exA1ucardo написал:
Tom1nside написал:
Hi to all . whats the deal now with raising the spectres ? theyre totaly random appear or still theres areas - maps we can summon tv and wm ? ty
+1 same question
Currently, for non-map areas, you can find TV in act 6 coast/karui fortress, WM in act10 savaged square.
For maps I know overgrown ruins (t15) has chance (not too high) to spawn both. Shaper's realm (t17) has that chance too.
If you wait a little bit, the patch in next week will allow us to summon TV and WM in ANY maps.
Hi, I am very interested in this build after spectre buff, I have over 100 exals to spent, please tell me the absolute best gears and gem set-ups for this build, all those uniqs are must needed? or some rares can replace them? I just want to know whats best gears I need to shoot for. I prefer more tanky build rather than dps, 20 sec kill is all good for me if I can be more tanky vs 5 sec kill. tyvm
СообщениеImurgod#246814 окт. 2017 г., 7:09:59Забанен
BUT next question is . When i have Necromantic Aegis (All bonuses from an equipped Shield apply to your Minions instead of you) So my Animate Guardian and Spectres get 25% block and life from Tukohama's shield?
СообщениеJustMane#239614 окт. 2017 г., 7:13:14
Guys, how about PoE crashes with last patch?
СообщениеTheLelik#390414 окт. 2017 г., 7:34:12
lostcoaster написал:
exA1ucardo написал:
Tom1nside написал:
Hi to all . whats the deal now with raising the spectres ? theyre totaly random appear or still theres areas - maps we can summon tv and wm ? ty
+1 same question
Currently, for non-map areas, you can find TV in act 6 coast/karui fortress, WM in act10 savaged square.
For maps I know overgrown ruins (t15) has chance (not too high) to spawn both. Shaper's realm (t17) has that chance too.
If you wait a little bit, the patch in next week will allow us to summon TV and WM in ANY maps.
Thanks for reply-ies :)
IGN = Tominsideeeee
СообщениеTom1nside#754414 окт. 2017 г., 8:47:46
grimjack68 написал:
LaplaceNoMa написал:
Need some advice about how to proceed with upgrading my character (should be public).
There are some concerns I'm currently having:
1. Flasks. Currently I have 2 life flasks (bleed and freeze), rumi, basalt (curse) and a quicksilver. I'm not sure where/how to fit in a 'situational' flask slot for things like mana flasks for no regen maps.
2. As a continuation of the first point, I wonder about rumi: even if we use the 5% block on the skill tree, as well as a very high block shield, unless we use the advancing fortress, we won't reach 75% block without rumi; however, WITH rumi (especially a well-rolled one like 19-20% block) a lot of that block goes to waste. So here's what I thought - isn't it better to free up the 5% block skill points, as well as take some lower-block but high-res shield like archon kite, and hover around ~55-59 block without rumi (with b/o up, obviously)? Or is it too risky to rely on rumi so much?
3. I currently need to upgrade my left ring, shield and gloves. Everything else is pretty much set (except for jewels, though). Any advice on how to proceed there? I want to cap resistances accounting for ele weakness maps, and possibly get some chaos res for suffixes, while getting enough mana as prefixes for 7:3 MoM (looking forward and accounting for more life from better jewels, too). I also will be dropping the 15% allres node near the block nodes in case I go the archon kite route.
Thanks for any advice in advance.
1. The only flasks I seem to use are Rumi's and my bleed flask. I have a basalt, ruby, and topaz as well, but I literally never hit those. TBH I only use the Rumi's on bosses as well, and even the bleed flask... normally I'll notice a mob has bleed, and I just stop casting, let the spectres kill them instead.
2. I'm using the scourge, same as you, with a Rathpith. So I need the block flask to max out block. You're absolutely right about dropping some block points and relying on the Rumi's more... but I'm lazy, and this build absolutely doesn't need to be min-maxed to clear everything except HotGM.
3. Get whatever is cheapest first... decent gloves can be had for 10-20c if you keep an eye on the market. As for resists, I run an essence worm with Haste in it most of the time, but I just swap in another essence worm with purity of elements for elemental weakness maps. Another option is to grab a shield with high resists but lower block and swap that in for the map.
Realistically, with your current gear, I'd suggest swapping in Rathpith and ditching the Lazhwar, then top up your resists with an amulet / gloves, and you should be able to clear anything you want short of HotGM.
Thanks for replying. How do you cope with no regen mods without a mana flask though? Do you just ignore those, or replace on of flasks with a mana one?
Only for stats. If somone wanna check this build on colosseum boss fight.
СообщениеJustMane#239614 окт. 2017 г., 10:54:26
Where are you guys getting the spectres from? Just launched a hydra map but couldn’t seem to desecrate any relevant corpses...
LaplaceNoMa написал:
How do you cope with no regen mods without a mana flask though? Do you just ignore those, or replace on of flasks with a mana one?
I replace my rumi's concoction with an eternal mana flask, and that's fine even for tier 16 guardians, never had too many troubles
Последняя редакция: Giammafix#2456. Время: 14 окт. 2017 г., 11:27:55
СообщениеGiammafix#245614 окт. 2017 г., 11:27:41
Look's like now desecrate summoning is broken ATM. I entered Chateau and Cells maps with TV and WM spectres, and tried to get some corpses to get leveled versions.
Tried for almost 10 minutes for no result whatsoever.
Or I'm that unlucky today?
Tried Catacombs and Cemetery a bit. No needed corpses. Damn...
Последняя редакция: MeowX#0803. Время: 14 окт. 2017 г., 12:31:11
СообщениеMeowX#080314 окт. 2017 г., 12:19:59