[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist
I was wondering if I can have any tips on how to improve my characters. Having some troubles with damage and survivability in end game content. I have around 15 ex to spend on gear upgrade. Maybe some tweaks to the passive tree too as this is my first golem elementalist. TY!
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I just got shavronne and that helped my survivabilty by a lot as I was dying to mainly chaos. I still would like some suggestions on damage improvement. Fighting end game t15/t16 bosses hp seem to slowly trickle down. Maybe I should cut out some HP nodes for another harmony gem?
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Sorry if this was answered earlier in the thread, but 470 pages is a lot to go through.
Is it possible to use https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/The_Jinxed_Juju? It would be a straight 10% damage reduction, a DPS boost, and aura boost, and a curse effectiveness boost. The loss of chaos res is annoying, but the stun loss can be mitigated by changing Pantheon choices. |
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" Hey :) Np, glad to hear it helped! ^^ " " Hello :) For boosting DPS, I can really recomment "Elegant Hubris" -jewel and hunt for "Slum Lords" with it. If you get 2-3x 80% minion damage nodes, your DPS will get massive boost. Here's how to try to craft one :
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1) Get "Elegant Hubris" It seems that any one will work as they might be all same item level. Make sure it's not corrupted, so you can reroll it with divine orbs. 2) Place the jewel in any of these three important sockets : ![]() "Assassins socket" costs only 5x nodes to take, so you can respec some other nodes while testing it. Jewel also works in other sockets, but they have less nodes to reroll "Slum Lord" or you might lose some other important nodes at reroll. The jewel will change the nodes at random, so you can't know what you will get. Smaller nodes will be destroyed and bigger will be rerolled and all will be taken inside the radius even without way leading to them. 3) Check how many "Slum Lords" you get per jewel socket form rerolled nodes. You can do this manually or search for "slum" after you place the jewel, and it will highlight all changed nodes. Hoever when you replace the jewel to another socket, you need to modify the search or it wont highlight new "Slum Lords". You can remove "m" form "slum" and end with "slu" and it will highlight new "Slum lords". with third place add "m" back at the search and it will search again. 4) If you get 0 or 1 Slum lords you might want reroll the jewel. Use Divine orb to reroll the jewel and replace it again in all 3x sockets and search for "Slum lords". Repeat until you get more than 2x Slum lords or are happy with results. I got 3x Slum Lords with 10x Divine rerolls and 4x with about 20x Divine rerolls, so be prepared to use lots of them. Some rolls didn't have any "Slum Lords" in any of the sockets, but most had at least one in some socket. Please note that the jewel will reroll all nodes, if you place it near "Elemental Equilibroum" you will end with something different and lose the 50% damage bonus. Thats why the 3x mentioned places are best as they have lot of bigger nodes to reroll "Slum Lords" and not too important nodes that you may lose. 5) It seems like you still have to connect to the nodes. Try to find place where Slum Lords are close to your jewel start position or on way to the jewel." I would suggest using "minions have chance to taunt / blind" "Ghastly eye" jewel. This way your Stone and Chaos Golems can draw aggro and also blind make your enemies. You can also propably swap Golems "Elemental Army" support for Empower as Golems are already immune to elemental damage and they get extra levels from Empower and also boost your defenseive buffs. I would also swap Lightning Golem for "Chance to blind" -support, to stack chance to blind to be as fast as possible in fights. I prefer Phase Run over Shield Charge, as I used to die lot more when I just charged around the screen and in the middle of enemy packs. I have also noticed similar behavior in the thread, so I can imagine that just swapping movement skill could lower number of deaths. Phae Run also has less chance for Aggro which is nice with Temporal Chains and chance to taunt on Golems. I would also try to get 110+ ES Chystal belt and 150+ ES Gloves. ES on rings also seems quite low, as they are one of your main way of getting ES. I would try to get 40+ ES on both. One way to increase DPS is to use "Pledge of Hands" staff with Elementalist. " Hello :) The Amulet seems ok before getting Chayula. However you would lose chaos res, HP to ES boost and stun immunity which are quite big part of defense. 10% less damage seems pretty nice, but I think your would end losing more than you gain form it. If it granted +1 Spectre level, it would be different story. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 10 апр. 2020 г., 13:58:58
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@mika2salo thank you for your suggestions!
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Hello, I have a question, do I have to use winter orba ?? Can I use storm burst instead? because I don't like winter orb. Does it fall because elemental equblirim reduces our resistenc enemies by 100 percent on fire when we use winter orb cold skill (-50%) and storm brand lightning skill (-50%) ??? does it not add up and the enemies get only -50% resistence on fire anyway? I play this build since yesterday and I like it very much, only winter orb annoys me, can you change it ?? if not on Storm burst, what skill. Sorry for my broken english.
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I tried going Elegant Hubris and 2x slum lord and I was wondering the math behind why it is worth it considering the empty nodes to take towards the slumlord and respecing?
Isn't adding another primordial harmony just as good dps as if I calculate correctly with 20% damage roll with 4 types of golem also add 80% damage = to 1 slumlord? Right now I have the option of swapping out 1 harmony for 2x slumlord but in doing so I have to get rid of some nodes in reaching those passives. |
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" Hey :) Glad to hear they helped ^^ " Hello :) Elemental equilibrium works only once and lowers the by 50%. You can use Storm Burst as well to trigger it. However Storm Burst wont keep firing at boss when you stop casting it. With Winter Orb you can kite more and still keep EE up longer. If you feel like Storm Burst works better for you, there's no reason to not use it. " Hi :) If you add more Golem types, you drop number of damage dealing Golems as well. This can slow clear-speed and potentially even boss damage. Idea with Elegant Hubris is to get 2-3x Slum Lords withit 3x smaller nodes each. After certain number of Harmonies taken, it starts to eat more and more smaller nodes to reach next empty jewel socket. With Slum Lords you can still get 2-3x big nodes with 3x smaller nodes each. [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 18 апр. 2020 г., 17:54:00
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Hi, came back after a longer time. Found out I have 16ex to spend on upgrades but I am not quite sure what to focus on. Is anyone willing to check my gear? thanks in advance!
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" Hello and welcome back! :) you seems to already have very nice set of partially legacy gear. I would : - Try to get 40+ ES per ring. Either by slamming exalts in current ones if they have prefix open or trade - Legacy Rumis is always option to boost block chance - Awakened gems for minions are great, especially Echo and GMP - Hubris jewel crafting (divine spamming) is huge way to boost DPS if you hit 2-3x 80% minion damage nodes called "Slum Lords" Btw your helmet is now especially great after GGG changed level when you get 4th Spec ;) [3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
https://tinyurl.com/y8k9fa2f |
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