[2.3] Burning Arrow Elementalist || Insane Clear Speed, Solid Defenses and Budget (Atziri Viable)

Thx MoarPizza,
im signing off.
Had lotsa fun with your BA-elementalist idea, and got instanty triggered to get a taste for myself. Feel free to share this info as a side show bob variation in your guide.


leveled the fatso up to 90. Satisfied with the results.

6L gem setup damge: 4.6k-13k hideout aura/golem tooltip (21k dps)
It has a wide damage range, but when multiple proliferates affect a target,
it will take the one created by the highest dmg roll.

A weapon swap is handy for single target boss killing, but comes at a price, you cannot level up gems on the side. Most of the times I didnt swap or take out GMP and just trained a pack of monsters on a boss and kept spamming GMP-BA with vaal haste.

Also important is: it penetrates 49% fire resistance with an attack. That's a blessing for
EE & Fire resist map mods. I noticed clear speed going up with bigger packsize. So bring on the enfeeble & EE maps.

LIFE: 7.2k-7.7k, varies by finetuning last 4-5 skill points. Can even go up to 8.5k easily, but it will be at the cost of too much damage, creating new problems.

13k armor. flask 90% armour goes up to 19k and with a 3000 armor granite goes up to 28k. That's solid defense, can be augmented further with 20% basalt & endurance charges. With 28k+basalt you can take big physical punches in the highest tier of maps.

2% lifeleech & 0.8% manaleech. This comes at the price of 6 skill points or 4 if you need dex: so that's costing you 400-600 life. High price, but quality of life improves by alot. Easy mode ON.

the tree is very flexible. Was respeccing roughly 15 points, that can take:
- mid section templar & Indomitable
- mid section marauder
- jewel slots & Indomitable

Video of lvl 88 fatso BA elementalist


Was unable to aqcuire a helm with 20% ignite chance. After some practice with the build and with the help of 2x Vaal haste, I was able to keep up the conflux.
Hence everything got ignited anyway, so the extra ignite chance was not needed.

Temporal chains curse gloves are sweet. Have not tried elemental weakness gloves.

Rumi's flask is needed for a second layer of defense for the hardest content of the game. Like the original build has with acrobatics.

Gear got rather expensive in the end, but worth the fun.
For labyrinth runs I suggest socketing CWDT-IC setup for the traps.
For low level farming can use Anger instead of Grace.
For party play, can replace Herald of Ash with Purity of fire.

Последняя редакция: MinstrelShadrak#5606. Время: 22 апр. 2016 г., 16:30:54

Thanks for all your contributions so far. I have included your version as an alternative in my notes section at the end of the guide.
Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 22 апр. 2016 г., 23:20:14
Made some changes to the build guide. This should be my last update until 2.3.
MoarPizza написал:


Ah this build might be a bit hard for newbies since items like Kaom's Heart can cost 50 chaos and a 5L Lioneye's glare can cost 30 chaos. Also getting life on jewels might cost a little.

But if you can do all that, you should be fine. I have included a bunch of leveling trees in my guide, so have fun!

Thank you for this!
Последняя редакция: Ferocite69#4049. Время: 27 апр. 2016 г., 22:43:35

No worries.
Hey, just wanted to chime in that I've been doing this build on HC Perandus, and I'm having a hell of a fun time on it. My damage is currently only about half of yours, but i am still one-shotting map bosses up to T6. Everything else is a breeze, with only the occasional rare mob giving me trouble. I've only got 3.5k hp right now, but honestly, I offscreen most mobs and they die before they even know I'm there, so it balances out fairly well.

I just picked up a 5L Lioneye's since I finally had the cash. My gems aren't fully leveled for the second arrow setup yet - I wanted to try for one focused on AoE, one on Single target, per your suggestion. However, honestly, I've found that a single volley from the AoE shot still burns everything so quickly that I almost don't think its even worth it in the long run. Kaom's is way too expensive on Hardcore, but it is a definite goal if I survive that long. I've inspired a few people to try the build out after they see how fast it is.

I've been debating about whether it would be worth it to keep the Alpha's Howl and try to fit in another offensive aura (considering HoT with Curse On Hit), or swap it out for a helm with more life.

At any rate, this has been one of my favorite, safest hardcore builds I've ever done.
Leveled a witch up to 70 with my own version of this build. I added 5 zombies and one spec to the build. This costs only 5 skill points and adds huge survive ability. They go into a +2 helm along with a plus 2 gem. So your whole minion pack is running at level 24.

I also went with a fire totem in my shav chest piece.

The totems and minions do a great job of keeping aggro off for very little cost.

Last thing I did was up the MF. Why play if your not getting Lots and lots of loot seems a waste...

Anyways... build is great so far. Trash burns fast. Bosses don't last long with the minion, totem and fire arrow onslaught.


Thanks for your feedback guys!


Glad you enjoy the build. Yeah Kaom's is a bit expensive in HC, but is definitely worth saving up for.

For the helm, try to get a helm with the enchantment "+20% increased burning arrow ignite chance".

Alpha's Howl works as well, but I would probably go with a life helm, since you are in HC.

Anyways, have fun with the build! Hope you survive long in HC!


Hmm interesting setup, having minions to tank for you is pretty neat.

Also, you run shavs as well, which is pretty cool haha.

It's great that you enjoy the build!
Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 3 мая 2016 г., 8:05:43
So far so good. At lvl 75 now. As an MF build its working good so far. FA has an Ir=230 IQ=46. Add that to map values and its a pretty good percentage. lots of drops.

Damage wise im at 12640 for FA ( 5 arrows ). 5771 for flame totem. With pets im estimating around 20k. Not bad.

FA is only at lvl 18 and dps will go up. Also I have not done lvl 3 of ascension yet and that will boost a bit too. Should end up around 30kDPS plus burn.

Hp and shield combined is around 4550. Plenty when you figure in the pet zoo shield. I figured out early on that fast mover mobs are what usually kills you. A big blue pack that catches you and your done. Minions and totems out front means that does not happen. 5 whole skill points and a plus 2 minion helm pays off huge. Especially when it also adds 42 rarity.

Resists are capped. This is a must and became much easier with jewels. All my jewels have +10 to all resists. This over comes the Andvarius ring.

I think I have purchased 3 items in 4 years off others. The rest were found. Higher MF gets you coinage and items.

Why anyone would run a build just to watch stuff die is beyond me. I don't get it? Wouldn't you rather kill stuff and get lots of stuff?

Just my opinion...

Anyways... Thanks man. Great build for MF.


Yeah the 3rd ascendancy points will be a big damage boost for you.

I guess different people have different playstyles. I prefer just selling the stuff that I find and trading for gear. But stacking MF can be pretty fun as well like your build.

Enjoy the build man!
Последняя редакция: MoarPizza#3433. Время: 4 мая 2016 г., 8:39:45

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