[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

some1 pls , link high dps claws for this build
raNYnight написал:
some1 pls , link high dps claws for this build

Just look up 300+ PDPS claws on poe.trade, also Im going live guys now if anyone has any questions thanks! Twitch.tv/Sidefxmayinclde
raNYnight написал:
some1 pls , link high dps claws for this build

Ask and ye shall receive. Those are claws from two different characters running a Frost Blades build...one that is a life character and one that is an ES-based one.
Can anyone suggest what should I upgrade next, thanks!
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Just look up 300+ PDPS claws on poe.trade, also Im going live guys now if anyone has any questions thanks! Twitch.tv/Sidefxmayinclde

So in late , should i switch both ToA for 2 rare pdps claws or ?
Hey, can you watch my profile, caracter named " sweetkic ". Wanna ask about Some problems. Not enough tankyness and dps ( lifesteal btw ). Maybe need to swap my flasks ? Skill tree ?
Последняя редакция: PaRaMaZinG#5565. Время: 24 авг. 2017 г., 20:22:51
Protoshadow написал:
Can anyone suggest what should I upgrade next, thanks!
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Diamond flask needs augmenting ;)
ign Joeychandler
Hello, today i played this build all the way to level 84, maps are running smooth, until T13 it feels AMAZING. The only thing is, if I do not use Kaom's roots, i do get stunned a lot (even by normal mobs if they hit me.) is there anything that i can do to prevent this from happening, other than using Kaom's roots. This also makes me not being able to kill minotaur for example, because whenever I am outleeching his damage, he eventually stuns me and kills me afterwards.

Also bosses from T15 seem to stun me a lot, making me lose leech causing me to die... and whenever I use kaom's roots, i will have to switch to a goldrim to make up for the resistances leading into a lack of damage :(.

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My gear

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My flasks

Any advice is highly appreciated
can you do endgame content with this build like labs shaper and so on not only maps and also what armors should i look to get pure armor or armor and evasion ??

edit: can someone tell me a good survivability 3link or 4link like immortal call or something else(i don't currently know all the defensive skills) i can use because i keep dying with this build on bosses and some big big mob groups.
Последняя редакция: zamyt#3289. Время: 25 авг. 2017 г., 2:25:16
Hi this is my gear

I'm going to buy the last two hh cards and equip it. I have to put the es rare helm instead of starkonja to cap resist.
I think that with these two upgrade this build will clear map at an insane speed. Are there any change that I can make for headhunter or gems in general ?

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