[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
At a addition.
I am verry intersted in the algorithm and kind of implentation from ggg in case of the rng generator. If there is some information (i dont found a explanation from cris or someone else how they implented this) i am interestet in a link or something like this. |
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" Ok thats seems to be a factor. I wrote only white maps (i run for the uber lab challenge). My IIq/iir factor is in all this maps the same. And there a really extremly different drops (what i cant explain with rnd) Id would be interesting to see if the statistiks from ggg show this. They have the data and can answer this question. (but i can understand that they dont answer (-: ) " Thats correct. But only over all players and time. That says nothing about the randomness per server load or per player online or something like this. AND there is no really rnd generator in computercode. All are in a way not random. because they are programmed, and the processor load or ram load can interact with that. not to say that over millions from occurences the average is rnd. thats the reason i am interested in knowing how ggg this implemented (i like such discussions, also if there is no chance of a result, because ggg can not exhibit there algorithm) |
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" oh my, don't remind me please. It was my last challenge to be completed and not as easy as I thought it to be when I read the announcement of the challenges. Partly, because I spent an absurd amount of time in the lab instead of maps and partly because I didn't track it until the last week. The drop rng of bosses didn't help either.
The mechanic of this challenge:
Run cemetery map, boss drops 5 maps --> counts as 1 map dropped by map bosses Run twinned arena map, every boss drops one map --> counts as 6 maps dropped by map bosses Run Caer blaid, one of the mini bosses drops one map and last one drops his guaranteed ones --> counts as 2 maps dropped by map bosses Run Atziri and get one map from a vaal, two from trio and one from the lady itself --> counts as 4 maps dropped by map bosses So when I started out at like 57/300 I didn't quite know this ofcourse. I would chain easy layout maps and rush to the boss. Later I joined some piety rotations. They were very tedious because most of the time, the guys wouldn't know how rush rotas worked, leave mid-run or destroy their instance by using a portal in my instance f.e. --> back to map rushing. Then I saw something on reddit 'bout atziri runs netting more maps, went in there and ran a dozen or two dozen sets. Medium map returns, but still. After I started to alch & corrupt arenas/courtyards/museums/etc. (nice side effect: more sac frags for even more atziri runs). personal verdict (TLDR kinda): - piety not worth at all without a good group, too much waiting - caer rotas not worth the hassle of buying / assembling - atziri is medium ground, entry gated with the sacs tho. - easy layouted maps with multiple bosses, preferably twinned and corrupted net you most return on maps and feed you with more atziri frags. this should be very easy for MFers, we normally swim in Alts ^^ does this help you, hank? IGN: WildTortillaFart Последняя редакция: Chronodroid#6060. Время: 15 июля 2016 г., 7:32:45
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" Yup. Thanks Chrono :-) I need to get some more Sacrifice to the Goddess fragments... so I'll be plowing through linear maps on my MF toon to get those - I'll probably achieve the 300 maps challenge just as a side-effect. I guess my question was a bit more "Informational" than "practiacal." BTW... I'm still amazed at how fast both you ans Serleth got to 40/40. /bow :-) |
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" Your questions are interesting Ichbin. Thanks for helping to keep the game interesting for me :-) It is possible (though I think very unlikely) that there's some sort of programming error or design intent such that if a map drops a unique, it's more likely to drop more uniques, after factoring out packsize and map IIQ/IIR. The correct way to assess such a hypothesis exists in the mathematical field of statistics. In this field, you form a hypothesis - your's is that it's more likely that uniques drop in a map (after factoring out packsize, map IIQ and IIR) once at least one unique drops. Next you pick a confidence level. 99% confidence is common. Finally, you use the maths to figure out how many maps you'll need to run to build confidence in your hypothesis. I'll likely look into this some more to fill in the details... I'm not a mathematician by profession - but I love math and am pretty good at it. My sense is, though, that you'd need to run quite a few maps to achieve 99% confidence that your hypothesis is correct. Likely many more maps than you have run so far. Complicating the analysis is that you cannot hold variables constant. In other words, the number of mobs in one white map will almost certainly be different than the number of mobs in a second white map, even if they're the same base map (e.g., two white Tropical Island maps). Further muddying the waters is that white mobs drop less stuff than blues which drop less than yellows which drop less than exiles which drop less than bosses. For example, let's say that a map contains an exile. You kill it and a unique drops. Now you're ahead of the game. This map will probably drop more uniques than some other map which doesn't contain exiles. Then there are drops from chests... and prophecies... etc. to factor out. In other words, ensuring that you're reaching 99% confidence in the hypothesis is complicated by a bunch of external factors which are impossible to control and which are going to be hard to adjust for. This isn't to say that you're not correct. Instead it's saying that in spite of the results you've seen so far, it's more than likely down to just randomness. Последняя редакция: hankinsohl#1231. Время: 15 июля 2016 г., 8:59:01
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" Ah yes, I encountered alot of trials, the appearance was buffed somehow compared to start of league. Fastest linear maps to run are those that can be "circled" or "wallhugged" to a boss and not doing the other half, like Graveyard, Mountain Ledge, Cemetery, Arsenal, Jungle Valley (i cleared this for divcard, no luck tho) etc. IGN: WildTortillaFart
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I run Tropical Island, Dunes, Cemetary (not quite as good since the boss area sometimes takes awhie to find if you hug the edge the wrong way), Moutain Ledge (after I figured out how to beeline to the boss), Wharf, Shores, etc. So I guess "linear" wasn't quite what I meant... a bunch of open area maps as mentioned above are quite fast if you can just skip past everything and kill the boss and if it's very fast to find where the boss is located. I guess strict linear is best for Goddess framgents - you're likely to see any Trials that may be in the map. But open maps are just as good as linear for completing the "maps from map bosses" challenge provided that you can easily find the boss. Curiously, I find myself running short of scrolls these days. I skip just about everything when in "find the maps from maps bosses" mode - I don't pick up scrolls, or transmutes or stray armor fragments, or a lot of rares - I even had to purchase some scrolls with chaos orbs for the first time in ages this league. Последняя редакция: hankinsohl#1231. Время: 15 июля 2016 г., 8:45:08
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Well that was interesting...
Joined a Gorge group (great way to level, BTW, usually get 210M+ exp/hour in groups). We run everyone's maps and then get to the leader's at the end. He links a Gourge with: Whatever A bazillion extra damage as Fire Massive extra damage as Cold Insane extra damage as Lightning Some mod Who knows Another Mod Etc... Someone in the group texts in local chat: "Tough map." I text "kinda rippy" Undaunted, the leader activates his map in the map device: We get into the map... Great! One of "Whatever" "Some mod" "Who knows" or "Another mod" is actually some sort of massive mana regen penalty. I can't use Enduring Cry. I move Enduring Cry to my Aura setup to utilize Level 2 Enlighten. Still no luck. I still cannot cast Enduring Cry. So, new strategy. Hang back. Don't DPS. Soak up experience. With no defense whatsoever, this is the only safe action. I don't want to let the group down... but without Endurance Charges, I have virtually no defense. I've gone from super tanky to glass cannon. Hopefully Fearless Leader and others are able to handle these mods. After awhile we reach the boss. Sure enough, 3 party members are dead. Our fearless leader among them. Eventually the boss is killed. In chat, several party members are bitching at GGG. The loudest is Fearless Leader. --------- In-freaking-credible! Usually I credit party leaders with some modicum of intelligence. A massive plus damage map with severe mana regen penalties in a Gorge speed run group?!?!? Lesson learned - read maps very carefully and insist on rerolls for anything stupidly insane. I feel somewhat bad for not DPSing in the map - but I missed the stupid mana mod. I never would have entered the map if I'd known. Two party members may have died because of me. As for Fearless Leader... he got what was coming to him. ======== Edit 1: Our actual map was: Remote View, Gorge Map Area is inahbited by Goatmen Players are cursed with Vulnerability Players have no life or mana regeneration (this is the mod I missed) Monsters have 60% chance to avoid elemental status elements Monsters poison on hit (this isn't fun but is OK) Monsters deal 87% extra damage as fire (OK on its own) Monsters deal 87% extra damage as cold (not good in combination with the fire mod) Monsters deal 78% extra damage as lightning (pretty insane but I was willing to do this since I missed the mana penalty mod) Some chat text: "All that experience gone." "Because of stupid game lag." "Fuck I'm pissed now" "I was die close" ---- I was "die close" too several times And I'm pretty fucking sure it wasn't "stupid game lag" that killed FL I guess I feel somewhat better about not DPSing... given the no mana regen, I couldn't have DPSed even if I wanted to. ======= Edit 2: We had a Blade Vortex toon in our group. I can just about hear BV saying... "Hey guys, fun map. Let's do another like that!" BV basically carried the entire group, killing everything in sight almost instantly. Последняя редакция: hankinsohl#1231. Время: 15 июля 2016 г., 11:45:43
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Hi all
Sombody have tips for founding trials for ending lab. Till now I run around 100 maps & found only one. |
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" Atziri. It's a two-for-one run. A) You get one of the end-game grinds done and B) You will get at least 100/300 of the maps from bosses challenge. And that's if you're unlucky. After that, I just alc'd fast-boss maps and went. Shore, Tropical Island, Mud Geyser, Cemetary, that sorta thing. And holy MATH batman. "Stupid lag"..... more like, stupid inability to read. *sigh* This is why I stopped Gorge running in groups after my first toon hit 90. Never know what some jerkoff is going to throw into the device. Especially given that some groups don't even link maps. @Slimak Map trials are kinda rare. You'll go on streaks. I found eight in the space of ~50 maps two days ago. Yesterday, I only ran into two in 100 maps. Just gotta keep farming. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 15 июля 2016 г., 15:35:13
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