[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

TrueEdge написал:
Hey guys, first time Spectre Summoner. No clue what to update in Flashback Softcore atm lvl 88 and got 4 1/2 ex spare.

Here's my Gear

Not really sure why, but I feel I could improve some items. Also my flask are dog shit xD

Was looking for rare shield with life and block chance applied to spells so I could get a better amulet, but then what amulet? Also probably should get better jewels or stygian belt.

Also I have an AG gem equipped but never used him xD

What would you advise me?
If you're not going to use your AG, dump him for a CWDT setup. You're right on with the shield idea. For a better amulet I'd go with Anvil or Sidhebreath, with a corruption for another curse or extra minion damage.

Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
RyuApricot написал:
best two curses to use? temp chains and flamability?
Depends. Raw damage? Flammability and Elemental Weakness. For defence? Temp Chains and Enfeeble. For something in the middle? Probably Flammability and Temp Chains.

If you're playing Hardcore, I'd definitely go for the defence.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Последняя редакция: grimjack68#6087. Время: 9 мая 2018 г., 23:05:20
grimjack68 написал:
If you're not going to use your AG, dump him for a CWDT setup. You're right on with the shield idea. For a better amulet I'd go with Anvil or Sidhebreath, with a corruption for another curse or extra minion damage.

I changed some gear pieces and will summon now an AG :D

Zombies feel now a bit squishi, but well I can easy resummon them

Wearing 4 Reckless Defense, 3 of them 4/7 and the other one 4/8 and one Unending Hunger. Also one question is the level of my sceptre based on area level I summon them or Desecrate? So do I have now lvl 86 spectre from my oba's map or lvl 81 sceptre from my Desecrate?
Последняя редакция: TrueEdge#0890. Время: 10 мая 2018 г., 4:58:11
I've started to notice a bit of an interesting pattern at the higher end of the flashback leaderboards from those using this build actively - they are branching out a little bit on the tree and taking the "Resolute Technique" skill node (Your Hits Cant Be Evaded / Never Deal Critical Strikes).

Anyone want to have a guess at why they would take that skill? What benefit would that give us?
Последняя редакция: Adambjjoz#2403. Время: 10 мая 2018 г., 20:57:19
to wear ring with 'increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills' benefits the spectres? Does it bring any real benefit to be used?
TrueEdge написал:
Also one question is the level of my sceptre based on area level I summon them or Desecrate? So do I have now lvl 86 spectre from my oba's map or lvl 81 sceptre from my Desecrate?
Your spectres are the lower of your desecrate, your raise spectre, and the area level they were summoned in. So in your case, they'll be level 81 from your desecrate. Once you get a level 20 desecrate, you'll be able to summon max level spectres.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Adambjjoz написал:
I've started to notice a bit of an interesting pattern at the higher end of the flashback leaderboards from those using this build actively - they are branching out a little bit on the tree and taking the "Resolute Technique" skill node (Your Hits Cant Be Evaded / Never Deal Critical Strikes).

Anyone want to have a guess at why they would take that skill? What benefit would that give us?
Ties into our curse on hit setup - they can't avoid the hit, so they are always going to be cursed. And we don't care about the damage levels from the hit, it's the spectres doing all the damage anyway.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Alspher написал:
to wear ring with 'increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills' benefits the spectres? Does it bring any real benefit to be used?
No. Entirely useless for summoners.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
grimjack68 написал:
Adambjjoz написал:
I've started to notice a bit of an interesting pattern at the higher end of the flashback leaderboards from those using this build actively - they are branching out a little bit on the tree and taking the "Resolute Technique" skill node (Your Hits Cant Be Evaded / Never Deal Critical Strikes).

Anyone want to have a guess at why they would take that skill? What benefit would that give us?
Ties into our curse on hit setup - they can't avoid the hit, so they are always going to be cursed. And we don't care about the damage levels from the hit, it's the spectres doing all the damage anyway.

considering that spells always hit, that's just for the shield charge/swirling blades right?
i need some advice, as i'm trying to change my items to get better resistances/life/mana and a working AG with increased levels.

In the original topic, an option is to drop Ahn's Contempt in SC, by using the Solaris/Jorus Pantheon powers which gives immunity to the extra damage of crits if you were crit recently.

Considering i want my char to be as tanky as possible, as i often lag, do you think that dropping the crit immunity to 50% by removing that helm, and using something different, would greatly decrease my survivability against endgame bosses?

I understand that the Solaris/Jorus Pantheon power would protect me against critters, but against bosses i would still be VERY vulnerable to them critting due to my reckless jewels, and risking being oneshotted.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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