[3.5] Lioneye's Glare Ele Conversion Raider (all content, videos up)

Hello. Thanks for build it is really enjoyable for me. My question is what I need to bought first? Shroud is the best option or maybe I need buy dying sun flask first or another abyss items like Tombfist and Trails?
Последняя редакция: osiykm#0940. Время: 7 марта 2018 г., 20:49:23
Wenk_Wenk написал:
Hello. Thanks for build it is really enjoyable for me. My question is what I need to bought first? Shroud is the best option or maybe I need buy dying sun flask first or another abyss items like Tombfist and Trails?

Most likely Shroud will rise in price. and this easy 6l
Shroud - 260c for now :D
I dont get how you get frenzy charges on hit ? Bloodrage ?
Raider ascendancy
Give me a fuckin beta already fss..

Turning "Avatar of the veil" to "Avatar of the Chase" in your PoB build we have less dmg?!
Guys what do you think about new buff "Aspect of the Avian" that grants additional movement speed and 10% chance to deal double damage? Maybe use it instead of HoI? But it is cyclical buff so I don't really know how good is it..
Последняя редакция: Wenk_Wenk#0121. Время: 8 марта 2018 г., 11:17:00
DLuGii написал:
Turning "Avatar of the veil" to "Avatar of the Chase" in your PoB build we have less dmg?!

Enable onslaught.
Nice build, Could you link your current items and gems?

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