[3.2] Elemental Crit Cyclone Raider - Fast, fun, deadly! - Ready for Bestiary league

Has anyone attempted to use a Lightpoacher instead for a helmet this build?
gabz001 написал:
Has anyone attempted to use a Lightpoacher instead for a helmet this build?

so bought one random rat's nest and on random lightpoacher to try it out

ran 2 white shaped vaults just killed the mobs (>50 remaining) and the boss didn't pick any loot
with lightpoacher i ended up at 2:06
and with a rat's nest 2:01

Also note that if you go lightpoacher you loose 1-2 more sockets and it start to be tricky in my case had to remove faster attacks on my helm for both runs cuz lightpoacher only have 3 sockets

So for map clearing seems equal and for bosses rat's nest > lightpoacher
If you plan to farm open maps you might see a bigger difference in term of trash clearing but in a close map it's even

dps with a random rat's nest 158775 dps
and with a random 148127 dps with 1 socket with 2 good jewels i go to 155774 dps

So with a lightpoacher with 2 abyssal sockets and 2 good abyss jewels you are equal to a random rat's nest

So if you have the currency and don't care about the links yea you might map a little little bit faster with a lighpoacher.
Keep in mind that a lightpoacher with 2 abyssal sockets cost around 250c without the helm enchant and you loose 2 sockets for the gems
and a rat's nest with 40% cyclone damage cost 152c...
Последняя редакция: florian59300#4090. Время: 18 янв. 2018 г., 18:56:05
This build guide is one of the most comprehensive guide I read on the forums. I read all the pages in this guide and you have been very helpful to those who followed your guide. Job done well!
I have to say this build is also very solid and fun as melee. I usually get bored of my characters real quick, as I don't like sink the hours in one character and grinding too much. I thought my bleedxplosion gladiator I made was solid, this build is on another level. The clear speed is insane, I have made crit staff cyclone slayer before but nothing like this. Thanks again for sharing this wonderful build with us.

I just wanted to post an update. I've spent some time crafting new gear etc, and thought I'd post my new POB here (I don't know how to link my new gear). The main upgrades were crafting opals for myself, replacing starkonjas with a rare crafted helm to free up resist slots on other gear, and getting the starting watchers eye for the build. Build still feels very safe w/ >6k life and although I'm still learning how to kill guardians (never tried before this build) the build is very capable w/ around 1mil shaper DPS- the fact that it's all cold makes it feel very safe. Also, it is easy to overcome the downside of hypothermia requiring "chilled" enemies by using a lvl 1 CWDT Vortex+Frost Bomb. This gives easy access to the 20% cold pene and 37% more multi of hypothermia. In the latest patch everything is chillable, and vortex chills everything it touches.

I've been looking into upgrading my weapon, getting a +1 frenzy necklace (or maybe a biscos or +1 pandemonious, since pandemonious is far superior for boss killing), or funding an MF char if I decide to do that. Anyways, this build has been a lot of fun and so far is my preferred mapper of choice.
Последняя редакция: Varek#3144. Время: 21 янв. 2018 г., 10:25:20
Varek написал:

I just wanted to post an update. I've spent some time crafting new gear etc, and thought I'd post my new POB here (I don't know how to link my new gear). The main upgrades were crafting opals for myself, replacing starkonjas with a rare crafted helm to free up resist slots on other gear, and getting the starting watchers eye for the build. Build still feels very safe w/ >6k life and although I'm still learning how to kill guardians (never tried before this build) the build is very capable w/ around 1mil shaper DPS- the fact that it's all cold makes it feel very safe. Also, it is easy to overcome the downside of hypothermia requiring "chilled" enemies by using a lvl 1 CWDT Vortex+Frost Bomb. This gives easy access to the 20% cold pene and 37% more multi of hypothermia. In the latest patch everything is chillable, and vortex chills everything it touches.

I've been looking into upgrading my weapon, getting a +1 frenzy necklace (or maybe a biscos or +1 pandemonious, since pandemonious is far superior for boss killing), or funding an MF char if I decide to do that. Anyways, this build has been a lot of fun and so far is my preferred mapper of choice.

Good job on the gearing, looking quite solid. CWDT-vortex-frost bomb is a clever solution to chill, I'll have to add something about using vortex with hypothermia vs endgame bosses. Thanks for the updates, your take on the build has been interesting to follow. Keep them coming if you continue changing stuff :)

P.s. You can link gear by opening the text window and then clicking on your active character in the top left of the browser window. It will open that character's inventory along with your character list. Then you can just click anything in any character's inventory or equipment slots and it will generate an item link in the text window. These links are generated as pointers to inventory/equip slots but they don't break when you move the items around because once the forum code identifies which item belongs to your pointer link, it changes the pointer into a static link to the item as it was when the pointer was posted.
Последняя редакция: Euploid#7589. Время: 22 янв. 2018 г., 9:27:13
Hello ! My turn i guess, i post my gears to know what i should change in priority, my only problem is to survive... I die in T11, i think my problem is my Life but i don't know which gear to change to have more life, maybe change my jewels and trade some DPS.

Hey Euploid, just wanna thank you for creating such an amazing and fun build that I started Abyss league with. I've steadily tried to improve the gear as i go along and i currently find myself around 100k tooltip dps (lvl21 cyclone) in hideout, I've done red-tier Elder no problem and almost breeze through all maps bosses. However, I do not have enough INT to level Wrath to lvl20 and am currently stucked with a lvl14 Wrath.

Survivability isnt really an issue but I'm not confident of taking on Guardians and Shaper due to my relatively low hp pool of 5.1k @ lvl 93. What are the gear that I should upgrade?

sirfares написал:
Hello ! My turn i guess, i post my gears to know what i should change in priority, my only problem is to survive... I die in T11, i think my problem is my Life but i don't know which gear to change to have more life, maybe change my jewels and trade some DPS.

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Your biggest problem is definitely life total. First of all, your passive tree doesn't really make sense. You've finished the Scion life wheel for 5% each node instead of taking Blood Drinker and Blood Siphon, which grant 8 and 10% respectively. Assassination and Trickery are also good nodes, better than most of your jewels, so I don't agree with taking more sockets if you're skipping them. Change it to this at least, it's the same amount of points but more %life so it's objectively better: http://poeurl.com/bKDG

As for what gear to change, basically all of your rares. You've been too greedy for damage here, none of your rares have natural life rolls. You should get a belt with a high life roll first thing, after that an amulet again with a high life roll. Then you need to exchange every single abyss jewel for ones with +life, preferably 30 minimum on each one. This build uses so many uniques with no +life, you need to get life on every piece of gear that can have it. After you've exchanged every jewel you should be in better shape but ideally you want higher life rolls on the rings as well.

Other than that:

1. You need to use a diamond flask, it's not optional. For you it would be a 33% DPS increase while active. Get rid of the mana flask or the basalt, although you shouldn't need a mana flask. If you run out of mana in a map you can just use shield charge to trigger mana leech.

2. You should remove Temporal Chains from your HoI setup, it doesn't do anything the way you have it set up now. There's a max curse limit of 1 by default so you can only apply one curse with curse on hit. If you cast another curse on already cursed enemies, the newest curse is applied, so what's happening with your Curse on Hit right now is that Temporal Chains, which is the first curse in the links from the top left, is applied but immediately overridden by Assassin's Mark. We can run Enfeeble in CWDT because of the same reason, it goes over AM when you're taking damage.

3. You can easily upgrade that foil. I found this for 12c in Abyss:

Same thing I always say in these gearchecks, suffixes are king.

gl hf :)
PL4Ymate написал:
Hey Euploid, just wanna thank you for creating such an amazing and fun build that I started Abyss league with. I've steadily tried to improve the gear as i go along and i currently find myself around 100k tooltip dps (lvl21 cyclone) in hideout, I've done red-tier Elder no problem and almost breeze through all maps bosses. However, I do not have enough INT to level Wrath to lvl20 and am currently stucked with a lvl14 Wrath.

Survivability isnt really an issue but I'm not confident of taking on Guardians and Shaper due to my relatively low hp pool of 5.1k @ lvl 93. What are the gear that I should upgrade?

I'm glad you're having fun with it C:

Overall your gear looks fine. Foil is good, the spiked gloves are quite good, the Diamond ring and belt are pretty good. I'll do this stepwise, there are some easy fixes you can make but then you just need to get marginal rare upgrades after that. Your character looks Guardian-ready to me, especially after making those easy fixes.

1. Change your tree to this and put a Fertile Mind in the jewel socket by Heartseeker. Get rid of the Carrion Hope jewel, it's garbage anyway. A level 20 wrath will give you way more DPS than that jewel can. Fertile mind is a nice shortcut, ideally you want the int on gear but it can be hard to balance with resists and DPS stats. You have basically no int on gear, so for now just go with Fertile Mind and if you can get enough int on gear later on to not need it, even better! I'd also suggest you just buy a corrupted lvl 20 Wrath outright rather than leveling the one you have equipped. You can keep leveling the 14 one in weapon swap or something to vaal it if you want to try for lvl 21.

2. Once you've changed your tree you will end up at around 5.6k life. At that point I suggest you get Darkray Vectors, they will bring your life back down to 5.4k but you'll gain 16% dodge, 12% MS and 8% DPS. Your fire res will be at 50% but you should be able to fix that with jewels or possibly by replacing either a ring or amulet. Or you could change your bandit choice to Alira for 15% all res and some multi (I'm assuming you went with 2 passive points judging by your tree).

3. Your abyss jewels are good but should ideally have life rolls. The non-abyss jewels are fine except for Carrion Hope and Maelstrom Delirium. Carrion Hope is much worse but there's no life roll on Maelstrom Delirium. For non-abyss jewels, the highest priority is shoring up resists and stats where needed, so Maelstrom Delirium is the first thing you should look at replacing to get that some of the fire res you'll need after getting Vectors.

4. The amulet is good damage-wise but has no life roll, very little int and the resists are kinda shit. Amulets can get higher life rolls than rings can, so this is a slot you should look at upgrading soonish. After that, probably the Ruby Ring or the Stygian Vise. Both of them are decent but shouldn't be that hard to upgrade.

That's about it for now, I think. Your foil could use multi instead of lightning res but an upgrade would probably be expensive. Keep a live search tab with a strict filter for foils and opals open while you play, possibly you can snatch some deals. If you want to min-max some more you should ideally be using Tombfist to get Intimidate (10% more damage). Two-socket ones are the best because then you can partially compensate for the lost +life and resists with jewels as well as getting some flat ele.
Последняя редакция: Euploid#7589. Время: 23 янв. 2018 г., 20:26:38
PL4Ymate написал:

Survivability isnt really an issue but I'm not confident of taking on Guardians and Shaper due to my relatively low hp pool of 5.1k @ lvl 93. What are the gear that I should upgrade?

i'm farming shaper and guardians with mf gear and smthing like 5k-5.2k life even did uber atziri.

For shaper and uber atziri if you know the mechanics you won't die it's easy af when you understand what they do

for guardians you may die sometimes/a lot if you are not carefull with the mods you roll ;)

Also for op got this belt for few ex the dps is crazy :D

Последняя редакция: florian59300#4090. Время: 23 янв. 2018 г., 21:37:10

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