[3.0] NeverSink's ♣ INDEPTH Tornado&Archer Guide ♣ Beginner friendly ♣ Rapid clear ♣ All bosses
" it clearly shows you picking fury bolts on the trees on this guide.. this is what I'm stuck with. you say one thing and the trees say another, I'm really stuck at what I need next because the trees often don't match the advice that goes along with it.. not sure if you;re still playing any more but can you offer any advice please? I can't find any newer TS dead eye builds. I have pretty much followed your tree to this point, but upon reading the comments you;re advising people to avoid clusters you take in the guide, this really makes little sense to me right now! ha ha Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast.
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For hc, is the phasing raider still the best ascendancy? Or with the new raider changes, would frenzy + onslaught be the new best? I'm running a penetration-based ts.
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" TS dead eye remains almost identical at it's core, vastly versatile and flexible!? the tree is the same as it has been since I started playing and literally everyone links you to this guide when you're just starting out. Never writes a good guide, it teaches you stuff, not just carbon copy, meta BS. "Shhh, nevers gonna teach stuff" LoL. I was also reading through the thread just to see if there was anything I can pick up. I'm at level 75 and tbh the part about the trees in this guide is all over the place, then the comments contradict that as well. There are no new guides on TS Dead eye, I've been looking for days. theres a reach of the council one that uses a slightly different tree to what I use, but is null as I can't afford that bow. All I'm looking for is what would be a good idea to grab next, but as I just have to work it out I'm going for health as it can't hurt really. Don't get me wrong, this guide has taught me almost everything I know in the month and a bit I've played this game (obviously shouts to the band of the hawk as well, my guild are some awesome guys.) and I do get it's old, but the core of this guide holds strong on teaching someone how to make their own build, it;s just the info on the passive trees is a little wrong thats all and was wondering if someone could maybe PM me or something and help me with like the final 15 points or so.. I've managed to get this far, I don't have many free respec points left and would like not to f@ck up as much as pos really. Seriously tho, props to never, this guide has stood the test of time.. just maybe re-write the paragraphs pertaining to the passive tree's as they are a little mixed up there... maybe we get more free passive points in game or something? I'm probably out of line here. respect though man. Love the filter as well. PS: replier, dude. I'm a newish player, this is my first build of the league, in fact I only started playing the last few days of Essence. I tested it out to level 50 end of essence so it seemed like the right place to start. I plan on running a lightning arrow or a damage over time (caustic/fire trap maybe) pathfinder. I also have a meta flurry/ancestor and golemancer on the back burner till I'm a bit richer.. I have dabbled in some ballista commander as well as liked that, just wanted a more hands on approach and as you have to aim the TS it felt nice (all those bullethell games in my youth finally transpire into something, ha ha) PPS: I don't know if I have a reply unless I'm quoted so it takes me a lot longer to reply. if you wante a quicker reply from me in future, just quote my post, please. thanks dude. Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast. Последняя редакция: Umbral_Spectre#0144. Время: 1 янв. 2017 г., 12:30:40
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" it was more a case of picking something for my first build. I was consistently advised to pick dead eye, I spent at least a week before acceding and could get little in the way of advice from anywhere outside of a few people who all said "deadeye TS" Plan was to go path finder, but they're meant to be expensive to gear.. also I was advised that raider is for mele builds, so didn't even consider it. I'm more concerned now with just finishing off this build and doing some farming with it before starting my proper breach build... I'd probably like to do lightning arrow path finder, not sure though, seriously don't know that much yet as I've only been playing this game month. PS: I only used this as a rough guide. when I looked at other builds they all more or less used the same tree. the idea was to just do the base tree then pick where I wanted to go, as more people were saying "TS deadeye" I decided to go with it. It was in no way my first choice though. I wanted to do split arrow originally or caustic. PPS: I really just want to know whether to start getting damage nodes again, get the health and evasion ones or get some more life leech. like you said the build is old so it;s not exactly easy getting any actual advise at this point.. I'm not just going to scrap the build when this is the furthest I have been though, I'd like to see it through and then start another one when this goes as far as it can. with this in mind.. if you can't offer any advice for this build, maybe you can offer a guide I can check out for my next build. catch is it;s gotta be a bow build and not astronomically expensive. I have about 1 ex 15 c saved so far! Tyrs Paladium - DoT Enthusiast. Последняя редакция: Umbral_Spectre#0144. Время: 1 янв. 2017 г., 19:40:06
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Deadeye's problem is a lack of utility and defence. Even woth CWDT,arctic atmor and other defensive mechanics it mostluy remains glass canon. Glass canon is good till you are sure nobody will ever touch you, but with desyncs, lag spikes and fps drops you die like a fly. With deadeye i stuck on lvl 91. Recently switched to raider and now i am making progress-slow and steady.Still dying but mostly due to my own stupidity.
" Not at all.It give a solid defensive potential along with nice damage boost from Onslaught and frenzy bonuses. |
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" Well imo the whole build complex isn't really designed to combat the lag. I didnt choose the tankiest path, but something like 5.1k hp, 40k evasion with flask, 20/20 temp chains, Basalt and Vaal Pact should be enough for general mapping (I'm playing some TS/Barrage fire conversion assassin). But if I hit a lagspike in a Breach and my char isnt attacking/moving, Alt-F4 is the only way to live ;). With an EQ Juggernaut or a totem character things might look differently. You can also die due to stupid play, (which i do quite a lot), just wanted to express my opinion that the TS bow chars are not designed for afking / bad lag spikes). Ascendacy-wise Marauder (Berserker), Assassin, Raider and Inquisitor (with Doomfletch Prism) should be better than Deadeye imo [for templeagues] and offer much more flexibility. Champion looks like another reasonable choice, don't have any experience with it though. Deadeye would be decent if the 1/2*dying sun ascendacy node was in front of the "30% more damage as the projectiles travel further" and not the other way around. With the damage potential of "Point Blank" keystone together with barrage for bosses, this node looks kind of mediocre. P.S. Idk about all the discussion about shaper/uber/guardian viable. Some people are able to do Atziri with 6k tooltip dps, other struggle with 30k, something similar is true for other fights as well. Gameplay (as well as pc specs/internet connection) are so important, that a better build can only increase the odds for more people to do endgame content, not guarantee it. The other way around, a very good player might be able to do all the content in the game with an average-good but not optimized build, so Idk. Последняя редакция: juerk#7020. Время: 3 янв. 2017 г., 17:27:15
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Hey can someone me explain how the herald setup works ?
Herald of Ice + assassin's mark + curse on hit + blink arrow... ? How does that work... ? I turn on herald of ice, then I blink into the pack of mob so they get cursed and I finish them ? That's seems a little crazy... jumping into pack of mob is only gonna make me insta die... Maybe I am missing something here... :/ Thx in advance :) |
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Since this thread is more viewed than a porn site, I'll post my need for help here.
I stated Breach with a Scion, cause I never leveled one, and decided for a TS build. I'm currently lv86 with Assassin and Deadeye Ascendant, still niss last 2 point from uber lab. Current tree: Current gear:
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Current skill setup:
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TS - LMP (cause with GMP dps is too low) - PPAD - PtL - WED
Barrage - PPAD - Added Fire - Slower Proj - Crit Canche Hatred + HoT - CoH - Poacher Mark (only way to get frenzy) CWDT - IC - ID - Light Golem Problem is that I die too much, I have 4.8k life, capped res, 30 evade + 40 dodge. What is the next thing to change to get a bit safer? (Still very poor on Breach, so don't say RotC o a 6L Belly of the Beast...) |
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" When you shatter an enemy (through critting while applying cold damage to freeze, then killing them while they're frozen) Herald of Ice creates an explosion where the enemy dies which you cleary see, and as the Herald is linked to Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark, the explosion spreads the curse. Blink Arrow is in there because it's a free single gem slot, and the clone cursing things may come in handy at some point. |
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" Find daresso defiance is also a good choice since it gives: -average Health -Leech -6% dodge -endurance charges that used by CWDT+IC(also find Vortex and temporal chains effective with cwdt) -Onslaught to run away faster Queen of the Forest as an option. Gear: Boots-atziri step, gives hp and solid spell dodge,good to compensate hp from Nest if you take it instead of your current helmet Helmet-rat's nest,solid damage boost Rings- two-stone rings with total 80+ resistances in case if ER is insufficient if you decided to change boots and/or helmet. Use blessed orb to reroll implicits, sometimes it give some freedom and options to change gear. Get rid of energy shield on gear if possible. Последняя редакция: ZerotuL#1517. Время: 5 янв. 2017 г., 8:24:24
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