[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

BlackYoshi7 написал:
NeverSink написал:
Assassin/Raider Scion looks tempting. Other option I'm considering is leveling as Deadeye/TS and switching to Raider/LA later on.

Hard to tell at work without the tree planner, but are the passive tree links updated?
Also, it would be awesome to have leveling trees for Scion. If not progressive trees, at least some notes on order of priorities :)

Appreciate all your hard work!

I might add it later on.

Is puncture trap still the best single target complement to tornado shot or is frenzy/blast rain a better option

Hard to say, it depends on your playstyle, but I honestly think you'd be best off with frenzy. TS can reach fairly similar levels of single target damage to blastrain, even if it's a bit less comfortable to use. A puncture trap is stil viable, if it suits your playstyle. It was making me cringe at times, but it's undeniably strong.

Also I've updated the videos by the way. About time lol, they were still from the Forsaken Masters expansion.

Cool. So the skill trees are updated now?

Just waiting for your loot filter update then im ready for tomorrow

Do you suggest using TS for leveling or another skill

The skilltrees are pretty much the same, but I didn't update it yet (gotta run now, birthday). Only difference in the skilltree is that we pick up the EleDmg/Penetration node next to arrow dodging now. EVERYTHING else is the same.

And yes I recommend a TS start with a ranger. The scion kicks off a bit slower, but SHOULD catch up later on. Though once again, this is all speculation and theorycrafting. Still, the ascendancy classes are BONUS points. Worst case scenario another ascendancy class will be a bit better, but the build is technically the same, so it'll still be great.

I'll finish the update today.

I'm waiting for some feedback on the filter and doing testing, it'll be out within the next 12-14 hours.
Please don't PM me ingame with filter/guide questions, post them on the forum, after reading the FAQ.
Последняя редакция: NeverSink#3349. Время: 3 марта 2016 г., 12:04:53
Maybe add the Powerful Precision and Endless Munitions as a possibility for TS setup. Powerful Precision pierce works like Point Blank so it cannot go below 50%, so you can pierce cap yourself with a 10% pierce quiver, 40% from passives and 50% from Powerful Precision.
So it is possible to achieve 100% pierce chance (and 100% crit chance from Powerful Precison) with the TS - GMP - FA - PPAD - PTL - WED gem setup :)

All though we do lose the 30% more multiplier from the pierce gem :(

Also a personal thought: Scion Raider + Berserker to me seems better than Raider + Assasin :)
Последняя редакция: Frankenberry#0590. Время: 3 марта 2016 г., 12:17:14

Thanks - one last question - any specific reason for hearld of ash in the hatred combo? I noticed your dps tooltip didnt have fire damage. Just wondering if theres any specific reason, as it'd make it more convenient to have hoi/hatred so you can swap that to hatred/arctic armor on reflect maps
Thank you so much NeverSink for the great update! :)

I wonder if you still consider using maligaros the way to go right now, since they are not being buffed?

A viable option would be to go with rare gloves, stacking some resists and maybe even consider using lightning coil armor.

Thanks for the superb updates, just for my own education, from the Patch notes:

"Upon completing the Lord's Labyrinth for the first time, your character can choose one of the three Ascendancy Classes available to its core class.
There are nineteen total Ascendancy classes. Each core class has three Ascendancy classes available that embody a different playstyle. The Scion has one Ascendancy class that reinforces her mastery of the passive skill tree.
Upon completing the Lord's Labyrinth for the first time in each difficulty level, you receive two Ascendancy Skill Points you can spend on skills available to your Ascendancy Class.
Respeccing an allocated Ascendancy Skill costs five passive skill refund points. Once you have refunded all your allocated Ascendancy points, you can pick a different Ascendancy Class (at no cost) by completing the Labyrinth again and selecting a new class.
Once you have chosen an Ascendancy Class, you can view its skill tree on the Passive Skill Tree near your character's start location."

Does this mean that initially you need to choose a "core" ascendancy class but once you have completed the Lord's Labyrinth on each difficulty and acquired the 6 ascendancy skill points you can spend 30 passive refund points to reset and choose "non-core" skills?
Последняя редакция: Neurik#5484. Время: 3 марта 2016 г., 12:53:58
What do you guys think about going Scion AssRaider (I think the name alone makes it worth it) and then later on switching to voltaxic rift? It'd be almost same as OP's scion skill tree, but leaving the physical cluster on the far right with heavy draw and deadly draw out and getting eg. crit or chaos damage with those points.

Seems like it'd leave you with crazy amount of options to respec/adjust between damage, defense and utility later on, with no apparent downsides (well, weaker early levels) compared to ranger based build.
Последняя редакция: chinz#7149. Время: 3 марта 2016 г., 13:36:37
thanks for the awesome guide.
im still kinda confused about what is the way to go now in the end - LA or TS?
Maybe someone can explain me :)
Keep up the good work!
Can't decide if I should go Raider with Onlaught or Champion. I want to do a SAFETY fast clearing char to stack some MF with! Playing on softcore.
IGN: Lnvoker
thanks for the awesome guide.
im still kinda confused about what is the way to go now in the end - LA or TS?
Maybe someone can explain me :)
Keep up the good work!

Both are good for endgame. Read the guide to gain a better understanding of the strength and weaknesses of each skill. Then you can decide what fits your playstyle and goals.
Invoker33 написал:
Can't decide if I should go Raider with Onlaught or Champion. I want to do a SAFETY fast clearing char to stack some MF with! Playing on softcore.

IMO you should go for the Raider Onslaught route (look at guide raider suggestion) :) It gives you great clearspeed and safety. Perfect for your needs.

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