[3.9?] Sidefx Frost Blades - Hyped for Support +

zamyt написал:
can you do endgame content with this build like labs shaper and so on not only maps and also what armors should i look to get pure armor or armor and evasion ??

edit: can someone tell me a good survivability 3link or 4link like immortal call or something else(i don't currently know all the defensive skills) i can use because i keep dying with this build on bosses and some big big mob groups.

Unless you pick certain passive Keystones or items that have an impact on armor/evasion, you're fine with either.

For the survivability I highly advise to not only use Immortal Call linked to the CWDT but also a defensive curse (Enfeeble > Temp Chains imo). If you have a 4th link, you can use things like Frost Bomb for another beneficial effect or your golem for laziness purposes. Don't overlevel those gems because a lower level CWDT triggers faster.

To the other guys posting their gear: Use Blessed Orbs.. ;)
I never see the assassins mark from curse on hit/herald of ice. Does this still work?
nitetime написал:
I never see the assassins mark from curse on hit/herald of ice. Does this still work?

Yes. But you have to trigger the shatter. If you don't, you will never get the curse on hit.
Since you almost always get frenzy path, is onslaught path really better than phasing path? Or do you think frenzy + phasing path can also work?

advice plz
how does CwDT+Immortal Call work exactly ?? Let's say i have 2k hp and i need to take 1k dmg for CwDT to trigger and i get hit for 3k or more(something that would 1hit me) does immortal call activate and save my life or i die and it only activates if i recieve enough dmg for trigger but not to overkill me ?
Последняя редакция: zamyt#3289. Время: 26 авг. 2017 г., 10:14:18
would a perfect form work instead?
zamyt написал:
ok i was tinkering around with PoB for this build and i managed to get to 5k hp and 55% dmg reduction using the Iron Reflexes passive, can anyone tell me is 55% dmg reduction for 5k hp good for face tanking ocasionally combined with CwDT+Immortal Call+Increased Duration+Enfeeble ???

how does CwDT+Immortal Call work exactly ?? Let's say i have 2k hp and i need to take 1k dmg for CwDT to trigger and i get hit for 3k or more(something that would 1hit me) does immortal call activate and save my life or i die and it only activates if i recieve enough dmg for trigger but not to overkill me ?

The damage is calculated and applied first, and that is taken away from your life before IC via CWDT goes off. So in your scenario you would die right before the IC goes off and it would not save you.
Hey guys! sorry i have been away this is my current work week/end Im so glad to have a community like you guys that keep helping out and answering everyone's questions. Awesome work.
ZeyonMairo написал:
Hey there, a question regarding jewels:

So, I have this bad boy here

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Looking at the updated tree on PoB, there are only 2 jewel sockets activated.

Should I drop this one, reset the 3 nodes, and then follow the tree?

(Quoting it just in case it wasn't seen the first time).

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