[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" Probably a good idea. Yeah if the prices at the start of this most recent wipe were any indication, I may have actually jumped the prices. Last wipe they were both 4-5ex for Drillneck / +3 bow. This wipe they were 6-7. Not that it's a huge deal for this build. You can get most of the way there with a cheap 5L bow, alt-spam it to +2, and then get farming hard. Just means a couple extra hours to get Drillneck/+3 bow, not a big problem. :P Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 3 июля 2015 г., 2:27:57
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BTW, is Iron Grip increases PA cloud damage? Can anyone test?
If this is the case we have possibility to grab it on tree and stack some strength. IGN: Sociopathy
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" it's wording "The increase to Physical Damage from Strength applies to Projectile Attacks as well as Melee Attacks", which we deal none in the cloud of PA. Physical damage So I think it's safe to say we wouldn't profit from this Keystone, since GGG is very strict with the wording. IGN: WildTortillaFart Последняя редакция: Chronodroid#6060. Время: 3 июля 2015 г., 9:50:33
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What do you think about Sadima's Touch unique gloves? On perfect rolls it would be 16% quant vs 50% rarity on Aurseize. Is it good to use with goldwyrm for 36% quant or one has to chose 1?
ign: MightyBjorg
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" Aurseize versus Sadima's Touch is basically the same thing. In terms of drops the difference between 20/300 and 36/300, it isn't that significant because there's not enough rarity to scale the ratio appropriately. You would need to push 36/400 in order for it to start making a very noticeable difference, at least in terms of the ratio of rares/uniques you get. In fact, in this instance, less quantity is slightly better (when dealing with 300-ish or less IIR) because of the lack of rarity to augment running both Sadima and Goldwyrm. However, if you did want to opt for it, where you would see a more noticeable difference is the raw currency drops you get and the 6S drops. Even two extra fuse an hour is an extra exalt after 20 hours. Personally, I wouldn't do it (I prefer having more life and easier res balance), but it's a better choice than Aurseize on that front once you hit 300 IIR. Once you break past about 36/320 or so, that's when you'll start to see a difference. It's a game of inches when balancing the q/r ratio. You're more than welcome to try it and report back the results. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 3 июля 2015 г., 19:54:49
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serleth, really looking forward to playing a build like this, great work and it's great to see someone motivated to make a cool build!!
thanks!!! |
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So, imagine our flat IIQ and IIR on gear (+IIR gem) is:
49% IIQ 371% IIR C = (1+(IIQ/100)) * (1+(IIR/100)) A)If we put a corrupted fragment : Secluded Copse, 24% more items (no quantity) C= (1+(49/100)) * (1+[(371*1.24)/100)] = 8.3 c (On map we get: 49% IIQ and 460% IIR) B)If we put a rare Tropical Island with 22% IIQ and 30% IIR C= (1+[(49*1.22)/100)] * (1+[(371*1.30)/100)] = 9.2 c (On map we get: 59.7% IIQ and 482% IIR) So, it´s right? (\ /) ( . .)♥ c(”)(”) Последняя редакция: redix27#0903. Время: 4 июля 2015 г., 4:34:45
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" @Posterier: Thanks! =D @redix27 Hold up. What's C? Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 4 июля 2015 г., 5:04:33
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" I think that the Item Rarity from maps is only additive as it says "Increased" rarity where as the quantity is multiplicative because it says "More" items. So you would add the rarity you start with to the maps, instead of multiplying it. _C = [1 + (49*1.22)/100] * [1 + (371+30)/100)] = 8 c _____(On map we get: 59.7% IIQ and 401% IIR) The first C would then be, C = 7.4 c @Serleth: C is just a correlation he made up to work out how "strong" the magic find is in given situations, helpful to estimate if more IIQ or more IIR is better I guess. IGN: MrG. Build Videos & Item Testing: www.youtube.com/user/MrGxyz/videos Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/mr_g__ Последняя редакция: Mr_G#2068. Время: 4 июля 2015 г., 6:03:28
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" Okay, thanks. And no, Mark confirmed that it's effectively multiplicative with gear. " Alright, so now that I understand that, your hypothetical situation A) is wrong. 24% more items refers to quantity. Therefore, A) C = (1+([49*1.24]/100)) + (1+(371/100)) = 60.76 IIQ / 371 IIR = 6.7c B) You're on target but you rounded your decimals in the calculation, which I wouldn't do until you get the export value for C, which is 9.3039894. Or, 9.3. Realistically however, if you take a look at the mods for maps on the CB Database, you either have pure quantity mods, or mixture mods with quantity/rarity that is almost always IIQ = 2x IIR, or close to it. So let's say we roll for example an ele weakness map (18 IIQ / 9 IIR) with monster life (15/8), we would see 32 IIQ and 17% IIR. Using your base 49/371 values, we get: C = (1+[49*1.32/]100)) * (1+[371*1.17]/100)) = 1.6468 (64.68% quantity) * 5.3407 (434.07 rarity) = 8.795, or 8.8 Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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