[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

So I decided I need a second weapon in addition to

Why? Because I want to kill stuff like Ambrius and Atziri fast, and GMP is not helping. And swapping gems feels stupid.

Since reflect is not the issue here, I think links may be like EA-FirePen-ReduceDuration-Empower-ConcEffect-SlowerProj/ChanceToIgnite.

And yes, I clearly don't understand how you can link empower onto AoE link and not get rekt by reflect, with only lvl 21 EA and 81% fire rez from lvl 21 Purity and +2 gem level unique ring I get hit for like 4k when I faceroll too much in a maps. That's solo, non playable for groups it seems or you must be very careful.

So I took chance to ignite support (49%), alongside with q20gem (20%), nodes (10%) and a few jewels (got 5*3% atm). I have 94% chance to ignite now, gonna be 97% soon if I won't reep and 98% if I will be lucky with corrupting next series of gems. And it's even better then I thought it would be. Any leftover monsters in pack that would annoy me so much for staying alive are now always dead from ignites. And no additional damage to skill itself = no risks on reflect. :3

But I still want moar damage for some bosses, had to dance thru whole phases on even 70 Atziri with GMP one, so bad.

So question is: what's gonna be better for pure single target damage - one moar Quill Rain OR crafted +3 bow levels one? I know there are people loving theorycraft much more then I do in here, help please. :>
Последняя редакция: Grizone#3568. Время: 26 марта 2016 г., 4:21:28
I have one question. What armour should I use instead of Kaom's Heart?
siergietow написал:
I have one question. What armour should I use instead of Kaom's Heart?

Perhaps until you can get one you could get a belly, however Koam's is easily the best in slot.
Ya, Belly of the Beast or Carcass Jack are fine until Kaom's. Rocking Carcass Jack myself for now. Was wondering how you all felt about
as a decent option? Lack of life/less res makes things more difficult I know, but it lets you drop blood rage if you are using zerk/raider, allowing much more life regen. Also the power charges could help with keeping EO up more consistently. Extra proj speed and damage never hurts either, especially if you run slower proj.

Another unique to consider is the Winds of Change gloves. Gotta make sure your resists are squared away but up to 50% increased proj damage, decent life and proj speed all seem pretty nice for this build.
Последняя редакция: Scofftastic#3305. Время: 26 марта 2016 г., 11:46:10
Scofftastic написал:
Ya, Belly of the Beast or Carcass Jack are fine until Kaom's. Rocking Carcass Jack myself for now. Was wondering how you all felt about
as a decent option? Lack of life/less res makes things more difficult I know, but it lets you drop blood rage if you are using zerk/raider, allowing much more life regen. Also the power charges could help with keeping EO up more consistently. Extra proj speed and damage never hurts either, especially if you run slower proj.

I don't think it's that great, I'd rather use my amu for the needed stats so I can use other items in different slots.

Power charges won't help much, even less with EO. Frenzy you get enough from raider (though I also use blood dance). Projectile speed is garbage.

Using two of these now:
Последняя редакция: foojin#2576. Время: 26 марта 2016 г., 11:49:13
Well power charges help a lot with the low crit chance on Quill Rain, helping proc EO more consistently. It turns 5% into 12.5% at 3 charges. It could also let you drop blood dance in favor of stat boots to help make up the difference.

I guess it would come down to how much up time EO has without extra help, which I don't have enough experience with the build yet to say. If it's not an issue, then ya, the amulet isn't worth it.

I agree proj speed isn't important. Nice Ventor's btw.
Последняя редакция: Scofftastic#3305. Время: 26 марта 2016 г., 13:10:40
Scofftastic написал:
Well power charges help a lot with the low crit chance on Quill Rain, helping proc EO more consistently. It turns 5% into 12.5% at 3 charges. It could also let you drop blood dance in favor of stat boots to help make up the difference.

I guess it would come down to how much up time EO has without extra help, which I don't have enough experience with the build yet to say. If it's not an issue, then ya, the amulet isn't worth it.

I agree proj speed isn't important. Nice Ventor's btw.

Only using ice golem tend make EO more or less up all the time, it also buff our chance to hit.

Just recently got the ice golem enchant (100% more effect) and i'm considering keeping it, i get around 10% extra chance to hit and 8% crit chance, at that point i have 100% uptime easily.
malarix1222 написал:
1. For mapping it's great against a lot of single target enemies simply because the explosions will all hit at the same time after stacking tons of arrows on a pack, so if a rare is in a pack of mobs (which it usually is) it will just get blown up in a single explosion after applying 2-3 volleys of arrows. You're right in assuming that on bosses which usually have no mobs around (Izaro/Atziri) you can switch out to something like concentrated effect instead of increased aoe for more ST damage. In my experience GMP is still nice to have in just because it mostly eliminates the need to actually aim.

2. The point is to use it with curse on hit so you can apply a curse (flammability) to mobs. The reference to hitting mobs in the back is that using Frenzy + CoH + GMP + (curse) can't hit mobs in the back because they won't pierce or chain. Damage plays no part in using this skill setup; it's just to curse mobs.

3. Anecdote time! So I switched to BM at like level 40 right before fighting Malachai. I would NOT recommend doing it this early. I couldn't keep my health up at all and had to constantly spam flasks just to not kill myself. I'd say wait until around level 55-ish, when it's best to switch to EA anyway for reasons like availability of decent gear and having higher leveled gems. Switch to it basically whenever you think you can sustain the mana (health) cost of using it around 3-4 times a second and still have a little bit of regen to get some extra health back. A stone golem helps with this early on, I'd recommend it.

Nope, not at all in my experience. Of course it will help some with damage as you'll get the burn going after a big explosion of damage, so it is significant. However, it's not at all needed and it just some nice gravy on top of the already delicious meat of the build's damage. More important than having the gem at 20% quality is having it at level 20, as the extra base damage makes an absolutely unreal difference.

Great responses. Thank you for your time. :D
1nfest написал:
Just recently got the ice golem enchant (100% more effect) and i'm considering keeping it, i get around 10% extra chance to hit and 8% crit chance, at that point i have 100% uptime easily.

Ooh that is a nice enchant. Hopefully I can farm that or the boot enchant that gives you crit chance if you haven't crit recently.
Most people in here are linking Kaoms as their armor.. makes me think its dropping like candy!

Are most of you trading for it?
I feel so poor.. using a Tabula.

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