[3.25]g00fy_goober's EleBuzzsaw Deadeye (Easily Clear All Content) *REVAMPED AGAIN*
" Ya its very hard for me to say without the stesting + POB. All I was trying to get at, is PoB is very easy to miss something tiny and have it effect your whole build (Just like you mentioned with wise oak, like if you didn't put in gear to get the res you were going for the highest, it wouldn't add any damage). As I am a total noob for PoB still its possible I am mixing things up as well. I don't know about lightning pen (its just a guess) but even just popping out inc crit on 2.6 its only half as good as the other support gems. So will almost gurantee icebite or added cold will be better. We don't get rid of crit because you can still comfortably hit around 40%. Couple that with a diamond flask and you can hit like 70%. That's still pretty decent crit, for little investment. With nerfs to items, ascendancys, passive tree multi nerfs etc etc, its just not worth going all out for as much crit + multi as you can now. Especially since some of the other flat gems and such were buffed/changed. " Absolutely not. Personally I hate warchief. Its very easy to gear and play and do lots of damage, but that 2 seconds it takes them to spring out and attack bothers me to no end. The build I was talking about was frostblades and ironically I actually put in a 4 link warchief setup to help with the single target on it lol. Im such a hypocrite right? I don't mind it for helping with single target here and there, just not dual/tri totem and doing nothing else but wait for them to pop up. The tree should be all set, bandits aren't implemented yet but the passive tree itself should be good to go. Pantheon you will want to go yugul for minor god (20% reduced reflected damage) as for major god I go with abberath for the can't be stunned more than once every 4 seconds and 100% stun recovery. " Scion was definitely buffed in 3.0 making it a somewhat viable class now under certain circumstances. However raider is still the strongest option I believe. However I never tested this out fully. " No I do not have 3.0 PoB link. Trees are updated in OP for 3.0. As for claw its listed in the guide. Please read the guide before posting and asking questions as its just a waste of time. Regardless of whether you go claw or dagger or foil, the stat prioritization and my listed gear is still there. Just put those same exact stats on a claw base. Touch of anguish is a pure physical claw while we are running a pure ele build, so obviously the answer to that is no. " No I do not in any way shape or form. Again this is a pure ele build, that focus's on claws now (foils/daggers would still be ok) but the entire tree/ascendancies/gear is all for ele dmg. It also uses 1h + a shield. How would dual wielding physical swords be good for this build at all? Literally the only thing that would remain the same would be using ST, not even the supports would be the same... " 50k is lower than my current 1h + shield. Seeing as 2 handers are made to be higher dps this is a pretty bad sign already. So you lose dps + ton of defenses from losing shield. As for wise oak I think you are confused on how it works. Even if you matched up all 3 of your uncapped resistances so they literally had the same exact number, it does not give more elemental damage, it gives 20% penetration. This is also nerfed to 10-15% starting in 3.0. I am glad you are trying build and trying to make it work with your 2 hand ele sword and you are more than welcome to continue to do so. Just want to make sure you know in reality what a bad option it actually is for the build. Sorry to say, but gl. " Steel spirit does very little tbh. Most spectral throw hits are going to kill trash in one hit even when they don't you attack so fast that everything is dead by time they boomerang back to you. Going a good rare jewel will be much better for defense + dps. " Personally I definitely would not go with ele focus in this build. Your a tri element character so shock + ignite + chill/freeze is going to be insane. I love ele focus as a gem and it works in a lot of builds, but for this one I would not run it. All those ele status ailments are to good to give up, especially with the new chill/freeze/shock mechanics. As for proj weakness I would not use it at all. I would definitely use ele weakness over projectile weakness. Crit + powercharges + crit multi were nerfed a lot. I mean power charges will never be BAD but don't think they will be worth it even for general clearing. Curse on hit ele weakness will be a lot better. As for single target and bosses (which is REALLY when we need the damage) you can 4 link orb of storms and do both. Use pcoc AND curse on hit with ele weakness. That was it gives even more. Tbh even without changes, probably should have done in this in 2.6 as Curse on hit + ele weakness woulda been so much better than culling + inc aoe. " Yes. I would not go ele focus on this build at all. Especially with the new shock/chill/freeze mechanics. |
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why didnt you get the notes after acrobatics ?
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Alright, thnx alot for your input g00fy :)
Just as a final confirmation (I'm super insecure about this stuff I guess) ST - Slow proj - WED - Added light - Ice bite - Added cold will probably be the best choice? :) Последняя редакция: Sh1tbag#1337. Время: 4 авг. 2017 г., 8:46:15
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" is still true for when using Claws now? Im out of the Loop so please dont be hard on me. when using The Wise Oak: One should try to get even fire/cold/light res so we get the defensive aswell as the offensive buff. But if thats not possible, should I focus on getting light res to its maximum to receive additional pen for it? |
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I love this build. I love this playstyle of zipping around the map and melting mobs.
Few question though... (I don't have the budget to buy a 6L Belly of the Beast + shield, claw, and everything else, but I could buy a 5L one and the rest.) So for a 5L Belly what socket colors I should go for? 3 green, 1 blue, 1 red? also what would be the order of importance in gems in a 5L? ST>GMP/slow proj>?>?>? sorry if they are noob questions... I'm new to the game. I started playing a month ago Последняя редакция: alexjty#3906. Время: 4 авг. 2017 г., 9:03:46
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" After using phase acrobatics in 2.6 I realized how trivialized these are for most of the stuff. Majority of content bosses do phys dmg and even their spells (like shapers wave) are degen effects not spells. Going 4 passive points for these just is not worth it to me for 99% of the content. The only time I would use them is if you are farming uber atziri. I would take 4 points off and get these, because her and her phases are full of spells that you can dodge. " No need to worry about being insecure, none of the options will be "awful" they will all be fine for days of mapping and gearing and such. Once you get to END game stuff, then you can flip flop some gems and test yourself in a tabula to see pretty easy what feels/works better. However yes my best GUESS is that the gems to use now would be: ST - GMP/Slower Projectiles - Added Light - Added Cold - WED(EDWA) - Icebite Also sorry to say guys, that it looks like we lose our charge quest. Datmined info is up with the release of the ggpk torrent pack and it shows all the passives and such we get. Charge reward is not in there. #GIMMEMYCHARGEBACK! " Yes nothing has changed on weapon besides the fact we use claws now instead of daggers. Try to get as high EDPS as you can. Then get good attackspeed/crit. A good starter claw would be high dual ele dmg + attack speed + crit. As for wise oak, it would be great to get the same on all your resistances. Realistically this would be pretty hard/impossible to do. Would be fucking awesome though tbh, 10% reduced dmg taken from cold + fire + light and 15% penetration for cold + light + fire would be so good lol. Realistically though, you basically just want to get whatever dmg type you do the most dmg in as the highest resist you have. In 2.6 this was 100% lightning, like 80% of the dmg you dealt was lightning which is also why we used lightning pen. Now with added cold (and the gem being buffed by 35.1%), and icebite giving us a ton of cold damage, I have no idea what your highest dmg will be anymore. With wrath I would guess it would still be lightning but cold might be a very close second. So might be an option to try to match your light res + cold res for highest, so it penetrates both of these, and then it would reduce 10% fire dmg taken. |
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" Always glad to hear how much people enjoy playing the build :) Problem with your questions is I don't have the FACTS just guesses. I believe the new set up would be (ST > GMP/Slower Proj > Added Light > WED > Added Cold > Icebite). I am not sure which the "weakest" would be. Probably added cold or icebite. So coloring belly should not be an issue now, 3g 1b 1r regardless on whether you drop added cold or icebite. Super easy to color now. |
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Hey! I just wanted to thank you for this guide and the following discussion! I always wanted to play Spectral throw and I'll use all of your advice at the start of 3.0. I wish you a good start into the new league. :)
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" Alright... thank you so much! |
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can u repost your Skilltree's please, they dont load for me/ site is down. I would really like to play your build, it seems pretty well rounded :) Grettings |
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