[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri
Thank you for the build. I'm only at 69/68 block chance but will be 78/78 with 2 more reckless defense. I can already solo T11 at level 70!!! Completely melts bosses on yellow maps. The T11 boss took awhile to kill though.
I only have a little over 3k hp and 1k mana. I constantly find my mana globe depleted but my hp stays filled up until my mana depletes. One thing that wasn't mentioned in the guide is the Rathpith Globe shield. It offers 40-60% block chance to spell block, a whopping 10% max life, and some lightning resist to boot. It's incredibly cheap also. I happened to have a 51% laying around and it completed the build for me. Those spell blocks make a huge difference. I feel so immortal now. Thanks!! |
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For those who have done Uber Elder, or even for those who haven't, I have a question.
After clearing pretty much the rest of the endgame it is quite clear to me that without a +2 or better minions helmet, my zombies are basically worthless on major boss encounters. They simply die too quickly to really make much of a difference. Since I am running them in my helmet, this basically frees up 4 gem slots to use for something else for the Uber Elder encounter. After watching some videos, the most dangerous part of the fight seems to be getting sandwiched in between degeneration zones while the Elder is doing his Expanding Nova attack and the Shaper is performing a Shaper Slam on you. This can be compounded if the Elder does his Siphon attack and slows you during this wombo-combo. I was theorycrafting the best way to survive this, and I came up with something that seems almost too obvious, but here goes. With a 4L open, I can run Enduring Cry - Immortal Call (level 20) - Increased Duration Support - Faster Casting Support, instead of my zombies. With 3 endurance charges, a level 20 Immo Call with Inc Duration lasts around 2.5 - 2.6 seconds. With 4 endurance charges, which I can easily drop 2 points in my tree to access, Immo Call lasts longer than it's cooldown. Now, this isn't going to lead to perma-IC because Enduring Cry is my only method of charge generation, but it could be really interesting to cheese some of the mechanics of the fight. It seems especially interesting for the above described situation where you are expecting to tank a massive physical hit (Shaper Slam, Elder Expanding Nova, Tentacle Slams, Elder Slam) and don't feel like you have time or space to avoid it. With that said, I have only seen a handful of examples of players actually using this method, and none involving a Necromancer, however since zombies are basically useless and resummoning them during the fight would be a great way to die, it seems like this is a very strong alternative 4L for the Uber Elder. Anyone out there want to try to convince me otherwise? |
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" I`m still wearing white robe, and have bought level 20 "Controlled destruction". So there is no need to recoloring at all. I don`t have 1500 fuses yet to link my Последняя редакция: pkirill#6393. Время: 22 мая 2018 г., 14:38:29
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" Don't fall for reddit memes. You'd be EXTREMELY unlucky to not 6-link in 1500 fusings without Vorici; the actual chances have never, ever been stated by GGG officials, there's been a lot of speculation, yes, and a lot of vocal minority voices telling stories about several thousand fusings... I can tell you my story - out of 100+ 6-links I've ever done, less than a dozen took more than 1000. The amount of times it took me less than 100 was actually higher, with an average of about ~600-700. In Harbinger Turmoil event I made my first Vis Mortis in 89 fusings, then a second (for sale) in 11, and a third 6-link (Belly) in ~600. This time, in SSF Flashback, it took me a whopping 9 fuses. Sure I got lucky, but never did I even start thinking about Vorici, even though it was SSF and I couldn't afford to rely on luck. The thing is, for Vorici to be a better option, it won't be about luck, it would be about extreme levels of UNluck. Feel free to disregard this bit of advice if you've heard varying opinions, but seriously. I thought I was lucky after my first ~10-15 6-links, seeing so much stories about thousands of fusings, but after 100+ I started realizing that just as usual, reddit and official forums 'vocal' opinions shouldn't be taken seriously. |
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Thanks for the advice! Here's a snapshot of my character defences: http://ibb.co/jou0WT
Summary: Level 85 HP: 4230 Mana 2015 Shield: 886 Armour: 3628 Evasion: 1129 Block/Spell Block: 45/23 Rez: Capped Последняя редакция: Autofire2#3572. Время: 22 мая 2018 г., 17:26:36
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I've noticed that the OP have Summon Golem in his advancing fortress claw. I do too but I was just thinking since it gives a free Fortify and linked to Faster Attacks for faster leech, would it be better to link Animated Guardian there instead and put Summon Golem with the Zombie. The only defensive set up in the zombie link is Minion Life Support. Not sure if 20% damage reduction from Fortify + Faster Attack leech is better or Minion Life. If golem dies, we can re-summon him. But AG can't be re-summoned. If he dies, he dies.
Thoughts? Golem or AG in Advancing Fortress better? |
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" I'd disregard it. I've been playing since 2014 and I've only ever in all that time 6-linked a chest or 2-handed weapon in under 1500 fusings once. It took me over 3000 fusings to 6-link each of my QOTF and Vis Mortis chests this league. I still think it's worth it though in the long run though, because I buy perfectly rolled chests on the cheap with no links or sockets, and then do that part myself. The end result is a chest that's worth more than twice the Exalt's of a lower stat rolled 6-link of the same item. I then tend to sell off the 10Ex+ valued chests once I've done what I wanted with the character to fund a complete buyout of GG tier gear for a new character or build I want to try out. |
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"How much mana do you have? One of the fastest ways to die is not having enough mana to support Mind over Matter, taking a big hit, and not being able to cast anything (Shield charge, specifically) to avoid the NEXT hit. Drop the Victario's Charity and Belt of the Deciever. VC is really useful if you are running Necromantic Aegis, which turns you into a glass cannon. BotD is plain useless - bad life bonus, bad resistance bonus, and zero extra damage for your minions. Why would you NOT be running bone offering when you're not at full life? Against bosses, you should constantly be: - Shield charge, preferably through a monster to trigger Fortify - Desecrate - Shield charge as above - Bone Offering - Back to the top Other than BO, we have a flask, and if you're luck on shield purchases, you can pick up one with life gain on block. I'd try for something with percentage of block applied to spells first, though. Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on. |
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" this one took almost 6k fus to 6L (not kidding, sadly) I was so pissed that i just vaaled, but yeah, you'd better try to link with fuses, its pretty hard to spend mor than 2k. |
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Perhaps I am in the wrong here, and it's just a matter of time before I burn myself with the readiness with which I ignore the Vorici option even in SSF races. I mean, if you don't take 6-linking into consideration, I'm usually a rather unlucky person, especially when it comes to games. Getting a rumi's and unending hunger after reaching 99, getting first brightbeak (and I even wasted around 15 farric ursas for the bestiary recipe) at level 97, and so on.
It's especially weird considering I very often forget to even 20q those items first (for instance, that's what also happened now in Flashback)... |
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