[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)

This side note brought to you by Shield Charge: OpieOP™

Probably the fastest I've ever rushed to level 50.

Gonna be a massive respec once I get Pledge and my BV 20/20 available though.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Did you say OP?
What is this game.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Serleth написал:
What is this game.

Well, there are two game variants here.

One's called, "Check the Stopwatch."
You clear Gorge with your SC toon and if the stopwatch reads more than 60 seconds, the watch is broken.

The other is called, "Keep Up."
You join a Gorge clear group with a SC toon in it, and then see if you can keep up. 5 quicksilver flasks are recommended. Extra credit if you manage to kill any mob along the way.
Последняя редакция: hankinsohl#1231. Время: 16 июля 2016 г., 21:42:17
Oh, okay.

I see now.

Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Made the switch to BV.

About as AFK as it gets without being Righteous Fire. Cast a couple times then quicksilver.

Doesn't seem quite as potent as advertised for bosses, but that could just be a level / jewel socket thing. Don't have any additional DoT to buff the Poison mechanic yet.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.

"Leave the zone and your prophecy silently fails without warning"

mechanic is really stupid.

It would be somewhat better if all prophecies were that way, but some are and others are not.

GGG should have implemented a warning similar to the one that pops up in the Labyrinth when you attempt to portal out.

I guess this might lead to some deaths on hardcore... but it would be no different than the labs. Portal or zone out - get a popup warning. Log out, no warning.

If the popup is deemed to be too risky for hardcore or too costly to implement, then add text to the prophecy tracker on screen which says that if you leave the zone without completing the prophecy it will fail. And use a different color for the prophecy tracker to make this even more apparent.

Numerous other design alternatives no doubt exist that could fix this. Bad design.

On the whole I'm very impressed with GGG and really like what they've done with POE - but they missed the boat big time here IMO.

I've probably lost 5 or 6 prophecies this way.

The latest one was in the labs where I was trying to complete Unberable Whispers V. The prophecy appeared for the zone I was in so I searched pretty thoroughly for The Dark Tome but couldn't find it.

I really didn't want to leave the zone because I thought the prophecy might fail. So I looked the prophecy up in the wiki. The wiki said I'd encounter the tome in the lab's Treasure Room.

OK, I leave the zone. Prophecy disappears. Just in case I complete the entire Lab and enter the Treasure Room at the end. Nothing.

Another failed prophecy.
Even worse.

One of the series prophecies noted that I had to kill a mob in the weaver's chamber. I killed everything I could see, in the chamber. Nothing left. Against my better judgement, I proceed into the Weaver's Nest. There's the mob I need to kill - in the nest.

Leave the zone to complete the quest - maybe.

Leave the zone and the quest fails - maybe.

Последняя редакция: hankinsohl#1231. Время: 18 июля 2016 г., 2:46:56
hankinsohl написал:
Keep this in mind. Although the average cost of 6-linking may be 1200 fuse (presumably... I'm not sure if GGG has actually confirmed this), sometimes it will take less and sometimes more. And given the large number of players in POE, it's not surprising that you'll find some "very lucky" players who seem to 6-link with few fuses quite often and others who spend lots of fuses to no avail.

But this is just the way randomness works.

In your case, your lucky friend has no better chance to 6-link than you do.

With regard to unique drops, the chance is determined by the product of your magic find and the map's. If you're in a map with high IIQ/IIR then that map has a greater chance for uniques to drop than a map with low IIQ/IIR - and yes, it's more likely that several uniques will drop in that first map than in the second one.

Another factor is the number of mobs in the map. The more mobs, the more chance that a unique will drop.

But it's all randomly generated according to map packsize, map IIQ/IIR and your IIQ/IIR.

A friend of mine, who, in contrast to me, likes to use his head to think instead of simply looking good, looking at good looking people or, more profanely, eat, always seems to carry around interesting books. Among those I managed to liberate from him is this gem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Swan_(Taleb_book). It's about chance and how humans tend to perceive it. If you want a good read, don't miss this! Also, while i'm at it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freakonomics, and my favorite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embers_(novel) (I am a hopeless romantic)
Последняя редакция: Donnerdrummel#4686. Время: 17 июля 2016 г., 6:17:34
Protip for when you want to link things.

There's a handy URL button you can use


Or if you want to rename the link, do this format, but with square brackets:

(url="https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/")Link text here(/url)

Will show up like this:

Link text here

Either way, the formatting for your post would look one of two ways.

Not Changing the Link Text
A friend of mine, who, in contrast to me, likes to use his head to think instead of simply looking good, looking at good looking people or, more profanely, eat, always seems to carry around interesting books. Among those I managed to liberate from him is this gem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Black_Swan_(Taleb_book). It's about chance and how humans tend to perceive it. If you want a good read, don't miss this! Also, while i'm at it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freakonomics, and my favorite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embers_(novel) (I am a hopeless romantic)

Changing the Link Text
A friend of mine, who, in contrast to me, likes to use his head to think instead of simply looking good, looking at good looking people or, more profanely, eat, always seems to carry around interesting books. Among those I managed to liberate from him is this gem: The Black Swan. It's about chance and how humans tend to perceive it. If you want a good read, don't miss this! Also, while i'm at it: Freakonomics, and my favorite: Embers (I am a hopeless romantic)

Just some ways to make your stuff easier for community members. Not like copy/pasta's that hard, but figured you may or may not be interested.
Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
Последняя редакция: Serleth#4392. Время: 17 июля 2016 г., 18:29:36
Serleth написал:
Protip for when you want to link things.

When I began reading this post I thought that the topic was linking gear with fuses.

What is this "link button" of which you speak, I wondered :-)

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