[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses

For the upcoming SC challenge league would you start as a scion or ranger. Ranger seems much better in the long run once you acquire gg gear but scion seems like it's pretty good as well.
Ign : YourOriginal
Store : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/536053
Does anyone know how the distance for Deadeye's far shot is calculated with TS?

a) Target's distance from you
b) Target's distance from TS "explosion"
c) TS explosion's distance from you
d) something else
Последняя редакция: chinz#7149. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 4:46:49
Frankenberry написал:
Vendetta написал:
Okey I want to ask a question, I am making a ranger based on this build and I have come along with my gear, so I can start doing it. My question will be asked after I show you what i have in mind,

I have a 5 link bow - will link it with Tornado Shot - Greater Multiple Projectile - Phyzical Projectile attack damage - Phyzical to Lightning - Weapon Elemental Damage , in the remaining slot that is not link i will go faster attacks.

Armor 5 link - Frenzy - Phyzical projectile attack damage - Slower projectile - Phyizical to lightning - Weapon Elemental Damage, and in the remaining slot I will go blink arrow.

1st 4 link - Hatred - Herald of Thunder - Cast on hit - Assasins Mark
2st 4 link - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Cast on Damage taken and summon ice golem.

And I do not know what to add to the 3st 4link . If I would have had 6 link in both bow and chest I would have know to link gollem and faster attack blink arrow and something else, but right now my build is made arround 5 links so I do not know what combo to make in the remaining 4 link, any sugestions ?

4L = Vaal Grace / Vaal Haste + Inc. Dur. + Blood Rage + Faster Casting

CoH setup more or less rules out Faster attack linked to your Blink Arrow, while it is more optimal with a simple herald of ash setup.

That's why I try to link faster attacks on the clean slot in the 5 link bow, and use blink arrow in the clean socket of the 5 link armor. But noted, Vaal grace + inc duration + blood rage + faster casting. THx
Never invite Vorana, Last To Fall at a beer party.
Nicely updated for Ascendancy, good job there!

I was wondering about one thing though and that is pierce...
Now that pierce gem will actually provide MORE damage modifier and 50% pierce chance on all lvls, it might be worth using for some skills (TS). Given that you take the tree nodes zou will be setting at 90% pierce chance, the rest for 100% can be obtained via jewel for instance (or just forgotten, that 10% wont hurt).

Furthermore this approach might give Split Arrow superior firepower over other skill since you use it there.

Anyway, have you given this any thoughts? Myself I am not an archer specialist so I cannot judge this really; hence I thought you might have something to say here? :)

Is there any chance you or somebody else could post a Scion HC tree with the recommended Ascendancies?

Amazing guide by the way!
Последняя редакция: Nathx3#1021. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 10:30:02

Thoughts on what enchantments we want to roll for

I was guessing the life/mana leech ones at first glance
Your guide is awesome :)
Последняя редакция: Symetria#7389. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 13:31:36
Great Guide!
Please update the skilltree, it doesn't work anymore.
Am I missing something -- where are the new skill trees?
Link for new skilltree (NOTE - Neversink might change these. These tree's are his old ones plotted into a new skilltree)

Neversink's regular skill tree
Скрытый текст

Neversink's augmented Skill tree

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Neversink's augmented Skill tree (Scion Version)

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Neversink's Defensive Skill tree

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Neversink's Drillneck Skill tree

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Neversink's 40 Points leveling tree

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Neversink's 56 Points leveling tree

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Neversink's 77 Points leveling tree

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Neversink's 88 Points leveling tree

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Neversink's 106 Points leveling tree

Скрытый текст

Edit: Done. GL with the new league all :)
Последняя редакция: Frankenberry#0590. Время: 4 марта 2016 г., 14:50:44

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