I went the Perfect form route for my chest. Saved for it like a madman, my other gear is still from what I bought at level 60.
I'm a new player and I'm wondering, if I should skip Acrobatics now that I get Phase Acrobatics from the chest, since Acrobatics also has a downside of lowering my energy shield. Or just free the point from Phase Acrobatics and leave the other ones as they are.
I didn't have to think much until tier 6+ maps, there I have been killed many times, so I'm taking MoM and EB now also. Replacing Tabula Rasa with The Perfect Form should do wonders for my defence also.
Good game by the way, haven't been this hooked in any game for a long time! Glad I tried it again, didn't get it the first time I tried it, played only until act 3 back then.
I went the Perfect form route for my chest. Saved for it like a madman, my other gear is still from what I bought at level 60.
I'm a new player and I'm wondering, if I should skip Acrobatics now that I get Phase Acrobatics from the chest, since Acrobatics also has a downside of lowering my energy shield. Or just free the point from Phase Acrobatics and leave the other ones as they are.
I didn't have to think much until tier 6+ maps, there I have been killed many times, so I'm taking MoM and EB now also. Replacing Tabula Rasa with The Perfect Form should do wonders for my defence also.
Good game by the way, haven't been this hooked in any game for a long time! Glad I tried it again, didn't get it the first time I tried it, played only until act 3 back then.
I see a lot of people running without a lot of defenses on their gear and with just MoM + EB. I've also tried it myself, but it seemed very oneshot prone to me. Acrobatics and Phase Acrobatics is a LOT of defenses for just a couple of skill points and compared to evasion it's not RNG based.
With my current setup I feel quite secure and pretty much have no random deaths anymore.
I would advise to look at my skill tree if you're new and using Perfect Form. I don't recommend MoM + EB, and i definitely don't recommend pointing into Acrobatics.
~ twitch.tv/animeprincess ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Последняя редакция: xsnowingx#1952. Время: 19 июня 2019 г., 10:38:03
I would advise to look at my skill tree if you're new and using Perfect Form. I don't recommend MoM + EB, and i definitely don't recommend pointing into Acrobatics.
What I don't understand is where your build takes it's survivability from.
Or is it more of a glass cannon?
I would advise to look at my skill tree if you're new and using Perfect Form. I don't recommend MoM + EB, and i definitely don't recommend pointing into Acrobatics.
What I don't understand is where your build takes it's survivability from.
Or is it more of a glass cannon?
I have 6000hp, 1000ES, Vaal Grace with Increased Duration, and 4 defensive flasks. It's not very easy for me to rip. You're not using Perfect Form so my passive tree does not apply to you.
~ twitch.tv/animeprincess ~ everything was beautiful and nothing hurt ~
Последняя редакция: xsnowingx#1952. Время: 19 июня 2019 г., 12:16:15
I have never played ED/Contagion before but i feel like i should do more damage but i don't know how.
Could you guys help me i'm kinda lost. I do know that i should upgrade to a 5L, level Gems to 20 (and quality them), more life on each item and so on.
But i dont know what to buy next? I have read x pages ago of some unique gloves but i dont find the post anymore. There is also a shield and boots i guess?
What gem combos are there? I would like to keep bane as my single target dps booster (besides this bane helps to kill mobs that contagion/ed didn't hit), or would be blashpemy + despair good enough? Are there other possibilities?
Here is my current gear, i know its crap, i bought some items after 10 kitava to have capped ressis:
Are there any important key nodes i'm missing out? I would have just aimed for some jewel slots now. I Don't feel i need wicked ward. And for uber lab, would you say swift killer or prolonged pain is better?
I would advise to look at my skill tree if you're new and using Perfect Form. I don't recommend MoM + EB, and i definitely don't recommend pointing into Acrobatics.
What I don't understand is where your build takes it's survivability from.
Or is it more of a glass cannon?
I have 6000hp, 1000ES, Vaal Grace with Increased Duration, and 4 defensive flasks. It's not very easy for me to rip. You're not using Perfect Form so my passive tree does not apply to you.
Fair enough.
Edit: Also Vaal Grace would fit well into my build, I didn't know it added flat dodge chance to attacks/spells.
Edit: Although it's probably not worth it, since it's so short without increased duration. I'll probably stick with my version.
Последняя редакция: WingsOfDomain#1036. Время: 19 июня 2019 г., 13:01:21
I would advise to look at my skill tree if you're new and using Perfect Form. I don't recommend MoM + EB, and i definitely don't recommend pointing into Acrobatics.
What I don't understand is where your build takes it's survivability from.
Or is it more of a glass cannon?
I have 6000hp, 1000ES, Vaal Grace with Increased Duration, and 4 defensive flasks. It's not very easy for me to rip. You're not using Perfect Form so my passive tree does not apply to you.
Wondering if would be worth dropping dreamer (and maybe sanctity?) to pick up the extra frenzy charge.
edit: or an extra socket
Nice thing about the bow build is that you dont need a 6L chest, making the build a lot more attainable!
Последняя редакция: Vordaa#6973. Время: 19 июня 2019 г., 14:17:24