[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

Hi guys, I would like to have some tips if possible. I'm playing from 20 days so I'm kinda a newbie.
I was wondering what could I do to increase the dps on my build beside buying Taste of Hate (I can't afford it atm).
Here's my tree (playing on THC):


For my gear I'm using:

Gloves: http://i.imgur.com/Jb5kcyI.png
Gem: Endurying cry (lvl 10) / Increased duration (lvl 17) / Immortal call (lvl 7) / Cast when damage taken (lvl 6)

Boots: http://i.imgur.com/AxZZxcz.png
Gem: Curse on hit / Herald of Ice / Assassin's mark / Hatred

Bow: http://i.imgur.com/y3xzTdS.png
Gem: Frenzy / PTL / SP / WED / PPAD with Summon Ice Golem

Rings: http://i.imgur.com/aewJepW.png

Helmet: http://i.imgur.com/51A5s21.png
Gem: Blink Arrow / Faster Attack and Vaal Haste

Chest: http://i.imgur.com/tlJq3fF.png
Gem: TS / PTL / WED / PPAD / FA

Quiver: http://i.imgur.com/n9CTP7l.png

Belt: http://i.imgur.com/15HuD9j.png

Other infos (with hatred, ice goelm, herald of ice):
HP: 3549
Shield: 40
Accuracy: 1821
Chance to hit: 88%
Attack per second: 2.64
Crit chance: 52,33
Crit multi: 294
Chance to evade attack: 44%
Dodge: 40%
Dodge spell: 30%

Atm I'm having 12350 just with Hatred, Ice Golem and Herald of Ice. Usually with 7 stack of frenzy i get to 16k and with the 3 power charge I get to 20k + atziri's flask 23k (with vaal haste 29k).
Now i was wondering...is that a good dps ? If not, how could I pump it ?
Thanks to everyone who would try to help me out.

Последняя редакция: GatsuBerserkMode#2502. Время: 14 февр. 2016 г., 5:30:43

That is exactly a problem to decide colours. We play on Russian server, we made a 550+ bow with my friend. Here is a big problem to find a mirror of calandra because of little quantity of people playing here. I found one (dont ask how much i payed to get it :D). If there were not such problems with mirror orbs, id just remirror bow again with new changes. But there are not.

I hope someone here may know about future changes or about new gems in Accendacy. So he can help my to make a good optimal socket colours.

GGGGBR - is the best DPS now. If there will be some troubles with Physical to Lightting - i think i can put critical multiplyer in that socket and fire damage in red.

Or maybe better will be classical GGGGBB - but it gives less dps. And its all physical. Which is bad on reflect.

Yes i have good 2200+ 6l chest and its not mirrired. So i can choose colours there.

Sorry for my bad English. Crit bow Ranger 97 lvl.
Hi there,

first to say, thank you very much for this guide Neversink. i startet with PoE in Juli last year, before that i played D3 ( Demon Hunter only ). So your Guide was the first choice to get a good start.

since 2.1 i worked with Voltaxic, so my question is: what changed, that people replace added fire dmg for PTL?

Oh and another question too^^ Voltaxic with Blast Rain uses Poison, what is the reason you don't use it with an phys Bow?

Greetings from germany
Would you recommend getting Fatal Toxins while wearing the Snakebite gloves? If so, from what should I remove the 3 necessary skill points?
Hello guys! i have haku at lvl 8 (elreon too) now and have new idea about my bow.
He look now like that:

and im thinking about drop all suffix, and craft again multiple mods. Have it sense? It will cost 4ex (not so much but still not for free) but im not sure how much bonus dmg can it give to me :<
Any idea?
Satrew написал:
Hello guys! i have haku at lvl 8 (elreon too) now and have new idea about my bow.
He look now like that:

and im thinking about drop all suffix, and craft again multiple mods. Have it sense? It will cost 4ex (not so much but still not for free) but im not sure how much bonus dmg can it give to me :<
Any idea?

Look at my answer regarding crafting at page 561. Short answer: Nope. Your bow is not good enough. Keep that one for grinding and craft / buy a better one.
Последняя редакция: Frankenberry#0590. Время: 14 февр. 2016 г., 13:04:54
A question about quality gems: what gems should I make 20q first in order to get more dps? I can't decide that by myself, because I don't really understand the difference between "increased projectile damage", "increased physical damage", "increased elemental damage with weapons", "increased lightning damage" and so on in terms of how they influence my damage.

I'm currently using LA (6linked my bow and switched from TS)

My gear

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Thank you for your help
Once I hit level 85 should i swap into Agumented version in order to have more dps ?
Atm I'm using the defensive build since i'm playing on hardcore, but I feel like I should do much more dmg with the equip I got...
DSJkaa написал:
A question about quality gems: what gems should I make 20q first in order to get more dps? I can't decide that by myself, because I don't really understand the difference between "increased projectile damage", "increased physical damage", "increased elemental damage with weapons", "increased lightning damage" and so on in terms of how they influence my damage.

I'm currently using LA (6linked my bow and switched from TS)

My gear

Скрытый текст

Thank you for your help

Use the recipe for lvl 20 gem + 1 GCP -> lvl 1 / 20Q gem. It will take you 1-2 hours to get your gems back to level 15+. After 4 hours or so they will be level 18 / 19. So nerf your self slightly for a few hours and get them all to 20 / 20.
@Frankenberry ty for info, it was rly helpfull! :)

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