[2.6] SignalShot™ CI Full Ele Conversion TS/Barrage / Shaper & Uber Deathless / with video!

What would you recommend as a 5L: Opus or 300 dps Harbinger (IPD,flat phys,crit chance)? Thx!
ploxirion написал:

For people asking. Currently in SC Legacy league, lv 75. Running up to T6 maps (haven't tried T7 yet). I bought all of this with 1 chaos per piece except the quiver (20 chaos for the prophecy). No jewels, no Vinktar, no Dying sun, 4k ES & 1.5k life (life leech is already on ES with Ghost reaver), 75% all res. Going CI in 3 levels when I'll swap my body for a 700 ES. Haven't done uber lab yet (still have to find trials), merc is done. Under flask around ~15k dps on the tooltip of both LA & Barrage.

mind linking your tree? Thanks for posting!
QuantumVoid1 написал:
Can this build farm Uber Labs fairly easily?

With good gear last season, i farmed uber labs with this exact build, no issues at all, only died when I was being lazy or stupid.
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:
Gonna transition to CI by the weekend or so. I'm 90 now so plenty of passives to play with :P

Elementalist version is pretty sweet actually. Think I'm going to use a Splendor to start with... And stick with it for a while, seems like a strong budget option. Helm Enchants I don't even wanna think about atm LOL

Any chance you want to share your character?
JoopO написал:
What would you recommend as a 5L: Opus or 300 dps Harbinger (IPD,flat phys,crit chance)? Thx!

Any chance i get a quick response on this?
JoopO написал:
JoopO написал:
What would you recommend as a 5L: Opus or 300 dps Harbinger (IPD,flat phys,crit chance)? Thx!

Any chance i get a quick response on this?

Here is what i asked and what I was told:
phocas99 wrote:
For league, is Death's Opus the bow to be looking for? At what point would a harbinger be better?

I think the cut-off for Opus is at T15/T16. Opus can crush maps up to T15, but T16 is another matter and requires more of an investment (specifically hiking up your ES to high enough levels to not get 1 shot and leech through damage).

Still, you should be looking for an opportunity to upgrade to a Harbinger at all times, but it will cost you quite a bit. Might be better to just grind for currency by mapping with Opus, and then pull the trigger on a Harb once you amassed enough exalts and then start doing Guardians/Shaper.

Incidentally, I think that an Opus was stronger than the 4-arrow Reach last league anyways, *provided* that you had the +2 Barrage enchant, a Dying Sun, and a +1 Quiver. Additional arrows goes into diminishing returns (as does hiking up any damage multiplier) and the difference between 11 arrows and 9 arrows is much smaller than the difference between 5 arrows and 3 arrows. Basically the Opus has always been an extremely strong endgame bow, able to breeze through content up to T15s.
So which tree i have to follow then ?, cos skyforth stil dnt ahve it and the legacy vinktar no need it really, the new one are almost same quality and effect for end maps.
@execreth - @eledhyr - @arthasspaw - @edherisctf - @douchebagontheway_hd

@the_pest - @ioneshotbosses_eightkai
Sorry if this question has already been answered but in the budget version how am I suppose to use all the mana reserve gems? what do I use to replace that reduced mana reserve on the skyforth boots
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:
phocas99 написал:
_Saranghaeyo_ написал:
Gonna transition to CI by the weekend or so. I'm 90 now so plenty of passives to play with :P

Elementalist version is pretty sweet actually. Think I'm going to use a Splendor to start with... And stick with it for a while, seems like a strong budget option. Helm Enchants I don't even wanna think about atm LOL

Any chance you want to share your character?

Still life based atm and grinding for gear.

I think with Elementalist links are gonna be rough so I'm going to go with Unset Rings to start. I expect that after this weekend I will be fully transitioned, pending playtime (and maybe some luck). I will say Lioneye Glare has been great since you can ignore any Accuracy on transition gearing, so that makes life easier. Crit is low though.

What would you rather have right now, deaths opus or lioneye?
Последняя редакция: jawnwest#2629. Время: 8 июня 2017 г., 10:43:29

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