[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions

Kiristo написал:
They're nerfing the Scion Ascendant, berserker gives less leech, and now it's triggered on kill, so won't be up for bosses. They're also adding a 1% leech to the Marauder Berserker tree, on a node that is leech on kill, now it has both leech on kill and 1% leech all the time, making the Marauder Berserker even better. Easy choice for me.
Awesome, i was sort of on the fence between marauder and scion. I just hope they dont change Aspect of Carnage D:
Последняя редакция: DumpsterDiver#7663. Время: 26 мая 2016 г., 17:40:06
the "if you've killed recently" restriction for the leech of the scion ascendant berserker is indeed very significant and sort of a death sentence to the scion pick for this build. apparently i missed that small but important change.

why is it a death sentence?:
i said it before and i will say it again: one of the 2 of EA's weak spots is single target/boss encounters. therefore NOT having the leech for these situations defeats the prupose of picking it in the first place. you do NOT need any more support for aoe clears, those are never an issue with this build. (the 2nd weakness is elemental reflect btw, but that's a different matter)

chieftain also offers unrestricted (fire)leech.
one could still go scion berserker/raider nonetheless, but imo it is not a top tier pick for EA anymore.

berserker and chieftain now both have their pros and cons.
Последняя редакция: panisch#2821. Время: 26 мая 2016 г., 18:05:57
i gonna play this for the first time in prophesy

i just wonder about leveling and gear progression. tabula+some links>?5l+kaom or 6l+ whatever?>corrupted gear?
should i prioritize kaom or 6l bow at first?

also what is the best aura for this build incase of essence worm. Haste?
No rest for the wicked
Последняя редакция: mezmery#2042. Время: 28 мая 2016 г., 11:35:30
Here is my Core Malachai kill. was deathless, just made it on easy mode & was too easy,) next ill try bit harder (6link quill - +1 arrow rearguard - no legacy kaom)
IGN; theCoReht

Последняя редакция: mostmuscula#3869. Время: 28 мая 2016 г., 19:38:35
So this build isnt great for single target? i always thought it was, i remember a friend of mine killing one of a double dominus map boss faster than me and another friend could kill the other one. i was kinetic blast and my other friend was some tornado shot build or something.
Последняя редакция: DumpsterDiver#7663. Время: 29 мая 2016 г., 18:43:41
Slayer looks like a strong choice for 2.3 right? Any opinion on Slayer vs Berserker damage wise?
Bernkastel написал:
Slayer looks like a strong choice for 2.3 right? Any opinion on Slayer vs Berserker damage wise?

Imo overall Slayer is better. The Onslaught just makes it retarded.
headsman + fervor slayer seems solid choice.
chieftain is not much worse though
and berserker is okay.

but culling strike+onslaught is so good

not sure if it's worth takig a class where we REALLY need only 2 nodes.
i think ill stick to bers.
No rest for the wicked
Последняя редакция: mezmery#2042. Время: 30 мая 2016 г., 6:47:54
with the new permanent 1% mana leech from Pain Reaver (Berserker ascendancy) - would it be possible to drop Blood Magic and Mortal Conviction from the tree?

and if yes - what would be the best aura?
6l EA is something like 170 mana.
how do you imagine sustaining that?
No rest for the wicked

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