What you think about EA + GMP + Fire Pen + Inc Area + Lesser Dur / Faster Proj + Faster Attacks / Slower Proj . Which are the better 2 out of the last 4 gems and why ?
For single target EA + Fire Pen + Conc Effect + Lesser Dur / Empower + Faster Att / Slower Proj + Faster Proj / Chance to Ignite . Again out of the last 6 gems the best 3 are ? And why .
And why not using Carcass Jack for more Aoe and res. and switch to Kaom for bosses , Doryani's Invi belt for fire dmg , Winds of change gloves for more dmg ? Pls explain why not use these items ? Thx in advance .
Really nice build like it alot :)
Последняя редакция: tyrem#5025. Время: 8 марта 2016 г., 17:09:53
This is how I leveled
Flame dash, fire trap, flammability, and flame surge were my main skills.
Throw those in dual +1 fire scepters with other supports and your good.
Switch to flameblast + Fire pen + Faster casting with dual mana pots and a decoy totem and you're set until you switch to EA.
I didn't use flame totem that often since the clear speed isn't that great when it's low level.
What do you guys think of this take on the passive tree?
This compared to a what more regular build:
Though with the last tree it might be enough resists to use essene worm which seems really nice.
Going for the duelist part there is really suboptimal , you have to travel a lot so you lose a bunch of points for nothing much really
Did you compare the trees in the offline planner? I don't think it matters that much. But I'll gladly be proven wrong if that helps making up my mind about this.
Gains: +1 frenzy, +hp, more proj dmg, more regen, no MS penalty
Loose: Some AS/MS, accuracy, resists, %armor, 8% reduction skill cost
Same: %life / jewels
Can anyone tell me how much more dmg elemental overload gives? Indication? Thinkking of this vs RT.
Don't get me wrong , probably it would work it's just not very optimal . I , myself , started with a tree very similar to yours but I just got around it because its simply not worth it.
But I will leave facts instead of subjective observations.
You mention in those gains '+hp' , do you know why that build path has more hp than the base one? Because it has 100 strengh more than the other tree meaning the flat hp stat being higher of course .
This means that the build is very intense in pathing , thus having much less the important nodes you want and more base stats (str, int , dex) . To be fair 40 points of strengh come from Master of the Arena and the other from the (very good node but not for this build) Art of the gladiator , meaning you still have 60 points of str lying around in pathing.
An addicional frenzy charge if you are going scion berserker/raider won't be that good as people may think , 10% chance on kill is a good chance but you NEED max stacks for onslaught, meaning you dont want that many charges so you can maxout fast , I think 4 charges is good , 5 charges might be rough to keep them at maximum , and believe me that this makes your mapping much less smooth in some ways.
But even without that in consideration a frenzy charge isn't that big of a bonus 4% attck spd and 4% more dmg , good but overrated .
Want to know something that will change your life? Kaom's heart's base is glorious plate, therefore it has no movement speed penalty associated, meaning the node is useless, yeh awesome I know .
I will list the gains and losses now ,again , this is really minmaxing , but again this build is so good already we can only optimize it:
What you think about EA + GMP + Fire Pen + Inc Area + Lesser Dur / Faster Proj + Faster Attacks / Slower Proj . Which are the better 2 out of the last 4 gems and why ?
For single target EA + Fire Pen + Conc Effect + Lesser Dur / Empower + Faster Att / Slower Proj + Faster Proj / Chance to Ignite . Again out of the last 6 gems the best 3 are ? And why .
And why not using Carcass Jack for more Aoe and res. and switch to Kaom for bosses , Doryani's Invi belt for fire dmg , Winds of change gloves for more dmg ? Pls explain why not use these items ? Thx in advance .
Really nice build like it alot :)
Forget faster proj or faster attacks , they don't fit here .
Less duration is the best of the four though, by a lot with slower proj behind.
For the single target it's pretty close, you can use all but faster attack and faster proj , all the other are good options.
Kaom's is the undisputed best chest for this build, you will have insane amounts of life% and the fire damage is also nice, carcass is not bad if you have one lying around, but otherwise... don't bother .
Don't waste a unique slot with winds unless you don't have something better , please take in account that the OP's choice for items is pretty end-tier and optimized , there is very little room for improvement there so yeah .
I just started an MF version of it on Perandus with this stuff:
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I just wanted to use this build to start the league, but it is really better than I would have thought. The single-target DPS is a bit lacking, but that may be because I only have a 4L setup (not counting IIR).
I may go for a 6L, but not sure about that. I'll also try EO since it seems that it is a good DPS increase.
Single Target is lacking because you do not have a single target setup. Probllem there is you will not beable to use IIR gem with it because it uses ignite.
What do you guys think of this take on the passive tree?
This compared to a what more regular build:
Though with the last tree it might be enough resists to use essene worm which seems really nice.
Going for the duelist part there is really suboptimal , you have to travel a lot so you lose a bunch of points for nothing much really
Did you compare the trees in the offline planner? I don't think it matters that much. But I'll gladly be proven wrong if that helps making up my mind about this.
Gains: +1 frenzy, +hp, more proj dmg, more regen, no MS penalty
Loose: Some AS/MS, accuracy, resists, %armor, 8% reduction skill cost
Same: %life / jewels
Can anyone tell me how much more dmg elemental overload gives? Indication? Thinkking of this vs RT.
Don't get me wrong , probably it would work it's just not very optimal . I , myself , started with a tree very similar to yours but I just got around it because its simply not worth it.
But I will leave facts instead of subjective observations.
You mention in those gains '+hp' , do you know why that build path has more hp than the base one? Because it has 100 strengh more than the other tree meaning the flat hp stat being higher of course .
This means that the build is very intense in pathing , thus having much less the important nodes you want and more base stats (str, int , dex) . To be fair 40 points of strengh come from Master of the Arena and the other from the (very good node but not for this build) Art of the gladiator , meaning you still have 60 points of str lying around in pathing.
An addicional frenzy charge if you are going scion berserker/raider won't be that good as people may think , 10% chance on kill is a good chance but you NEED max stacks for onslaught, meaning you dont want that many charges so you can maxout fast , I think 4 charges is good , 5 charges might be rough to keep them at maximum , and believe me that this makes your mapping much less smooth in some ways.
But even without that in consideration a frenzy charge isn't that big of a bonus 4% attck spd and 4% more dmg , good but overrated .
Want to know something that will change your life? Kaom's heart's base is glorious plate, therefore it has no movement speed penalty associated, meaning the node is useless, yeh awesome I know .
I will list the gains and losses now ,again , this is really minmaxing , but again this build is so good already we can only optimize it:
- Koam's > I didn't knew that it doesn't have a movement penalty, so that is nice to learn :)
- Frenzy charge > I also use blood dance so I get to the max quicker. Also you get 18% more duration for charges.
- Armor is 'only' 48% as there is a 24% EV/AR node.
Having that said I still feel it's a toss up between the two trees. I'm curious if I can manage to get the 'duelist' version working with so many uniques (koam / devo / blood dance / quiver) and still cap resists. Right now I use some jewels\head\belly in chest to get there, but then my rings\amu\belt\boots aren't up to par. Still it will be hard.
Hi in 4 link for aoe what wil be bether fire pen or less duration ? i think aboute drop fire pen since with EE i got nice anyway and less duration give nice dps bost now ?