[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri


Awesome build and very thorough guide and very fun for someone new to the game, like myself.

Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere in the thread, but when do we start using the animated guardian (AG)? It says we skill up the gem in an off-weapon slot, but then nothing else. I understand that the AG needs good gear, so I'm guessing he'll be brought in end-game?

I'm level 45 now, so a bit more to go.

Thanks again!
Sigh...From a game design perspective, the Lab is really neat but I just HATE the uber lab. I only get a limited time to play every day so its just frustrating beyond belief when I get punked by something I didn't even see at the final Izario phase.

The reason it's particularly frustrating is because I'm missing my last ascendancy which will help me swap out some gear. And apparently Izario today was fairly easy.

I keep my distance, I don't try to tank anything, I have my flasks but...something happened and the "resurrect in town" screen came up.

Sorry for the rant. I just really dislike the lab, even though I can appreciate that it's a great piece of design. Any obvious deficiencies in my characters defense? (btw can you guys see my defense ratings? I'm not sure how to see stats on other peoples characters)
TrueEdge написал:
Jadran написал:
Nice one! Out of curiosity, how much was it?

xD he put it up for fixed 1 exalt.
Wow... talk about a steal. Damn nice price... for you! :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Autofire2 написал:
Sigh...From a game design perspective, the Lab is really neat but I just HATE the uber lab. I only get a limited time to play every day so its just frustrating beyond belief when I get punked by something I didn't even see at the final Izario phase.

The reason it's particularly frustrating is because I'm missing my last ascendancy which will help me swap out some gear. And apparently Izario today was fairly easy.

I keep my distance, I don't try to tank anything, I have my flasks but...something happened and the "resurrect in town" screen came up.

Sorry for the rant. I just really dislike the lab, even though I can appreciate that it's a great piece of design. Any obvious deficiencies in my characters defense? (btw can you guys see my defense ratings? I'm not sure how to see stats on other peoples characters)
Best advice I can give for that is pick up a carry from Global 820 chat.

And no, we can't see your defense ratings, you'd have to screencap that for us.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Veryangrychair написал:

Awesome build and very thorough guide and very fun for someone new to the game, like myself.

Sorry if this was mentioned somewhere in the thread, but when do we start using the animated guardian (AG)? It says we skill up the gem in an off-weapon slot, but then nothing else. I understand that the AG needs good gear, so I'm guessing he'll be brought in end-game?

I'm level 45 now, so a bit more to go.

Thanks again!
Depends... as soon as your AG gem is level ~17 or higher, and you have the spare currency, I'd put one together.

HOWEVER. If you decide to q20 the gem - which is a good idea - but use the vendor recipe instead of buying 20 gcps, unsummon him while you level him back up. At lower levels, he'll evaporate without notice.

I also tend to unsummon him for endgame bosses. Not that he costs that much to replace, but it's inconvenient to find all the bits on the market, especially now.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Drublic написал:
When do you usually spec out of Deep Wisdom and take the left hand route?

I assume its just whenever the MoM math works out. What level/stage of the game does that usually happen for you in league?
Actually, I just never bother. If I were concerned about min/max maybe, but this build really doesn't care that much. :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
LovieNeverDies написал:
Autofire2 написал:
I can now get through 12-13 tier maps with some difficulty, though I'm about to hit a wall again with 14. The Dark Forest boss punked me, though it showed me the usefuleness of having a staunching flask (and the mods made him OP anyway, it was a corrupted map)

At what point do I switch to TVs? Guardian maps?


Solar Guards can carry you up to T15. I made the switch when I did T15 Elder, The Shaper's Guardians, and the Shaper himself.

Also, your flasks are one of your biggest defensive layers. Most people always carry a bleed immunity, freeze immunity, and curse immunity flask on them most of the time. I have about 20 different flasks rolled for various situations. I tend to carry maybe 2-4 extra on me at any given time aside from the ones on my belt.
This league I never even bothered to switch to TVs. SGs do everything fine, albeit a bit slower on guardians / shaper.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
pkirill написал:
How much "Controlled destruction" is better if using Solar Guards ?
It's a fair jump. Not worthwhile if it means recolouring your spectre setup to switch between TVs and SGs, but if you're going to run constant SGs, by all means, do it.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Autofire2 написал:
Sigh...From a game design perspective, the Lab is really neat but I just HATE the uber lab. I only get a limited time to play every day so its just frustrating beyond belief when I get punked by something I didn't even see at the final Izario phase.

The reason it's particularly frustrating is because I'm missing my last ascendancy which will help me swap out some gear. And apparently Izario today was fairly easy.

I keep my distance, I don't try to tank anything, I have my flasks but...something happened and the "resurrect in town" screen came up.

Sorry for the rant. I just really dislike the lab, even though I can appreciate that it's a great piece of design. Any obvious deficiencies in my characters defense? (btw can you guys see my defense ratings? I'm not sure how to see stats on other peoples characters)

The Uber Lab is dead easy, you just need the proper flasks equipped and then the Soul of Ryslatha minor god chosen in your Panthoen screen (It doesn't need to be the upgraded version). Basically everything in the Lab and Argus/Izaro does is physical damage and then sometimes a bit of bleed damage. So all you need is the Basalt Flask, a Rumi's Flask and then three L65 Life Flasks that heal instantly or at least heal 50% instantly, with one of them having bleed removal as well. That's literally it. To avoid the big hits from Argus/Izaro, you simply just keep walking around them in circles just outside of their slam range, as the projectile damage they shoot at you always has a 1 second delay before it arc's up and then back down to where you were standing when he shot it at you initially. This also keeps them relatively in place while the TV's or SG's burst them down to nothing. If your really impatient and unable to time the big damage from any of the traps, you simply just speed through the trap gauntlets until your flasks are low/out - then just stand still on a safe spot and wait 20 seconds for your flask charges to completely re-fill again via the Pantheon bonus (Soul of Ryslatha) you have chosen.
Последняя редакция: Adambjjoz#2403. Время: 22 мая 2018 г., 1:00:09
Hello all,

i'm quite noob and dont know how to post my gear. but my profile is not on private ;-)
CHARCATER : Necromanthy on flashback league.

1 : I have problems of survivability, even in using Bone offering for block and regen, i die on T12-T13, i have 5K+HP and 1KES, i dont understand how the OP can tank all those end game bosses. what can i do ? what is my mistake ?

2 : Whats is the priority to change ? quality 20 gems ? or other things ?

3: without bone offering, how the build can regenerate life ?

Thanks a LOT !
Последняя редакция: Altistic#2571. Время: 22 мая 2018 г., 11:10:10

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