4 times in total throughout the map. Hardest parts are not hitting her mirror form and the 3 guardians before her, other than that the fight is a breeze. Just make sure to use other boots than lioneye, since you need precision when dodging her attacks and whirling blades doesn't cut it.
#1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime
wow, do u have any video with ur Atziri run?
My tree as 93lvl,
5080 ES, 75 all res with purity
Inner Force in next 3 lvl only if I would find ~20 all res shield instead of

@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:

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