[3.x - Discontinued for now] Burning Spectres - Torch the Atlas - HC Shaper, Elder, Uber Atziri

kayella написал:
LaplaceNoMa написал:
I'm having 62k hp and 2300 regen. My AG gem is 20/20, minion life is 21/20, fortify is 20/20 and empower is only 3 - all that in a +2 helm. The possible upgrades via AG 21/20 and empower 4 (and even +3 helm) won't give him THAT much more health, I'm afraid...

Here, have a look at my 3.2 build, that I used for Uber: https://pastebin.com/B0FFeuMt

That looks interesting, but I don't think I'll be able to incorporate Vix Lunaris into what I'm trying to do. My main goal right now is to find a way to do uber while only using SGs. I hoped AG would be a good way to solve the issue of not enough damage against the degen adds, but it didn't work out the way I was hoping. Still, I'm surprised even such difference would be what makes AG survive and not die. Sure, my AG ends up having less levels due to lvl3 instead of lvl6 empower, but I didn't think it would mean that much.

Dropping that 4-link in helm might open up some CWDT possibilities though, but I don't feel like that's they'll help that much, considering that my main issues are physical damage almost one-shotting me (need much more armour) and SGs not being able to kill degen adds fast enough... I'm honestly at a loss and haven't even played for 3 days now after wasting another 3 shaper sets for just one uber kill, as well as a 40/15 belly (thankfully it was a corrupted one which I managed to buy for quite cheap compared to the usual 40/15 prices). I could probably just switch to farming T16 seas and T13-T15 other shaped maps, grinding to 100 and selling excess stuff, and then attempt to get insanely rolled jewels and rares, as well as beef up with 21/20 (or even 21/23) gems and attempt to get some good Vis Mortis double corruption (+1 max res and +1 gems would probably be one of the best outcomes for this), and only then re-complete the guardian maps and return to attempting this stupid useless self-challenge... But it feels like a constant weight reminding about itself and just won't let go. :\
LaplaceNoMa написал:
this stupid useless self-challenge...

SGs are really not suited to the Uber fight. If you go with slower proj for more power, you don't get any fireball spread to deal with squids. But actually even with slow proj, their dps is pretty low. Even just the shaper fight takes a long time.

It's almost an impossible challenge you've set yourself. Will be very impressive if you manage to knock it out deathless.


For the AG, it's regen that makes the biggest difference. I did an ascendancy swap in 3.2 to see what having 6 fire golems was like. The lack of necro's 2% min regen resulted in my spectres and AG dying. Almost bricked the set as a result of having to do it with just golems.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
That's alright I appreciate the response! Yea, I think I built up to much defensively and will respect back to offense. Build still works.... just not near the damage.
you were right on the unending hunger... I have since switched over to golems and specs. Back to using ball lightning. I have to say running SG's and 3 Fire golems clears pretty damn fast with an extra 135% damage on the staff and the +2 fire golems don't suck either.

Now if I can only 6L the damn staff...


grimjack68 написал:
Nightstone13 написал:
My dps is already through the roof. My spec damage modifier is 350% and the zombies are 335%. Ball lightning is way to slow for incursions. One click and every mob in sight has temp chains and flammability.

Slowing 50 plus mobs is going to give me way more survivability than a few Ehp.

So I guess its what you value and how you play. Im having no issues clearing incursions.

The way they have it setup is you get considerably more loot with a complete clear, architect and portals. Have gotten as many as 5 uniques and a full screen of loot and currency. The currency adds up fast.


This is a great way to get your dual curse out there without sacrificing multiple projectiles. That Careful Planning jewel is genius, too.

OTOH, I don't think your Unending Hunger has enough Int in it's radius.
Thanks for the write-up, I've found loads of good info here and I'm currently enjoying playing it atm.

I'm actually sorting out all my links now, and I don't see you using any zombies anymore. Do we scrap them completely when we've got our Spectre squad up?

I'm currently running 4 spectres, AG and stone golem as my summons.

Oh, and suggested 5L setup for SGs? I'm currently doing Spectre, Minion Damage, GMP, Spell echo, Elemental Focus.

EDIT: Oh, also, I just got an Unending Hunger, is there any point in running 2 of them? Or is 1 sufficient? (..again, for SG setup)
Последняя редакция: gillon#6155. Время: 22 июня 2018 г., 20:18:48
gillon написал:
Thanks for the write-up, I've found loads of good info here and I'm currently enjoying playing it atm.

I'm actually sorting out all my links now, and I don't see you using any zombies anymore. Do we scrap them completely when we've got our Spectre squad up?

I'm currently running 4 spectres, AG and stone golem as my summons.

Oh, and suggested 5L setup for SGs? I'm currently doing Spectre, Minion Damage, GMP, Spell echo, Elemental Focus.

EDIT: Oh, also, I just got an Unending Hunger, is there any point in running 2 of them? Or is 1 sufficient? (..again, for SG setup)
Some folks keep the zombies around as meat shields, but I find they die too damn fast to worry about, so I drop them soon after I start mapping.

For lower level maps, swap Elemental Focus for Faster Projectiles, it'll add to your clearspeed. As soon as you need more DPS, Elemental Focus for sure. If you need a lot more dps for single target, swap out GMP for Slower Projectiles. There's a lot of slightly different configurations you can use for SGs.

1 Unending hunger is more than enough.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Последняя редакция: grimjack68#6087. Время: 23 июня 2018 г., 2:51:23
Can you write more in detail what weapons and armor should be given to AG in 3.3?
DrLivesey88 написал:
Can you write more in detail what weapons and armor should be given to AG in 3.3?
This depends greatly on what spectres you are using, and the setup for boss killing with Tukohama's Vanguards was nerfed heavily. Setups for map clearing aren't nearly as effective. I've dropped my AG entirely, running with just 4 spectres and a stone golem.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
If anyone is interested, I recorded a Shaper kill while using Cannibal Fire-Eaters.


The fight feels so much faster than when I used Vanguards in 3.2.

*Disclaimer: I'm not using a life/block build for Fire-Eaters because they scale better with a hybrid build.
🔰🌀✨ Video guides on youtube! https://www.youtube.com/KayGaming ✨🌀🔰
🔶🔷🔶 Kay's Summoner build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3179145 🔶🔷🔶
Последняя редакция: kayella#0845. Время: 23 июня 2018 г., 12:53:31
DrLivesey88 написал:
Can you write more in detail what weapons and armor should be given to AG in 3.3?

you can use Dying Breath Staff for 18% more damage

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