[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

karitas написал:
After reading the guide more closely, I have to say there are several questions I have about the setup described in OP.

Why is pierce used?

Is this not a crit build such that barrage should use crit dmg gem? I ask because the guide also suggests the use of crit multi in vs various sources of increased damage when shopping for jewels, which seeks contradictory.

Pierce is used for clear speed and dps in tornado shot. It's a matter of smoothness vs a slight dps gain but slower/clunkier feel with something like crit multi, slower proj etc. We're not using TS as single target and you will not be lacking DPS for trash clearing. Try it yourself and you'll see what I mean.

This is obviously a crit build. Dropping any of the damage supports in the listed barrage setup for a crit multi gem is detrimental to your damage. You need P2l and barrage. Leaving you slower proj, ppad, wed, ele focus which all provide more DPS then the crippled crit multi gem.

Now, I'm struggling to understand why I wouldn't recommend crit multi for _jewels_ though? It's a solid source of damage scaling on _jewels_. Just like it's a decent form of damage scaling on an _amulet_. I'm not seeing the contradiction, crit multi gem vs other support gems in the barrage setup can't hold up but it doesn't mean multi isn't bad vs what you can land on a jewel.
@blasting_cap Should i use VaalPact and nodes for leech, when i dont have Vessel of Vinktar yet? and i am playing legacy league so there will be no "leech applies instantly" Vessels i guess?
and when i get vessel ofc non legacy should i still use VP ?
Yohnas92 написал:
@blasting_cap Should i use VaalPact and nodes for leech, when i dont have Vessel of Vinktar yet? and i am playing legacy league so there will be no "leech applies instantly" Vessels i guess?
and when i get vessel ofc non legacy should i still use VP ?

there is legacy vinktar in league, so you can not take vaal pact and leech nodes if you can afford it

a way to leech is a must

you have to use vaal pact with or without vessel of vinktar, you can take the duelist leech nodes or use warlord mark curse
Okay, thanks for the reply. I also noticed you did not use crit strikes for TS vs LA, which I think I will test with chain to see which aoe I will prefer.
Hey Blasting,

did you try to take the new ele conversion nodes at the ranger (40% phys to cold for 3 nodes) instead of P2L gem or instead of the quiver ? You would have 90% conversion and the option for another gem or quiver?
Remember guys and gals that when you are leeching it is leeching off your lightning damage when using Vinktars so you need to make sure you have plenty of lightning damage. That is why when testing and goofing around with Ice shot (which is a real nice skill now) you have to look at the numbers to make sure you have plenty of lightning damage so as to leech which means you really need to keep a PTL gem in any general skills you chose to run that are not lightning based. Even if you stray into leech nodes on tree the general leech is not enough in tight situations alone and vinktars plays a huge role and you really need to try and keep a good amount of lightning damage in the gem setups. I really like ice shot for map clearing and all and am still trying to get the leech to work right. It seems funner and better to me then LA yet that is just me.

There are a lot of ways to tweek tree and gem ideas yet the OP has put out the basics as to how the build works.

As for slower projectiles (which adds probably about 10kish damage overall to barrage) vs added fire gem there is a choice to be made. Both are strong and both in reality seem to do the job with virtually no difference in killing speed. The somewhat downside to Slower projectiles is that king of the hill will knock back some bosses and your arrow speed will slow down when not right up on top of the boss, etc. which will mean added fire is better when shooting from any distance. It is all just preference yet that is the only real debate in the 50% slower projectile speed.

Tornado shot seems not to be used for many over LA yet I find TS leeches much better then LA and you also really need to have pierce in the chain it makes a huge difference. TS takes less mana to use and you can spam it and the leech IMO is much better then LA yet I am still trying to make Ice Shot work with chain since it is so cool.

On a side note:

For the math people:

Its 5 points for Forces of Nature: 40% added elemental damage so fire lightning and cold get buffed and you get 6% overall penetration of each of the elements (cold/fire and Light)

if you chose the arcing blows/crackling speed (5 points) you get 78% lightning damage, 8% lightning penetration (just to lightning part of damage vs the 6% to cold/fire and light, etc. yet you also get on top of the lightning damage 15% crit strike muntiplier.

What is the total damage per 1000 difference overall:

example numbers are mine with barrage before I chose the 5 nodes to use (currently I use forces of nature yet these numbers are removing it so the math can be done:

Fire = 5059 - 11207
cold = 1801 - 3994
Lightning = 4064 - 9576
Crit multiplier = 461%

Can any of you math people sorta expose the overall choice difference between those two paths?

Thanks for any help - I am not good at looking at the overall penetration part of the difference in overall damage to lets say a single target boss.

Последняя редакция: NewbieDOTcom#6239. Время: 7 марта 2017 г., 11:50:13
Any ideas how to sort my situation early game?

On Standard I use 2x lvl4 Enlightens so Herald of Ice + Disc + Hatred is no issue.
Here I don't even have a level 2 Enlighten, so what setup should I run? HoI is so nice, I need the disc, and without the Hatred I can't get freeze for HoI.

(HoI is also my way to get charges with Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark)

Ice Shot makes Hatred not a must so should I go with that? I guess I don't have lightning damage then, so no shock and not much for vinktars later on? (Don't have vinktar atm)

Thanks in advance!
Последняя редакция: Oneyedrunky#1705. Время: 7 марта 2017 г., 12:44:18
Just spec into charisma, etc. It is not a huge investment for a league to use and will help a lot in general. Spec out of it if you are ever able to as items become available. That would be my advice. You are going to have to change your tree as you level anyway yet that should help with mana reserve issues a little as you build a chr.
Thanks for the help:) Forgot about charisma and such:)

thx and good day
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:
NewbieDOTcom написал:
Just spec into charisma, etc. It is not a huge investment for a league to use and will help a lot in general. Spec out of it if you are ever able to as items become available. That would be my advice. You are going to have to change your tree as you level anyway yet that should help with mana reserve issues a little as you build a chr.

There are also two reserve clusters that are either along the tree or close. You need Charisma and both these if you do not have any Enlightens. That will be 90% Reservation of Mana. Then as you get Enlighten 2, you trim one, and trim another in Enlighten 3. E4 not necessary imo if you are gonna take Charisma straight up, just E3 is okay.

I went Life for the time being... CI gear is a little pricy atm :D

Might be a multi week affair here, but I will say trying to go Life as Witch is pretty rough. Halfway tempted to just reroll Pathfinder like normal

HaHa TY I was just thinking of the one in general. I was starting a HC self found and wanted to dabble yet currently I keep crashing so unless they fix this I may not even dabble in the new league and just slowly get my chr to 100 from it's current 99 lvl:


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