BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

rel4us написал:
maddoxeu написал:
I know my es is quite low and so on ( 2,7k es ) but i mean physical dmg just destroy me , i have 8087 evasion rating with 42% chance to evade but still , undying evangelists rape me hard time , how you people survive vs phys dmg enemies?
I was thinking to do some changes and run Grace + Determination + Iron reflex , any opinions on this change?
What about quality gems , which one is the first to make it with quality?

I was thinking using RF , and this is what i was thinking
Is it possible with Rise of phoenix shield + vitality ? i mean is it worth it using RF to get that spell dmg boost?

this is not a good tree for RF,

if you realy want to be a low life + RF, there is only one good way,

see my thread, 891072,

i wrought a guide,

and... you'll need the CoE to do it ofc.... or elese what is the point?

i get to 33K tooltip with ST (but i have a full 100% vall pack from the bloodseeker),

and 5400K DPS fire as RF

Interesting build , but I think ill stick with it simple , no RF and stuff , I dislike snapshoting auras . and i can't do it wearing solaris lorica , and getting a shavronne I mean god , 50+ ex
Последняя редакция: maddoxeu#5183. Время: 22 апр. 2014 г., 8:52:51
Has a anyone used Romira ring with this build ?

I know you lose power charges and therefore some spell dmg on crit , but the rest of the stats work well .

I would be interested about actually calculating the average dps this ring gives if there are any mathematically gifted exiles out there .

Love the build ( trying it on an old standard witch ) so much that I will be rolling scion for the first time .

Последняя редакция: BangoSkank#4447. Время: 22 апр. 2014 г., 9:04:07
BangoSkank написал:
Has a anyone used Romira ring with this build ?

I know you lose power charges and therefore some spell dmg on crit , but the rest of the stats work well .

I would be interested about actually calculating the average dps this ring gives if there are any mathematically gifted exiles out there .

Love the build ( trying it on an old standard witch ) so much that I will be rolling scion for the first time .

If you have a 5L setup with Inc Crit Damage, no reason not to use the ring - it would be a DPS boost but with a 6L setup with PCoC, I think the ring would be a huge DPS loss. You could maybe try the ring with FA in the 6L. Will be very close though.

I think you can treat the ring as having semi-permanently like ~2-3 power charges up.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
Последняя редакция: Chundadragon#1131. Время: 22 апр. 2014 г., 11:15:16
BangoSkank написал:
Has a anyone used Romira ring with this build ?

I know you lose power charges and therefore some spell dmg on crit , but the rest of the stats work well .

I would be interested about actually calculating the average dps this ring gives if there are any mathematically gifted exiles out there .

Love the build ( trying it on an old standard witch ) so much that I will be rolling scion for the first time .

tried -> sucks; u want the crits for shock stacks (100% more dmg ...) no matter what your calculation says you will cirt less = you will shcokstack less and thats what using it for 5 map runs felt like as well. you effectively never go beyond 3 power charges anymore. you obviously can use it in a 5l setup without pcoc and not pick the power charges. then it might even be a playable midterm solution. but endgame final setup youd never wear it.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Just crafted this beauty :

I'm afraid about elemental reflect...
Will this be a problem ?
tatane написал:
Just crafted this beauty :

I'm afraid about elemental reflect...
Will this be a problem ?

Goddamn, where's the crit on that thing? :/

Generally you are safe against reflect up till ~30k DPS where you will need to start thinking about Vaal Pact.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
I know about crit, I will exalt it :)

Already have vaal pact but i'm feeling pretty unsafe at 35k dps... with my actual dagger (less ele damage and more phys damage than this one).
hi guys ... i just want to ask how i can upgrade my build without too much currency.
i am now at lvl 91 with solo buffed 32k dps and 5,4k es on ambush ...

my stuff

Скрытый текст

Последняя редакция: mrcrackx#3448. Время: 22 апр. 2014 г., 19:45:12
all looks good, u can find new ring with ele+accuracy.
25%wed + ~250 accuracy > 35%wed, just for info (after my tests)
How are u playing vs stuns? seems unplayable
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Последняя редакция: ex_vitek#5561. Время: 22 апр. 2014 г., 20:40:56
Thanks for the reply about Romira's Ring . Shame really :)
I suppose that would be about right ( treating it as having 2 or 3 charges up all the time )
but overall crit lost , spell dmg lost is too big of a minus for ring to be viable.
Looks like I will have to bite the bullet and change the colors on my shav's .

Having to generate the power charges on a secondary skill is not ideal ( tried flicker strike but its yolo style is too dangerous tho fun ) .
Inb4 RIP 1000 chromes ...
Последняя редакция: BangoSkank#4447. Время: 23 апр. 2014 г., 8:29:27

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