[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)
" A yes, you're totally right about the shock calc. What I forgot though was elemental overload 40% more or Crit 50% more. So If you got plenty clear speed and don't have overload, and you're close to resolute technique, it's a good option to get one multiplier out of the equation. Gonna edit the calc. @Minstrelshadrak
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Hi ! Thanks for the reply !
I dont want to use Lioneye's Glare. There is 4 con for it use on my build : 1. U can crit and i dont want/need to crit. 2. I have to add pierce on split for curse but i cant coz i already have two 5 link. 3. I have to add pierce on my gmp setup and take 3 nodes %pierce which are too far away than RT 4. Lioneye's need 210 dext, Infractem need 170 and give 25 dext. I have to fill 65 dext. Lets do some maths :) 1 : 10k with Inc Burning Damage 20/20 2 : 16.9k with WED 20/20 (10k x 1.69) Ignite base damage is 20% of hit without modifier 1 : 2000 + 1380 (69% inc burning damage) = 3380 2 : 3380 The ignite will do the same burning damage but u have dealt more on hit (6.9k) And i dont want to deal more on hit ! Fire/elemental node increase hit and burning so its the same dmg too with these modifier And i was wrong for Rapid Decay, it doesnt work, and i think its stupid imo, its the only support gem for dot which have a multiplier. GGG should just remove the Increased Burning Damage and let Rapid Decay works wih Burning Damage. Последняя редакция: Shaen#7706. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 12:05:40
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Hmm.. I decided to run some calcs and currently the chance of me dying to a shocked reflect mob that I hit twice is 0.001296%. This will happen if I get 2 crits in a row (6% crit) and 2 top 10% damage rolls. And also if I don't dodge any hits. So all in all, I probably wouldn't worry too much about reflect mobs. Reflect maps on the other hand... Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 12:03:58
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Hey Shaen, unfortunately the "increased burning damage" gem is additive with other sources of damage that scales burning damage. It's not 'more' burning damage. So let's run these calcs with the assumption that you have 500% increased elemental/fire/burning/DOT damage from the tree. 1. 10k DPS (with inc burning damage gem) 2. 16.9k DPS (with WED) Burn Damage 1. 2k × 6.69 = 13.4k Burn 2. 3.38k × 6 = 20.28k Burn So the difference is quite significant. Also, yeah if you prefer fo use Infractem that's fine too I guess, your points are quite fair. Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 12:23:19
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" Yeah a reflect rare ain't so bad while being at full life. Somehow I assumed increased damage mods on map/rare would count too. but they don't. Still the assumption is there the monster doesn't have negative fire resist and you're not shocked yourself. Recalculate for the double reflect rare that pop out a lootbox that you both hit with the same crit. :) Yeah reflect maps are a no go. I insta gibbed myself on the first pack in a ele reflect + fracture map. @Minstrelshadrak
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" Ah ! Yes, my calcs were wrong ! I forgot that its increased and not more. U made a nice point. If my burn isnt enough in maps with increased burning damage i will put wed. ggg should just change "increased" in "more" on this support gem or let Rapid decay works with burning damage. |
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I made an oversight in my calculations, since your first hit can't shock, so only the 2nd hit will carry the shock. " Lol I know you're joking but I'm bored, so lets give it a shot. I will sleep after this :P Ok so if it's double reflect. I take 40% instead of 20% reflected damage. I have 5.7k Life. 5.7 x 4 x 2.5 = 57k damage to kill myself. If I crit and roll a top 10% roll, max damage I deal is approx 27k, which means I always survive the first hit. On the second hit, they will be shocked. I will need to deal 30k damage to kill myself. This happens if I deal 20k damage before shock. This is possible with a top 40% roll and a crit. Now assuming I don't dodge both hits, chance to do this is 0.06 x 0.1 x 0.06 x 0.4 x 0.36 = 0.00005184 or 0.005184%. So should be fine as long as I don't run elemental weakness. Theres also other factors like regen and leech between hits, so it might be even lower. This could change if I am shocked as well, but I don't really wanna do any more maths. Whew, there might be some mistakes in my calc tho. Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 13:06:15
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" it can spread by beacon from an earlier volley. " y the odds seem a tad low. However not waste time, since these things are good to explore in theory and practice. Once that is done you can share in your guide and many can enjoy. @Minstrelshadrak Последняя редакция: MinstrelShadrak#5606. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 13:23:10
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Well im gonna start this build in standard since perandus gonna end soon. Found these items in stash:
Gloves are pretty shit but i like that corrupted thing. A bow isnt anything special, it's like +370 pdps? Thoughst? |
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" who are you kidding? that's GG gear. I ran a classic ranger crit build. went straight out of witch into shadow at trickery. After that just standard pewpew crit build. It'll melt monsters, bosses, yourself and your monitor. " Just had a brain fart. Manually casting orb of storms is clunky, agreed, but.... What if you had temp chains curse on hit gloves. That would free up 1 gem slot in your CWDT setup. Orb of storms doesn't work with CWDT......however... Ice Spear does with it's 7% base crit and 600% crit chance second phase. That could trigger nicely, especially in rough boss fights. left side tree fatso, T14 map in the end of this 7min video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRqxxCx86qk @Minstrelshadrak Последняя редакция: MinstrelShadrak#5606. Время: 21 апр. 2016 г., 16:19:00
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