[2.2] Fyndel´s LL BM or Mana Spectralthrow - UPDATED FOR ASCENDANCY
Heya Fyndel' san~
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAAx4GIwx9DXwOPA5IEH8RLxFQEZYUcRa_Fy8ZihqPHNwdFB1PHaofQSSwJbwnCyj6Kwos4S0fLagvbzBUNbk9Pj-bQqNGcUcGS1dV1lfJWfNcil3yX2pjQ2TnZp5tGW-ecFJwVnC7cNVyqX3jf8aApILHgwmDtobRidOPRpAbkFWSfZMnlSCYb5mamhObtZ_LoqOnCKcrrGasqrGQtAy1SLb3t9a4k7k-wBrA48HFwfPDOsaeykrYdtkT2VvbWdvU2-fcI9-_4Yjlz-oY6rrrY-vu7Bjxs_Lh9tr3Mvjr-ej60vsJ I'm missing the belt I'll get paid next week for an 400EX item, and i'll mirror the belt~ PS Please me a critic for my build :) I Always kind of wondered what your thoughts would be~ Notes; I now my Mana leech on ring is not useful at all. Having T1 dex on one of my rings i Do not require All attributes, (Requirements on Vitality (STR can be Routed under Coordination)) Ideally I want to remove the Mana leech on ring for ES(Morbid Turn), All Attributes for T1 INT.(Chimeric Nail) 'All my Gear is Colour Coded to perfection, from G>R>B (Because I'm OCD like that)'
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![]() [Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058 [Hideout] New Oriath /2505008 [Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163 [Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905 "God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia Последняя редакция: 1Tokimeki2003#6663. Время: 3 окт. 2014 г., 18:49:51
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"gear wise its fine just why arent you using any vaal auras? + your using purity of elements but thats only min max for the lifeflask you could change them to the lvl 53 ones those actually sustain the attack rather then insta fill the life to full , movmentspeed flask is kinda bad aswell about the passiv tree any reason your getting the shadow area ? getting crit multi cluster and 1 dex 30% node + witch es would give you more dps , es like Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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Hello again. I have two new questions:
1.What's the priority on corrupting gems? (on BM version). Already got empower, enhance and gmp. This is what I think, correct me if I'm wrong. 21 Discipline > blood rage 23q> 21 wrath >21 anger > 21 haste > 21 ST > increased crit dmg 23q > faster projectiles 23q > herald of ice 23q > herald of ash 23q 2.For atziri, I guess I should drop GMP for single target. But what to use? faster attacks or added accuracy? (I only have 1266 because my rings suck). Culler-support build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1617230
Dedicated support build https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1702757 |
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![]() Heya Alex Sempai~ The ES is higher yeah, but the Dps is lower~ on my build If I get more levels I can Cover the Witch ES nodes side, and with Sniper I get a little bit more Extra Attack range, Which is QoL Option~ Crit multi seems rather weak because I use ICD Gem already, Maybe perhaps the Diminishing returns is too high? and getting base projectile damage is better? by Going deeper into the shadow tree, I can the DEX require and a extra dps/ ES and extra Projectile range~ I also use Vaal discipline on my shield, I put Enhance pn my 20/23 whirling blades for an Increased WB Speed, my WB speed is 0.73 attack time, With Faster attacks gets 0.68 attack time I didn't get the lust for carnage cluster~ instead I opt for hired killer, it gives me 20 more base life pool, and if I kill things (typically one shot everything) I can throw non stop, With bosses I need to pop flasks~ however Hired killer is only 3 points instead of 6. I also Didn't get the ballistic mastery's, because it requires 2 flat stat nodes, I got Sniper instead for the extra dmg, but a little less projectile Range~ I Also run vitaly, and Purity of elements, I don't understand why not using it, since the blood mana isn't a problem~ (Less blood mana pool, but a higher hp regen rate) vs (Higher blood mana pool VS low hp regen rate) (Something I've also considered is Future possibility of grand masters halls, Culling strike Wanders Would kill my build 100% Garanteed, but yours perhaps not.) Was this considered in your build? EDIT; I Don't defend my Quick silver Flask, I run haku alot and its another QoL thing I prefer, I also pop it atm for Doryani's flask effect, I also Lag alot due to bad connections/ Running through doors is easier with it T^T... EDIT 2; Why Increased Duration on WB's does it make WB longer? therefore a longer distance coverage? Doesn't a short duration WB Give you a faster recovery/ better distance speed overall? Doesn't linking Increased duration to WB also give it a higher Mana cost (thats my guess of why you switched to a lvl 1 Q23 WB, (Unlink the Crown of eyes from a 4S-L to a 4S 2-2L) [Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058 [Hideout] New Oriath /2505008 [Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163 [Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905 "God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia Последняя редакция: 1Tokimeki2003#6663. Время: 4 окт. 2014 г., 19:08:45
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"i would do 23q crit dmg > 21 disci > 23q bloodrage > 21 st > 21 wrath >21 anger > herald of ice 21 herald of ash 23> faster proj 23q for atziri dropp gmp and faster proj for faster attacks phys proj dmg ( added accuracy if your below 86% accuracy) Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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"about the vitality and purity of ele is that you would eather dropp a 4l or dropp a 3l + 2l eventhought everygem is insanldy needed like vaal haste etc increased duration doesnt increase wb by anthing its for other gems and if the gem doesnt support the aktive gem it doesnt increase the mana cost ( i could run cwdt + IC instead of vaal disci and increased duration on my mana version aswell but vaal disci just needed for icenova boxes) and about the crit dmg vs proj dmg try to test it without using the chaos dmg flask not sure about it Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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for budget should i buy shavs+ maligaros or acuity+solaris lorica ? bm or mana based?
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" Really I tired both, Projectile was better, it's probably because crit multi was only worth 3 nodes, whereas other's was 5~ [Gear & Club] ¯\(°_°)/¯ #1 Professional Afk Club /2133058
[Hideout] New Oriath /2505008 [Pvp Trophy] PVP #1 EU & US EA /1591888 | | BM EA /1431163 [Dead] PSC La /1682118, Build BM PA /1296491, BM IG LL ST /1121092, Shop /874905 "God's in his Heaven, All's right with the world!" IGN: Libritannia |
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"you gained 400es anyways about higher lvls btw i would still skipp the shadow tree you can take the crit multi on the marouder side Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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"acuity + solaris , acuity is just the best item for any crit build it makes you unkillable it changes your offens to defense without any drawback beside having to crit what you do anyways Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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