[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

hey, does my setting is right and ID correctly applied to IC, or do i need to put it next to IC ?
Последняя редакция: valraukar7#4404. Время: 15 февр. 2016 г., 2:28:57
valraukar7 написал:

hey, does my setting is right and ID correctly applied to IC, or do i need to put it next to IC ?

usally it's cwdt,ic,id like this
Is it a good idea to use Drillneck with ShrapnelShot? - Cause, it hase 100% pierce?
I just want to say that this has been an exceptionally fun character to level/play. To say that I am addicted to the speed (both movement and clearing) of this character is an understatement.

Just hit 90 this last weekend and will most likely stop trying to level her further. She will probably be my Voll, fragment, low level map speed farmer form here on out. Full frenzy charges + quicksilver + vaal haste is just soooooo much fun and you pretty much have the ability to keep vaal haste up permanently with the build, its just bananas.

For what it is worth, I tried out using multiple traps in my 6l chest rather than slower projectiles for my secondary puncture trap setup and I like it quite a lot. You can spam 6 traps instantly and they still do a ton of damage, works great for spreading them around lockboxes before popping them. Its a nice secondary still with the build due to the high speed, kiting nature of it so it is nice to just have the ability to drop dps on the ground and keep running.

If someone would be so kind as to take a quick look at my gear and offer any minor tweaks I would greatly appreciate it. I got lucky and self crafted my bow, the 6l chest I bought for 2.5 ex and the rest of the gear I was bought for less than 20 C each (found the rat's nest on another character) so I feel like it was certainly in the budget build category for what it does. Thanks again for the awesome build and great community commentary.

Finally, I may have missed it, but one thing that would be nice to see is a priority list for quality gems. Which ones are highly recommended to have quality and which ones are considered a luxury.


I finally swapped out snakebite for rare gloves because I needed the 9 cold resist to cap it.

Is it a good idea to use Drillneck with ShrapnelShot? - Cause, it hase 100% pierce?
hey man i managed to get 30k dps with aura no flask and 5L at lvl76 . my bow isnt that great, just around 200-250dps. i can clear map easy on t1-t5 but kinda hard on survivability, do u think i should concentrate getting hp on gear or tree? and also kinda hard to get int and str tho
naimhairix51 написал:
hey man i managed to get 30k dps with aura no flask and 5L at lvl76 . my bow isnt that great, just around 200-250dps. i can clear map easy on t1-t5 but kinda hard on survivability, do u think i should concentrate getting hp on gear or tree? and also kinda hard to get int and str tho

Open your account so we can see your character or link all gear / passives and budget.
Im really enjoying my ranger right now but im unsure what to focus on improving gearwise.
Here's what im rocking right now:

My Frenzy dps with Bloodrage and charges is 110k and my TS dps is 42k.

Do i keep farming until i can afford a 6L or is there something else to replace first?

Im also wondering if a HoI CoH setup is better than HoA.
Последняя редакция: Jackis#0849. Время: 18 февр. 2016 г., 12:51:44
Jackis написал:
Im really enjoying my ranger right now but im unsure what to focus on improving gearwise.
Here's what im rocking right now:

My Frenzy dps with Bloodrage and charges is 110k and my TS dps is 42k.

Do i keep farming until i can afford a 6L or is there something else to replace first?

Im also wondering if a HoI CoH setup is better than HoA.

6L is a good damage boost. Should you choose to get a 6L make it your chest. You will need to replace your bow soon.

This is what you should aim for in each gear slot to maximize your damage / survivability:

Head: Rat's Nest
Chest: Rare - HP > Evasion > Resist
Boots: Rare - movement speed > HP > Resist
Gloves: Maligaro's
Belt: Rare (Rustic or a really good Leather) - HP > Resist > WED (most likely enchant)
Amulet: Rare - DMG (flat phys, crit multi, crit chance) > HP > attributes (most likely 0 resists)
Bow: DPS
Quiver: Spike-Point Quiver base rare - crit multi > crit chance > WED > HP (possible room for AS enchant).

Jewels & Rings: Balance the last stats you need. That means Get max res and possibly attributes so you do not need to put points into STR / INT (1 x +30 int from passives is most likely a good idea though).
Ring: Diamon base rare: Get flat phys & accuracy. From there on there are several good options, but try to get some decent hp. Crit chance enchant is also nice.

And that is it.

So from what you just read this means:
Re-enchant Quiver to get 18+ WED
Get new belt (rustic with high 80+ hp, 110+ all res, room for WED enchant)
Get a new bow and try to 6L it.
From there on start working on jewelry (Amulet + Rings + Jewels) OR get a GG chest before working on jewelry (I think your chest is decent)

Also you might wanna read this thread: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1549663 for improved gem setups when your damage gets higher (remember you are doing elemental damage which is in most cases worse than physical damage due to resists).
looking for gear upgrade suggestions


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also this bow worth crafting further?
what are my options to craft this. yolo exalt?

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