[3.14] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, ✔️All Bosses Down, ✔️Necro, ✔️Elementalist

Not sure what to do next

my POB is here: https://pastebin.com/tjww7688

any tips are appreciated

Question to all you lovely people who've tried this build in heist, I'm chronically broke in this game usually, some minor currency, looking to do some heisting and hoisting and Im curious how this build is doing in heist, particularly how well you survive during lockdown and such.
i have the same issue with oneshots/insta deaths. I'm afraid of doing Sirius and yes, i feel i've invested a lot in this build, but i have no idea what to do next.

Hello :)

Sorry for the wait, but my pc broke down and I had to order few parts before I could really start answering.

Sirius is really tough boss. Your best bet is to craft Hubris jewel with guide from my earlier message. Cutting boss fight length by almost 50% gives you less chances to make errors and dying.

You most likely have to learn Sirius moves by heart and kite really well to be able to pass the final stage.

I have done Sirius once and it was really tough fight. Guild mates have done the boss more ofter with the build, but they are much better at kiting than me. I can also ask them if they have tips on what resistances to overcap or what flasks to use in the fight.

I am currently working on the NO BLOCK variant of your build, and I have question. In your write up you have the Ascendancy option for this variant as Bone Barrier, but in the POB for this variant it has Plaguebringer. Which one is the recommended for this variant?


Hey :)

The Bone Barrier was used before it was nerfed. Now other nodes are stronger and I prefer to recommend them over Bone Barrier.

Where did you find the mention? I can't find it in the guide and I tried to remove all traces of it.

Newest skill-trees have the right current choices for the Ascendancy nodes.

Hi, new to this build so I am trying to stay with your leveling directions. Am a little confused right now, completed up through

- Take "Sovereignty" using mana reduction nodes for curse area boost and being able to activate both curses and Discipline

and have Temporal Chains, Elemental Weakness and Discipline all running. However, the next item has me confused since I am already running two curses

- Take "Whispers Of Doom" for extra curse (Elemental Weakness)

Since I am already running Elemental Weakness why do I need to pick up Whispers of Doom?

Hi :)

You can run two curses at the same time without Whispers of Doom, but only the stronger curse will apply to enemies. With Whispers of Doom both curses (Elemental Weakness and Temporal Chains) start applying to enemies.

Taking mana reservation reduction nodes is all prework to activate all curses, auras and preferrably Enhance linked to the curses in the end. They can be very mana hungry, so recommend taking mana reduction nodes early from the tree so that 0 mana situations are avoided. However the order in taking Whispers of Doom and mana reduction varies depending on if you have Enhance or other ways to lower the reduction.

Not sure what to do next

my POB is here: https://pastebin.com/tjww7688

any tips are appreciated


Hello :)

Are you having`any spesifice problems?

Heres a list about things that you could improve :
- Flame Golem gem 20/20 -> 21/0 or 21/20. Each level increases Golems DPS and HP by 10% and quality gives only some extra.
- Take Necromantic Aegis as you are using Victarios Charity or swap shield for high HP & ES shield if you want block chance and higher EHP. Right now you are not giving the Vic's shields effect to minions, so you have worse defense and you don't get the DPS increase. Also check the trees for block or non-block variants. For examply the Misrtess of Sacrifice is almost useless for non-block variant.
- Try to get Enhance lvl 3/4. The effect really starts to shine with higher level Enhance and high quality curse gems.
- Try to get "Commandment of Reflection" enhancement on gloves. the extra minions is nice distraction for enemies.
- Try to get life regen or extra movement enhancement on boots. Both are very nice for mapping and survival.
- You can try getting Abyssal Vise with good ES / HP and Abyssal jewel with ES / HP and minion can blind / taunt / hinder. The effect is noticable especially for taunt / blind.
- You can try crafting Hubris jewel for extra damage with guide on my earlier message. You can double your Spectre damage for few exalts if you are lucky.
- You can sacrifice +1 level from ring for Animate Guardian if you can find one with +40 ES and HP. Boost to EHP is noticable and AG can survive pretty tought fights even with lower level.

Overall all looks pretty nice, expect the mismatch between two variants in items / skills. If you get closer to either one and add few tweaks, you should have smooth sailing in maps ^^

Question to all you lovely people who've tried this build in heist, I'm chronically broke in this game usually, some minor currency, looking to do some heisting and hoisting and Im curious how this build is doing in heist, particularly how well you survive during lockdown and such.

Hey :)

I'm not playing in league, but guild reports if works well in heist. Especially after they patched the minion interaction in heists it seems to be working good. I can't really give detailed answers on the matter, unfortunately.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Hey all,

Really enjoying the build, level 87 atm, just got a question about the Hubris jewel;

I divined the jewel a couple of times and got 3 x Slum Lord in the Assassin jewel socket, it's going to take about 15 points to get all 3 though (on top of the 5 to reach the socket in the first place).

So what can I do without to get all 3 and is it worth sacrificing that many nodes? I've now got 3 Harmonies, should I add more or use the points for the jewel sockets for the Slum Lord nodes?

SirCalmness написал:
Hey all,

Really enjoying the build, level 87 atm, just got a question about the Hubris jewel;

I divined the jewel a couple of times and got 3 x Slum Lord in the Assassin jewel socket, it's going to take about 15 points to get all 3 though (on top of the 5 to reach the socket in the first place).

So what can I do without to get all 3 and is it worth sacrificing that many nodes? I've now got 3 Harmonies, should I add more or use the points for the jewel sockets for the Slum Lord nodes?


Hello :)

Gz on hitting 3x Slumlords!

You can sacrifice lesser minion damage nodes from the left side of the tree. The 80% increased damage is usually worth multiple nodes from the general tree.

YOu can also anointment one slumlord in your amulet instead of taking the extra curse node in it. You can get the extra curse from the tree for 3-4 nodes, so it might save you multiple nodes compared to taking it from around hubris.

Your account is private, so I can't give more precise info, but in general you can sacrifice :
- General minion damage nodes
- Resistance nodes if you are capped
- HP / ES if you have good gear or don't care about dying
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
mika2salo написал:
SirCalmness написал:
Hey all,

Really enjoying the build, level 87 atm, just got a question about the Hubris jewel;

I divined the jewel a couple of times and got 3 x Slum Lord in the Assassin jewel socket, it's going to take about 15 points to get all 3 though (on top of the 5 to reach the socket in the first place).

So what can I do without to get all 3 and is it worth sacrificing that many nodes? I've now got 3 Harmonies, should I add more or use the points for the jewel sockets for the Slum Lord nodes?


Hello :)

Gz on hitting 3x Slumlords!

You can sacrifice lesser minion damage nodes from the left side of the tree. The 80% increased damage is usually worth multiple nodes from the general tree.

YOu can also anointment one slumlord in your amulet instead of taking the extra curse node in it. You can get the extra curse from the tree for 3-4 nodes, so it might save you multiple nodes compared to taking it from around hubris.

Your account is private, so I can't give more precise info, but in general you can sacrifice :
- General minion damage nodes
- Resistance nodes if you are capped
- HP / ES if you have good gear or don't care about dying

Thanks for the reply, makes sense, good call on the anoint, didn't think of that :)
Hey Mika,

Just thought I would pop by to wish you a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.

Hope you are well.

I've seen that golems have been doing pretty well recently; at least there seems to be a lot of people playing Carrion Golems / Stone Golems and using aura stacking to get to some pretty high DPS numbers and making really tanky characters.

Hopefully GGG will "balance" those types of builds going forward without needing to nerf ALL golem builds. Similarly with Spectres hopefully it's just a case of nerfing a few of the outliers like Syndicate Operatives rather than nerfing Spectres or Minions in general.

I'm not planning to play the Flashback as I feel that usually makes me less excited to play the new league at launch but I am looking forward to getting back into PoE in January. Will have been almost a 3 month break for me which has been good. Played some other ARPG's like Grim Dawn and Last Epoch. Interesting to see their take on minions. Plus always nice to have options once the PoE league stops becoming interesting.

I look forward to seeing the new league announcements and seeing what GGG have planned for minions going forward.

All the best :)
Hello :)

Happy xmas and new year to you too! ^^

I'm also glad that Golems as summons are doing great, but GGG really has to balance them out. Flame Golems havent been nerfed at any point, but there has been major powercreep with other Golems and HP based builds.

I guess GGG won't be nerfing Flame Golems if they decide to nerf other Golems types as they havent touched their starts for years. They seem to be pretty balanced and could use maybe slight buff to DPS with TV Spectres.

I will be updating the build when league gets close, but there won't propably be many changes. I have also been playing Grim Dawn more and really like the AI setup they have for their minion system. However they have nothing as complex as Animate Guardian or Specres in Poe. I'm also looking for new stuff that GGG could add for minion builds and would love to integrate them in the build.

I'm really looking for Poe 2 already, and I think that we will se larger starts of league and faster decline of players before that. New players don't really want to learn the complex system and old players are getting tired of old stuff and map maintaining system.

Lets hope we will see Poe 2 in 2021 ;)

DrHarvey12 написал:
Hey Mika,

Just thought I would pop by to wish you a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.

Hope you are well.

I've seen that golems have been doing pretty well recently; at least there seems to be a lot of people playing Carrion Golems / Stone Golems and using aura stacking to get to some pretty high DPS numbers and making really tanky characters.

Hopefully GGG will "balance" those types of builds going forward without needing to nerf ALL golem builds. Similarly with Spectres hopefully it's just a case of nerfing a few of the outliers like Syndicate Operatives rather than nerfing Spectres or Minions in general.

I'm not planning to play the Flashback as I feel that usually makes me less excited to play the new league at launch but I am looking forward to getting back into PoE in January. Will have been almost a 3 month break for me which has been good. Played some other ARPG's like Grim Dawn and Last Epoch. Interesting to see their take on minions. Plus always nice to have options once the PoE league stops becoming interesting.

I look forward to seeing the new league announcements and seeing what GGG have planned for minions going forward.

All the best :)
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Yikes!! It looks like Elementalist lost the golem damage per summoned golem from it's ascendancy.

That's what, 120% inc damage to 200% increased damage lost? That seems like a fairly big nerf to me.

Sad as the other ascendancy changes looked kinda cool.

[Edit: Thinking about it it's not that bad. Just hurts quite a bit more if you don't have a decent amount of primordial harmonies to start off with. Once you get a good few of those rolling and especially if you can have multiple types of golems out it's not going to be that big a deal. ]

Последняя редакция: DrHarvey12#0114. Время: 7 янв. 2021 г., 16:17:21
DrHarvey12 написал:
Yikes!! It looks like Elementalist lost the golem damage per summoned golem from it's ascendancy.

That's what, 120% inc damage to 200% increased damage lost? That seems like a fairly big nerf to me.

Sad as the other ascendancy changes looked kinda cool.

[Edit: Thinking about it it's not that bad. Just hurts quite a bit more if you don't have a decent amount of primordial harmonies to start off with. Once you get a good few of those rolling and especially if you can have multiple types of golems out it's not going to be that big a deal. ]

Hello :)

Seems like Elementalist version of Flame Golem has to pay the price for GGGs inability to balance their skills. Leveling with Elementalist is now pretty much useless as you don't get damage before multiple Harmonies, but once you have enough Harmonies the damage should be decent. Have to see final numbers once PoB is out.

Theres still a chance that GGG will buff all elemental Golems as they now nerf Elementalist and propably Carrion Golems as well. However I would not hold my breath.

Necromancer version should be pretty balanced, or it could get buffed or nerfed depending on Ascendancy changes. We will propably now by 11th day.

I will be updating the guide once patch-notes are out. I guess there won't be many changes to items / skills and that Necro will be recommended version to start the league and to level up with.
[3.12] Flame Golem 101 - Complete Guide To Golemancy, All Bosses Down, Necro, Elementalist
Последняя редакция: mika2salo#7776. Время: 9 янв. 2021 г., 12:32:51

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