[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

Celidion написал:
If you have no enlighten and no Skyforth, how do you get powercharges? Is charisma enough to support HoI, Hatred and Discipline? I can maybe try to get a level 2 Enlighten, but definitely not a level 3. I guess PCoC is an option but I feel like that's a HUGE DPS loss. I could also spec into Influence I guess, since that also has a 4% mana reduction node.

Also, are the Links listed in terms of Effectiveness? I only have 2 4Ls atm so I'm not sure for best gem setups. I'm currently thinking:

LA: LA+LMP+WED+Increased Crit or PPAD
Blast Rain: BR + WED+PPAD+Elemental Focus

Finally, why is Barrage used over Blast Rain? I haven't played bow build for a few leagues, but back when I played it blast rain was king. Does the additional projectiles on Reach/Opus make barrage better or is it just that barrage is easier to spam or something?

barrage has more projectiles per shot: better damage. works with point blank slightly better also.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Последняя редакция: Rupenus#5905. Время: 4 марта 2017 г., 19:57:44
Fixed problem charisma helped a lot now got like 200+ mana also bought a leve-4 enlighten.added like 30+ mana.Probably will close charisma again.
Im following this guide, is there a way to replace signal fire, is still viable for legacy?
Shinohiko написал:
Is there a particular reason why we go for Point - Point for Normal and Cruel in Bandits.
Why not % Att speed?

I went for the +8% attack speed on my character, since it's worth more than 1 passive point.
manotas2 написал:
Im following this guide, is there a way to replace signal fire, is still viable for legacy?

even a mirrored quiver gives 10% less damage than 32-33% non +1arrow signal fire with this build. signal fire is the core item of the build, you cant do it without that
InAshesTheyShallReap написал:
manotas2 написал:
Im following this guide, is there a way to replace signal fire, is still viable for legacy?

even a mirrored quiver gives 10% less damage than 32-33% non +1arrow signal fire with this build. signal fire is the core item of the build, you cant do it without that

its possible to convert 90% of phys damage without help of the signal fire. now(2 passive points to spend total)

i didnt test it, since signal fire itself also gives good additional damage.
"You have great power. You're right to be proud. It's unfortunate you have to die now, but I will honor you with 45% of my strength."
Hi all, chanced skyforth's few minutes ago, i am just curious if playing this build is possible when ive got only skyforth's, also got 6l cherrubim maleficence and when i sell it want to start up with this build.
For league, is Death's Opus the bow to be looking for? At what point would a harbinger be better?
phocas99 написал:
For league, is Death's Opus the bow to be looking for? At what point would a harbinger be better?

I think the cut-off for Opus is at T15/T16. Opus can crush maps up to T15, but T16 is another matter and requires more of an investment (specifically hiking up your ES to high enough levels to not get 1 shot and leech through damage).

Still, you should be looking for an opportunity to upgrade to a Harbinger at all times, but it will cost you quite a bit. Might be better to just grind for currency by mapping with Opus, and then pull the trigger on a Harb once you amassed enough exalts and then start doing Guardians/Shaper.

Incidentally, I think that an Opus was stronger than the 4-arrow Reach last league anyways, *provided* that you had the +2 Barrage enchant, a Dying Sun, and a +1 Quiver. Additional arrows goes into diminishing returns (as does hiking up any damage multiplier) and the difference between 11 arrows and 9 arrows is much smaller than the difference between 5 arrows and 3 arrows. Basically the Opus has always been an extremely strong endgame bow, able to breeze through content up to T15s.

Hi all, chanced skyforth's few minutes ago, i am just curious if playing this build is possible when ive got only skyforth's, also got 6l cherrubim maleficence and when i sell it want to start up with this build.

Certainly. The build technically doesn't have any gear requirements other than gems converting phys to ele damage, but the build does scale insanely the more currency you dump into it. You can easily get going with a throwaway 6L chest (15c+) for Barrage and a Death's Opus (~120c) with your AoE in a Thunderfist (1c gloves).
Последняя редакция: DicemanX#7029. Время: 6 марта 2017 г., 14:19:18
At what DPS/Crit chance is a harbinger better? 325+? 350+?
IGN = pibDeath

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