Raizdoe написал:
Hey Tornado friends :)
I'm slowly grinding my way to maps... Right now my best map is level 6. My main problem is surviving...
I think my damages are OK, but I sometimes get 1/2 shot... I'm not at home right now but my life is something like 3K6 I think and i have no energy shield.
What is the "defense" idea behind this build ?
Also can you guys see my stuff : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Raizdoe/characters ?
I'm using this bow that has "cannot leech" is that a big problem ? Right now I kill pack of mobs very fast and that refills my potions pretty quickly... All I do is spam Assassin's mark & my potions, it's a little bit boring...
Judging by the flask settup of OP, i'm doing a huge mistake by having no leech as this seems to be the only way to regen mana ??
Reading first post : "The ring Thief's Torment. While it provides another disadvantage, the Life and mana on hit is INSANE, the resistance bonuses very high and the quantity very welcome. I do not recommend running infractem without the ring in maps!"
ok ok it seems like i'm doing a mistake...
Any idea of what I should change/upgrade/doing ?
Thx !
your profile is set to private, so we can't really see your equip/skilltree/links ;)
Сообщениеjuerk#70209 янв. 2017 г., 11:00:39
juerk написал:
Raizdoe написал:
Hey Tornado friends :)
I'm slowly grinding my way to maps... Right now my best map is level 6. My main problem is surviving...
I think my damages are OK, but I sometimes get 1/2 shot... I'm not at home right now but my life is something like 3K6 I think and i have no energy shield.
What is the "defense" idea behind this build ?
Also can you guys see my stuff : https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Raizdoe/characters ?
I'm using this bow that has "cannot leech" is that a big problem ? Right now I kill pack of mobs very fast and that refills my potions pretty quickly... All I do is spam Assassin's mark & my potions, it's a little bit boring...
Judging by the flask settup of OP, i'm doing a huge mistake by having no leech as this seems to be the only way to regen mana ??
Reading first post : "The ring Thief's Torment. While it provides another disadvantage, the Life and mana on hit is INSANE, the resistance bonuses very high and the quantity very welcome. I do not recommend running infractem without the ring in maps!"
ok ok it seems like i'm doing a mistake...
Any idea of what I should change/upgrade/doing ?
Thx !
your profile is set to private, so we can't really see your equip/skilltree/links ;)
Updated !
СообщениеRaizdoe#68429 янв. 2017 г., 11:06:12
Ah, ok, you are using a 6l Infractem. I like the bow for leveling and you can do yellow maps with it, but something like a Reach or 330+ pdps Bow with crit is soo much better. I have no idea how to price a 6l Infractem but it's probably somewhat cheaper compared to a non-linked Reach, so you might have to play with the setup as it is for a while.
Reasons are pretty much:
1) you get comparable dps with a decent 5l bow but can get a) leech b) a lot of life+res+dmg on your rings
2) an eva 6l is very cheap (under 1ex with a decent base) in a sc temp league, don't know much about standard prices.
until you can afford the switch..there isn't a way around Thief's Torment or some form of life-gain-on-hit. I tried it once without and it was pretty much unplayable, even at dried lake. Your Infractem has a bad implicit roll, so some orb of blessings would help there (you can stop at 45%+ or so).
in your setup: slower proj or ele focus give you better dmg compared to FA. Also you might consider running some form of ele weakness on hit (curse on hit or gloves corruption) with this setup (80%+ or so of your dmg is elemental) and attaching the power charge generation elsewhere.
A different way of handling this would be switching to pure phys with something like (TS-GMP-PPAD-SP-FA-Inc crit multi / whatever)
Gear: jewellery looks OK [unfortanetly you have to get thief's torment], quiver is OK as well (I'd probably still prefer drillneck/signal fire), boots, belt + gloves + boots are really bad. The chestpiece is covering your resists but has bad Evasion, so you can upgrade it later (after you are done with the pieces listed above).
As a rule of thumb [without Kaom's] you are looking for 25% MS on your boots and T1-T2 life on every single rare you're wearing on this build. If you manage to get some insane item with a bit lower life, you can ofc make an exception, but in general you're just way too squishy with low life rolls (or without any life rolls).
As an example: I had T1 on every single rare on my life based assassin this temp-league and can't say i had a great amount of life.
Tree looks sort of ok, I'd connect the shadow points on the left side (for the time being) and get the jewel socket though. The quickstep nodes you can regret to get the jewel socket in the duelist area imo.
After you make some switches and farm a currency for a decent bow, you'll be having much more fun with this build compared to now.
Сообщениеjuerk#70209 янв. 2017 г., 13:45:07
juerk написал:
Ah, ok, you are using a 6l Infractem. I like the bow for leveling and you can do yellow maps with it, but something like a Reach or 330+ pdps Bow with crit is soo much better. I have no idea how to price a 6l Infractem but it's probably somewhat cheaper compared to a non-linked Reach, so you might have to play with the setup as it is for a while.
Reasons are pretty much:
1) you get comparable dps with a decent 5l bow but can get a) leech b) a lot of life+res+dmg on your rings
2) an eva 6l is very cheap (under 1ex with a decent base) in a sc temp league, don't know much about standard prices.
until you can afford the switch..there isn't a way around Thief's Torment or some form of life-gain-on-hit. I tried it once without and it was pretty much unplayable, even at dried lake. Your Infractem has a bad implicit roll, so some orb of blessings would help there (you can stop at 45%+ or so).
in your setup: slower proj or ele focus give you better dmg compared to FA. Also you might consider running some form of ele weakness on hit (curse on hit or gloves corruption) with this setup (80%+ or so of your dmg is elemental) and attaching the power charge generation elsewhere.
A different way of handling this would be switching to pure phys with something like (TS-GMP-PPAD-SP-FA-Inc crit multi / whatever)
Gear: jewellery looks OK [unfortanetly you have to get thief's torment], quiver is OK as well (I'd probably still prefer drillneck/signal fire), boots, belt + gloves + boots are really bad. The chestpiece is covering your resists but has bad Evasion, so you can upgrade it later (after you are done with the pieces listed above).
As a rule of thumb [without Kaom's] you are looking for 25% MS on your boots and T1-T2 life on every single rare you're wearing on this build. If you manage to get some insane item with a bit lower life, you can ofc make an exception, but in general you're just way too squishy with low life rolls (or without any life rolls).
As an example: I had T1 on every single rare on my life based assassin this temp-league and can't say i had a great amount of life.
Tree looks sort of ok, I'd connect the shadow points on the left side (for the time being) and get the jewel socket though. The quickstep nodes you can regret to get the jewel socket in the duelist area imo.
After you make some switches and farm a currency for a decent bow, you'll be having much more fun with this build compared to now.
Wow man, thx a lot for your help & time spent !!! Will look into it :D
Damn... after reading this I checked my gloves/belt... and wtf... they are awfull lol...
Once again, thx for your help !! :D
СообщениеRaizdoe#68429 янв. 2017 г., 14:10:15
Raizdoe написал:
My main problem is surviving...
For survivability, I highly recommend using a decoy totem (no links required).
Proud member of the Vocal Minority
СообщениеShaUrley#19259 янв. 2017 г., 14:13:09
Would someone be kind enough to take a peek at my build and tell what I am doing wrong, please?
I have followed the passive skill tree religiously. I have the 6L, Tornado Shot, harbinger bow. Still, I feel the build is lacking.
I only have 17,807.2 dps as opposed to the 100k displayed in the build write up. I only have 2,854 life as opposed to the 4.5k in the build write up. Finally, where are the Frenzy charges that I allocated skill points on the passive skill tree?
Obviously, I am missing something important. Can someone enlighten the dim and cast a little light into my darkness?
Thank you.
Cats_Squirrel написал:
Would someone be kind enough to take a peek at my build and tell what I am doing wrong, please?
I have followed the passive skill tree religiously. I have the 6L, Tornado Shot, harbinger bow. Still, I feel the build is lacking.
I only have 17,807.2 dps as opposed to the 100k displayed in the build write up. I only have 2,854 life as opposed to the 4.5k in the build write up. Finally, where are the Frenzy charges that I allocated skill points on the passive skill tree?
Obviously, I am missing something important. Can someone enlighten the dim and cast a little light into my darkness?
Thank you.
Your profile (character tab) is set to private, we can't see your build/items.
I'm a noob so wait for someone else to help you, but for me frenzy charges come from the spell "blood rage" when I kill mobs.
СообщениеRaizdoe#684210 янв. 2017 г., 12:59:22
Cats_Squirrel написал:
Would someone be kind enough to take a peek at my build and tell what I am doing wrong, please?
I have followed the passive skill tree religiously. I have the 6L, Tornado Shot, harbinger bow. Still, I feel the build is lacking.
I only have 17,807.2 dps as opposed to the 100k displayed in the build write up. I only have 2,854 life as opposed to the 4.5k in the build write up. Finally, where are the Frenzy charges that I allocated skill points on the passive skill tree?
Obviously, I am missing something important. Can someone enlighten the dim and cast a little light into my darkness?
Thank you.
I don't know if we talk about the same damage number - but if you mean the tooltip dps (with Auras/Golems, without flasks / frenzy/power charges), 100k GMP Tornado shot dps is fairly hard to reach ;), imo pretty much impossible without a 15 Ex + bow (as far as I know). You can deal damage comparable to that with much less gear, but not the "tooltip number" imo.
Something between 40-50k (depending on whether you run Hatred/HoA or Grace/HoA) is fine till T15. 17k seems somewhat low with a 6l though.
And the quality of your dmg matters far more than the tooltip anyway.
Otherwise pretty much what Raizdoe said, without a public profile it's a guessing game ;).
Сообщениеjuerk#702010 янв. 2017 г., 14:55:20
As i'm a slowbrain... someone just told me in game that CWDT doesn't work with enduring cry...
I'm looking into op's thread and I see that he is running CWDT + immortal call. Where is he getting the Enduring charges from ?
СообщениеRaizdoe#684210 янв. 2017 г., 14:59:42
Just started this game, and landed on ranger TS build since it's apparently good for HC. Is this particular build listed still good for HC rn? Also, im confused about leveling while following your guide, I picked defensive tree and start my own path, hoping to complete the tree, but then i see another guide with 40 points, 58 etc. which do i follow for guide?
my apologies if my thoughts are unclear.