[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

I wonder if with map changes we got (i havent had a chance to test new map system by myself) 20/200 became our sweetspot :P What is the quantity/rarity we can get on every map without sacrificing a lot of currency?
aelm написал:
I wonder if with map changes we got (i havent had a chance to test new map system by myself) 20/200 became our sweetspot :P What is the quantity/rarity we can get on every map without sacrificing a lot of currency?

I've gone into a fairly detailed discussion about it in this reddit comment

As for the sweet spot, we're looking for roughly 35% rarity on the map roll (which gives us effective 405% rarity) if we have 300 IIR base on gear.

For 200 IIR, we'd need 100 IIR on the map. The highest we can get on a blue map is 25% IIR, which puts us reasonably within the confines of the sweet area, but given that we can run virtually all the map mods with the build we can basically drop an alc on the map, then run it with whatever pops.

Blasphemous_Crossbreed написал:
I made some calculations and come to this tree:

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What do you think? Is it ok to trad 13% inc life and about 20% evasion for full acro?

Your tree is okay but the loss of Survivalist assumes that you're either a) fine sacrificing resistance to get acro or b) that you've managed to get res balanced without the nodes.

That said, what I do like about your tree is that it has easier access to an additional jewel node in order to help offset that with a life / proj damage / resistance jewel for an end-game (level 91+) spec. I think I might end up using at least elements of your tree idea in my final composition. Thanks for sharing!
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 1 июля 2015 г., 15:56:37
Serleth написал:

That said, what I do like about your tree is that it has easier access to an additional jewel node in order to help offset that with a life / proj damage / resistance jewel for an end-game (level 91+) spec. I think I might end up using at least elements of your tree idea in my final composition. Thanks for sharing!

Well, I think I did a good job in the top right corner of the tree. The way I suggest passing there allow us to drop +30 int node and save 1 point.
IGN: Sociopathy
Последняя редакция: Blasphemous_Crossbreed#2092. Время: 2 июля 2015 г., 0:34:34
Blasphemous_Crossbreed написал:
Well, I think I did a good job in the top right corner of the tree. The way I suggest passing there allow us to drop +30 int node and save 1 point.

Yeah, both you and I saw that pathing after I'd posted the original tree on the OP. I've since adjusted it for the same reason, but the old pathing that's still there was more to head towards the Witch area for the AoE nodes when I didn't have Carcass Jack.

I've put your Acro tree up in the guide post for others to work with if they feel Acro is more important. =) You are credited, ofc.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
What do you think about going with the new Krait reward in normal (10% all res). Might free up one or two skill points, or offset the lost resistances in Blasphemous_Crossbreed's tree.
Worth the lost life?
mescalito написал:
What do you think about going with the new Krait reward in normal (10% all res). Might free up one or two skill points, or offset the lost resistances in Blasphemous_Crossbreed's tree.
Worth the lost life?

40 life ends up being 104 life at end-game in my tree, or 99 life with Crossbreed's.

Considering we would be able to balance the resistance with a jewel node, or invest in a better helmet or gloves, no.

Imho the Kraityn resistance choice is only beneficial for cullers who are looking to do 40/400+ specs that sacrifice virtually everything defensive in order to MF their faces off in parties. For a solo build, the life is more important. We can gear around resistances, or even simply choose to be a bit under cap on one or two resistances and save passive points that way.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
If you have another 6L on your chest, which skill you would choose?
Последняя редакция: SaoDiSeng#0149. Время: 2 июля 2015 г., 8:45:59
About the gloves....why not to take Aurseize with 50% iir? i thought gloves, boots and rings were the same as flameblast MF....and you can get a 5L on your bow (cheaper than 6L with IIR gem).

(\ /)
( . .)♥
I'd use The Blood Dance to gain a net gain of 11% life regen/sec since you won't need to use blood rage for frenzy charges (skip 4% phys degen + 1% regen per charge = 11%). Also, the attack speed reduction doesn't matter for PA. I have only one question regarding those boots: the extra damage to low life monsters applies on the fly or you have to start another cloud for it to take effect?
ign: MightyBjorg
redix27 написал:
About the gloves....why not to take Aurseize with 50% iir? i thought gloves, boots and rings were the same as flameblast MF....and you can get a 5L on your bow (cheaper than 6L with IIR gem).

Check out this post I made on reddit as to why we don't run Aurseize.

The gear is the same in principle, mostly (other than spell damage on amulet, obvs). We don't use Aurseize in the Flameblast setup either in 1.3. That's changing for the FB setup in 2.0 because of defensive requirements only (FB needs to drop a purity in order to sustain either AA or EB/Mom/ZO). We don't have that concern here, so we run dual andy and rare gloves.

SaoDiSeng написал:
If you have another 6L on your chest, which skill you would choose?

Depends. If you're willing to corrupt amulets to get +1 curse and drop the implicit IIR, SA-CoH-Chain-Vulnerability-Enfeeble-GMP.

I can't otherwise think of anything that would take advantage of the full second 6L right now. Maybe puncture? Since we take a fair amount of DoT nodes. Same sort of principle. Puncture - CoH - Vulnerability?

Honestly I'd probably use it mostly to level spare gems to sell in the shop. More money.

AllanRamires написал:
I'd use The Blood Dance to gain a net gain of 11% life regen/sec since you won't need to use blood rage for frenzy charges (skip 4% phys degen + 1% regen per charge = 11%). Also, the attack speed reduction doesn't matter for PA. I have only one question regarding those boots: the extra damage to low life monsters applies on the fly or you have to start another cloud for it to take effect?

Quantity is massively important if you're looking to farm currency as fast as possible. Let's say we're running a map with 80 IIQ & 40% IIR and have 0/300 on gear. Our effective ratio becomes 0/420, which gets us about 15% rare drops from boss kills. Throw in Goldwyrms. Our effective ratio becomes 37/420, which gets us 16% rare drops and a 0.5% increase in uniques.

It may not seem like much, but in an hour of farming, that's the difference in getting a 10% chance at a 1ex+ unique, possibly three chaos recipes, and 25 alts (1/12th an exalt). In 10 hours of farming, if you're doing unid chaos recipes, that's potentially an extra 60 chaos (1.5 exalt), 250 alts (0.8 exalt), and pretty much a guaranteed 1ex unique (1ex).

In other words, every 10 hours you farm with Blood Dance instead of Goldwyrm, you potentially lose out on up to 3.4ex ish. And that doesn't even include the extra raw currency drops you get from running Goldwyrm, or 6S drops, or chrome vends, which would push that number easily above 4ex lost every 10 hours. Obviously the numbers will vary depending on RNG (could be 2ex / 10 hr, could be 6ex per 10hr, etc.)

If you're running a DPS spec for levelling: yes, Blood Dance. Because to answer your question, the damage applies on the fly, and it's obviously more survivable.

But if you're looking for total farming efficiency, you *need* to run Goldwyrm.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 2 июля 2015 г., 15:39:05

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