[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

grimjack68 написал:
TrueEdge написал:
Also one question is the level of my sceptre based on area level I summon them or Desecrate? So do I have now lvl 86 spectre from my oba's map or lvl 81 sceptre from my Desecrate?
Your spectres are the lower of your desecrate, your raise spectre, and the area level they were summoned in. So in your case, they'll be level 81 from your desecrate. Once you get a level 20 desecrate, you'll be able to summon max level spectres.

You can also put a level 19/18 Desecrate in a weapon with +1/+2 chaos gems, which you keep in your weapon swap.
So....are wickermen gonna be buffed with these changes to ignites?
I wish you good social credit in the scores to come.
Snailmail написал:
So....are wickermen gonna be buffed with these changes to ignites?

I wouldn't think so. None of the Wicker Man attacks are part of the fire re-works scheduled for next season (which are mostly just buffs too skill nodes - and additional skill nodes on the skill tree).

Wicker Man attacks are still just RF with a tiny AOE that does 1.8x phys damage as fire damage, with a 4-proj molten strike which has 60% of phys damage added as fire damage. I wouldn't see how the pending changes would boost that damage for them. I'd think it's the same case for Burning Spectres too.

If anything, I think they will ninja-nerf the AI of spectres again, like they did just before the start of the Worstiary league.
grimjack68 написал:
Adambjjoz написал:
I've started to notice a bit of an interesting pattern at the higher end of the flashback leaderboards from those using this build actively - they are branching out a little bit on the tree and taking the "Resolute Technique" skill node (Your Hits Cant Be Evaded / Never Deal Critical Strikes).

Anyone want to have a guess at why they would take that skill? What benefit would that give us?
Ties into our curse on hit setup - they can't avoid the hit, so they are always going to be cursed. And we don't care about the damage levels from the hit, it's the spectres doing all the damage anyway.

But spells always hit already, don't they?
Последняя редакция: Adambjjoz#2403. Время: 11 мая 2018 г., 19:33:06
I wanted to start by saying that this is a fantastic build, as I'm sure the preceding 525 pages will also attest to. I played xxWolf's 7-aura low-life spectre build in Harbinger, Abyss, and most of Beastiary, but just recently switched to this build and am planning to use it in Incursion.

Problem is, I can't seem to find reliable information regarding spectre resistances. Any info I can find is either years out of date and/or hearsay at best. I've found a couple posts on these forums and on Reddit that suggest spectre baseline resistancess are 25/25/25/0. If this is the case, then the 20% from Commander of Darkness and the 30% from the spectre gem itself would cap spectre resists at 75%. I mainly want to find out if it's okay to drop the resistance gem in a 5l spectre setup. The gems section in the build suggests to keep it in a 5l setup, but there is no mention of any specific numbers for spectre resists.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help shed some light on this for me. Thanks. :)
Adambjjoz написал:
grimjack68 написал:
Adambjjoz написал:
I've started to notice a bit of an interesting pattern at the higher end of the flashback leaderboards from those using this build actively - they are branching out a little bit on the tree and taking the "Resolute Technique" skill node (Your Hits Cant Be Evaded / Never Deal Critical Strikes).

Anyone want to have a guess at why they would take that skill? What benefit would that give us?
Ties into our curse on hit setup - they can't avoid the hit, so they are always going to be cursed. And we don't care about the damage levels from the hit, it's the spectres doing all the damage anyway.

But spells always hit already, don't they?
Hmm... food for thought. This is true, so it still seems pointless.

It would also boost your chance to hit with shield charge / whirling blades to 100 percent, which means you can always count on your fortify being active.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
ILjXYZ написал:
I wanted to start by saying that this is a fantastic build, as I'm sure the preceding 525 pages will also attest to. I played xxWolf's 7-aura low-life spectre build in Harbinger, Abyss, and most of Beastiary, but just recently switched to this build and am planning to use it in Incursion.

Problem is, I can't seem to find reliable information regarding spectre resistances. Any info I can find is either years out of date and/or hearsay at best. I've found a couple posts on these forums and on Reddit that suggest spectre baseline resistancess are 25/25/25/0. If this is the case, then the 20% from Commander of Darkness and the 30% from the spectre gem itself would cap spectre resists at 75%. I mainly want to find out if it's okay to drop the resistance gem in a 5l spectre setup. The gems section in the build suggests to keep it in a 5l setup, but there is no mention of any specific numbers for spectre resists.

It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help shed some light on this for me. Thanks. :)
I've played this build as a starter for a few leagues now, and I've ditched the minion and totem resistance gem in the last two. Once I get Shaper domain level spectres, their health never seems to waver, even without the gem.

For that matter, this league I dropped Herd of the Flock as well. Still no problems.

I'm pretty sure those are there just so you can run elemental reflect without worrying. Without them, running ER maps is challenging.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Последняя редакция: grimjack68#6087. Время: 12 мая 2018 г., 4:18:54
ILjXYZ написал:
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help shed some light on this for me. Thanks. :)

I've used this build for 3 seasons straight and never used the spectre resistance gem. In all that time the only time my Spectres have died (including the levelling process) is the first time I fought Uber Elder and didn't know about the insane degen the eyeball freak things spread all over the ground.

That's literally it. The one and only death of my Spectres. You can clear red map Elder and the standard Shaper fights dethless on a 4-link chest with this build, without any Spectre resistances. I mean Spectres and your actual character when I say that, too. The only thing that will die is your zombies and possibly the animate guardian if he parks himself in an Shaper beam and then a Shaper slam right afterwards.

I'm currently at L89 in the race league, smashing T11 maps easily and I haven't even bothered to upgrade my chest to a 5-link yet. I have nothing more than 4% quality on any gem & dont even have decent gear. I am dead set confident that with no improvements at all here, I can crush everything in the game right now except the Uber Elder and Hall of Grandmasters fights.

TL/DR, you have nothing to fear, this is one of the tankiest builds in the entire game.
Adambjjoz написал:
ILjXYZ написал:
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone can help shed some light on this for me. Thanks. :)

I've used this build for 3 seasons straight and never used the spectre resistance gem. In all that time the only time my Spectres have died (including the levelling process) is the first time I fought Uber Elder and didn't know about the insane degen the eyeball freak things spread all over the ground.

That's literally it. The one and only death of my Spectres. You can clear red map Elder and the standard Shaper fights dethless on a 4-link chest with this build, without any Spectre resistances. I mean Spectres and your actual character when I say that, too. The only thing that will die is your zombies and possibly the animate guardian if he parks himself in an Shaper beam and then a Shaper slam right afterwards.

I'm currently at L89 in the race league, smashing T11 maps easily and I haven't even bothered to upgrade my chest to a 5-link yet. I have nothing more than 4% quality on any gem & dont even have decent gear. I am dead set confident that with no improvements at all here, I can crush everything in the game right now except the Uber Elder and Hall of Grandmasters fights.

TL/DR, you have nothing to fear, this is one of the tankiest builds in the entire game.

Hey Adam! Me again. I was wondering if you could have a look at my gear? (I've mostly used your Best Summoner character as basis, along with the original guide!) I don't know what to upgrade next, and it's a little harder because the league is wrapping up and I'm having a tougher time getting sellers.

My character (never my spectres, but my character) tends to die too often now, once every few T9 maps, and I was just wondering if it was my gear or my playstyle.

In what order should I quality my gems?

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