[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*

Hey Guys, just found this build, looks really fun with that clear speed, but i am also looking for a decent Survivability, to do t15+ Stuff. Can someone tell me something about the defense of this build?
just wanted to give everybody some estimation of what this build is capable of.
I played a sword version of this in Legacy League and pretty much did everything with it.
Uber, Shaper, Guardians, Breachlords, Level 100. It was a very fun build with awesome clear speed.

I didn't start with this guide but made my own tree and gear decisions. While looking for a nice build in 3.0 I found this thread and thought maybe you guys are interested in some more Information since I ended up with something quite similar.

My Account is public so you can just import my build to your PoB. (char is named "NotSorryAtAll").
Otherwise here is a pastebin: https://pastebin.com/bwc2Qc0w
Keep in mind that "Projectile Travel Distance" isn't set in that PoB-link.
You'll see that I went for a boosted Wrath in my Lycosidae. Other than that it's quite basic.
It can be argued to take Forces of Nature over Phase Acrobatics but honestly the damage is very good so there is no need to go for more (Shaper is deleted in a few seconds).
With 3.0 this build won't end up worse than it is now I think. Some Multi will be lost, 30% crit from Power Charges and a little dmg due to the redesign of the Weapon Elemental Damage Support. However Added Lightning gets buffed and some of the new Support Gems (Ice Bite,...) might be interesting choices. Furthermore Shocking Bosses should be fun (at least 10% with vinktar).
As I said I used a sword but that can easily be changed to Claw (which should be better). However Claws are most likely harder to come by, so you might want to go with the best weapon type you get early on and change later ( dagger / sword / claw).
The Headhunter is just for clearspeed and fun by the way. Absolutely no need for it and for bosses it's better to take it off obviously.
Hope I could help a little with your decisionmaking.

EDIT: Swap Slower Projectiles out and GMP in for clearing ofc.
Последняя редакция: garth537#3988. Время: 3 авг. 2017 г., 18:04:59
shaunika90 написал:
here's the thing about icebite vs Lpen tho

i think that all inning on lightning damage is our best bet due to how the new shock mechanic works

the higher we crit with Ldmg the more damage the target will take

so even if icebite provides slightly more dps (and believe me it's only slightly) the benefit of getting bigger shocks on the target far outweighs that

obviously this is just for bosses/etc since on trash we do more than 10% of their health anyway, but they'll fall over regardless of us running icebite or pen tbh

alternatively we could swap them out before bossfights like SP obviously, but i dont think it's necessary

I don't think it will be. I mean if we throw in added cold + icebite, both have significantly more dmg now. Icebite to my frostblades build on path of building added an insane amount of damage and that was also with 7 frenzy charges.

I mean lightning pen will not be bad but I really do think icebite + added cold over lightning pen + inc crit strikes will be best.

Don't forget once you get ele weakness leveled + the penetration on tree + wise oak, u will already have a lot of penetration.

Again can't gurantee anything, but think the huge dps increase (and believe me, it is huge) will be better. Even with the shock, the amount of dmg with penetration will not make a significant difference when it matters. By this I mean basically bosses/guardians/shaper etc.

Just my thoughts, but again, not tested.

IceCreamCookies написал:
Noob here.

Would you recommend this for a HC Starter build? I'm still a noob, but would like to try HC during harbinger league.

Thank you so much for your guide, I used it as a guide to create my first character at the end of the last league (legacy) and had a blast even though I didn't even come close to finishing the build (I had no idea what trading was).

No I would not. I mean you can do it, but there is a lot better builds with a lot more survivability that can do HC better.

velislav87 написал:
tested the build up to 85~, idk with that boss hp to shock the bosses are hard . Btw ever considered zerker for this build ? :) I love zerker .. damn :(

No sorry, build won't work with zerker. As for boss hp, it shouldn't be to bad most bosses on 2.6 I didn't even put in slower projectiles for, just blasted them with gmp. Now you will have to switch it more for other bosses that is all.

DunklerKoenig написал:
Hey Guys, just found this build, looks really fun with that clear speed, but i am also looking for a decent Survivability, to do t15+ Stuff. Can someone tell me something about the defense of this build?

Its all in the original post man, defense screenshots, all about block + evade + dodge + spell dodge + fortify + leech. Don't be lazy... go read it before asking questions >.<
g00fy_goober написал:

DunklerKoenig написал:
Hey Guys, just found this build, looks really fun with that clear speed, but i am also looking for a decent Survivability, to do t15+ Stuff. Can someone tell me something about the defense of this build?

Its all in the original post man, defense screenshots, all about block + evade + dodge + spell dodge + fortify + leech. Don't be lazy... go read it before asking questions >.<

Yeah you´re right, sorry for that! I´am reading a lot of Guides at the moment bevor League Start and i prefer/like the experience of the Persons which already played it. So thanks a lot :-)
Последняя редакция: DunklerKoenig#4662. Время: 3 авг. 2017 г., 18:21:01

thank you for your great Build!

So you recommend the gems: ST-GMP-Add LDam- Ice Bite - EDW(WED) - Added Cold?

I read, that you are doing a FB Build in PoB, could your post your Link? And what do you think would be the better League Starter, Spectral Throw or Frost Blade for People who wont be able to get high end gear. Usually i dont farm tons of currency, but i want to try a guardian kill this league. And i cant figure out if i should go st or fb :D i am really in trouble with it ;)

Thanke you for your great work!

g00fy_goober написал:

I don't think it will be. I mean if we throw in added cold + icebite, both have significantly more dmg now. Icebite to my frostblades build on path of building added an insane amount of damage and that was also with 7 frenzy charges.

I mean lightning pen will not be bad but I really do think icebite + added cold over lightning pen + inc crit strikes will be best.

Don't forget once you get ele weakness leveled + the penetration on tree + wise oak, u will already have a lot of penetration.

Again can't gurantee anything, but think the huge dps increase (and believe me, it is huge) will be better. Even with the shock, the amount of dmg with penetration will not make a significant difference when it matters. By this I mean basically bosses/guardians/shaper etc.

Just my thoughts, but again, not tested.

well, ive been playing around the build A lot in path of building

and the best dps i had came out to be

proj weakness with CoH
spectral+GMP/SP+added L+WED+Lpen+crit dmg
wrath, herald of ice(thunder came out to more dps, but the CoH on it aint that great)

even without accounting the highest possible shock values compared to other builds

obviously it's just path of building since i couldnt live test it, but

even if i double cap my resistances for better wise oak it comes out worse

these are all against standard bosses

the only thing that could help icebite would be an 8th frenzy charge(but i cant test that in PoB or at least i dont know how), but based on the numbers i'm getting even that wouldnt make it better

this is with basically the most ideal gear
double diamond rings with both Ldmg and WeD
neck with L dmg WED
450 ele dps claw
all the needed uniques/flasks
gripped gloves with attack speed
WEd belt etc

the values arent max on them, but the statlines are
the jewels arent maxed out either

you can check it out, maybe i did something really wrong in PoB, but this is what it shows me
Последняя редакция: shaunika90#5422. Время: 3 авг. 2017 г., 19:44:41
Kranor42 написал:

thank you for your great Build!

So you recommend the gems: ST-GMP-Add LDam- Ice Bite - EDW(WED) - Added Cold?

I read, that you are doing a FB Build in PoB, could your post your Link? And what do you think would be the better League Starter, Spectral Throw or Frost Blade for People who wont be able to get high end gear. Usually i dont farm tons of currency, but i want to try a guardian kill this league. And i cant figure out if i should go st or fb :D i am really in trouble with it ;)

Thanke you for your great work!


I THINK those would be the best gems, all of them are untested, but think it will be best bet. Could always start with them and when you get more fully geared and can swap and test the others idk.

I will be rolling FB build in 3.0 tomorrow. I do not have a link to PoB as I am still inputing stuff and testing/swapping things around and doing more "research" so to speak. I only publish/share once I actually know what I am talking about :)

Both ST + Frostblades will be solid builds and both even on a budget will make good league starters, just depends what you want to roll with.

I do think however that single target will be MUCH better on spec throw, especially when you swap out gmp for slower projectiles for boss kills and guardians/shaper and such. If that is your objective I would definitely go with ST.

shaunika90 написал:

well, ive been playing around the build A lot in path of building

and the best dps i had came out to be

proj weakness with CoH
spectral+GMP/SP+added L+WED+Lpen+crit dmg
wrath, herald of ice(thunder came out to more dps, but the CoH on it aint that great)

even without accounting the highest possible shock values compared to other builds

obviously it's just path of building since i couldnt live test it, but

even if i double cap my resistances for better wise oak it comes out worse

these are all against standard bosses

the only thing that could help icebite would be an 8th frenzy charge(but i cant test that in PoB or at least i dont know how), but based on the numbers i'm getting even that wouldnt make it better

this is with basically the most ideal gear
double diamond rings with both Ldmg and WeD
neck with L dmg WED
450 ele dps claw
all the needed uniques/flasks
gripped gloves with attack speed
WEd belt etc

the values arent max on them, but the statlines are
the jewels arent maxed out too

you can check it out, maybe i did something really wrong in PoB, but this is what it shows me

Well this really surprises me and I highly doubt the inc crit. Penetration maybe solid as hell, its hard to say as again gems are untested. Inc crit has always been the worst gem and I gurantee added cold or ice bite is more dmg by a good amount.

The problem with path of building is you need to figure out all the ways in which the USER can screw up. Trust me I did this like 50 times in the last week. You have to set it to boss vs white mobs, you have to enable your flaks, you have to make sure your charges are on. Icebite without showing your frenzy charges barely changes your dps. Enable 7 frenzy charges and boom dps shoots through the roof.

Not saying 100% that its something you messed up but theres a good chance something got overlooked.

As for gear, 450 edps claw is not even possible I don't think. like 350 edps claw would be pretty damn solid.

Its hard for me to say/judge though as I have nothing for THIS guide yet in PoB. Only going off my frostblades build I made though.

Sorry to say I also don't have time to look at your PoB and go through it.

3.0 is tomorrow at 4pm my time, its a little after 8pm now and I got a couple things I have to go do b4 bed.

Will be getting off for rest of night now and will be on tomorrow early afternoon.

Hope it works out for you and wish you the best of luck, and I will see you all in 3.0 :)
g00fy_goober написал:

Well this really surprises me and I highly doubt the inc crit. Penetration maybe solid as hell, its hard to say as again gems are untested. Inc crit has always been the worst gem and I gurantee added cold or ice bite is more dmg by a good amount.

The problem with path of building is you need to figure out all the ways in which the USER can screw up. Trust me I did this like 50 times in the last week. You have to set it to boss vs white mobs, you have to enable your flaks, you have to make sure your charges are on. Icebite without showing your frenzy charges barely changes your dps. Enable 7 frenzy charges and boom dps shoots through the roof.

Not saying 100% that its something you messed up but theres a good chance something got overlooked.

As for gear, 450 edps claw is not even possible I don't think. like 350 edps claw would be pretty damn solid.

Its hard for me to say/judge though as I have nothing for THIS guide yet in PoB. Only going off my frostblades build I made though.

Sorry to say I also don't have time to look at your PoB and go through it.

3.0 is tomorrow at 4pm my time, its a little after 8pm now and I got a couple things I have to go do b4 bed.

Will be getting off for rest of night now and will be on tomorrow early afternoon.

Hope it works out for you and wish you the best of luck, and I will see you all in 3.0 :)

i have all flasks on, 7 frenzies on, against standard boss, everything that should be on is on
i dont have shock turned on cos im not sure how it works in PoB with the new shock mechanic so i didnt screw around with it, but having shock only makes the pure lightning build bettzer, especially since crit damage directly affects it.

and yeah the claw is 450 overall dps with 350 ele dps, i was wrong in my first post

if im going a hybrid sort of ele dmg build with added cold+icebite, why not just go full noncrit with elemental overload?

edit: apparently if i double cap both cold and lightning for wise oak, then icebite will be significantly better (by about 7% overall dmg)
, that might make it better overall even if on bosses it still might be slightly less dmg due to shock(not sure about that tho)

Последняя редакция: shaunika90#5422. Время: 3 авг. 2017 г., 21:55:00
I will be rolling FB build in 3.0 tomorrow. I do not have a link to PoB as I am still inputing stuff and testing/swapping things around and doing more "research" so to speak. I only publish/share once I actually know what I am talking about :)

You mean facebreaker ancestral warchief build ?

Will be going for your build definatelly. Just a quick question. Is passive tree on first page the one for 3.0 already ? It shows 3.0 beta but i guess it is the same as 3.0 ?

Second question : Did you figure out which pantheons to take/upgrade ?

Please release PoB ur working on before league start :D And good luck
Thanks for all
He, this build is a big throw back to me because I used to use ele buzzsaw and love claws! How does going Raider/Slayer from the Ascendant scion? Do you think this could work?

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