[3.2] Elemental Crit Cyclone Raider - Fast, fun, deadly! - Ready for Bestiary league

florian59300 написал:

Also for op got this belt for few ex the dps is crazy :D

Very nice. Elder belts man, they can get pretty insane.
Последняя редакция: Euploid#7589. Время: 24 янв. 2018 г., 16:13:26
Euploid написал:
PleaseMasterMakeMeScream написал:
Heres what im using, clear speed is awesome, Havnt tried any bosses yet

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thoughts? cyclone has 80% chance to hit i feel thats decent enough to not use lycoside
profile is public

I'm sorry but I'm just confused.

You're using a mirrored phys-based 2H axe, with phys-based support gems, but you're using flat ele auras/heralds and have no source of conversion other than taste of hate and the added fire support gem. You've taken sword nodes but are using an axe and you've taken crit nodes but that axe has no local crit.

I see that you're a standard player so I understand that when making a new character it's nice to just slap some gear together that you might have had lying around in your stash but that character doesn't make sense at all.

That axe is best suited for a character that makes good use of the physical damage it offers. You can certainly construct a character like that using a Raider and apply some of the ideas used in this build guide, but you need to change the passive tree to include phys and axe nodes and if you want to focus on ele damage you need sources of conversion. Hatred, Herald of ash, Phys-to-lightning support gem, Winter spirit passive node, etc. Stacking flat ele damage on top of that ridiculous amount of physical damage doesn't make much sense when you could just convert and scale the phys instead.

You're obviously not lacking for currency, so if you want to do a raider cyclone build with flat ele scaling just mirror Vortex Hunger, craft a foil or buy one.

If you want to do an axe build, use a different passive tree and gem setup. There's a guide in the ranger forums for a 2h-based ele conversion cyclone build, you could take a look at that: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2033057

To answer your question about the chance to hit, 90% is what you should aim for but the higher the better.

1: can't believe i missed the sword nodes LOL.

2: the axe is mirrored so the colors are set in stone, I will add the phys to lightning conversion to the cyclone setup. great suggestion!

3: going to look into adding "Hatred, Herald of ash, and Winter spirit passive node" but not sure how much mana I can reserve.

4: I saw that build thread. but I found your guide to be much cooler :P

5: 80% was as high as i could get sorry!

6: this character is NOT done yet! I can come back with changes and take the build to its fullest!

edit: fixed the tree and the gear/gems, profile is public =^.^=
Последняя редакция: PleaseMasterMakeMeScream#1582. Время: 25 янв. 2018 г., 22:55:24
Hello, can u explain why lightning damage over cold? Since cold gives more damage because we take Fangs of Frost. I mean on ur foil stat priority
Последняя редакция: TheLey#0541. Время: 26 янв. 2018 г., 7:07:16
TheLey написал:
Hello, can u explain why lightning damage over cold? Since cold gives more damage because we take Fangs of Frost. I mean on ur foil stat priority

Because elemental damage rolls are not all created equal.

This is a foil with the max possible flat rolls for each type of elemental damage:

The average damage and range for each type is:

Lightning: avg 89.5, range 153
Fire: avg 83.5, range 45
Cold: avg 68.5, range 37

So Lightning has the largest range but also the highest average, fire has a smaller range but slightly lower damage than lightning, while cold has the smallest range and the lowest damage. I believe this balance choice was taken because of the strong secondary defensive benefit of cold damage.

Anyway, what it amounts to is that if you're choosing between T1 lightning and T1 cold, you'll usually get more DPS out of lightning even with Fangs of Frost. There's not a very big difference but it is there.
Последняя редакция: Euploid#7589. Время: 26 янв. 2018 г., 9:54:37
PleaseMasterMakeMeScream написал:

6: this character is NOT done yet! I can come back with changes and take the build to its fullest!

edit: fixed the tree and the gear/gems, profile is public =^.^=

I can continue to give you feedback if you want, I'm not playing the league atm and I enjoy helping people optimize their characters. It would help me help you if you could make it clear what exactly your goals are with the character, what your budget is for now and how set you are on using that particular axe. If you want to go crit, you'd be better off with an appropriate base like Exquisite Blade or Fleshripper. It would have to be a pretty good rare to beat your mirrored axe, but it wouldn't have to be anywhere near mirror-tier, especially if it's a Sword since then you can take the Ranger sword nodes.

I poked around a PoB of your character for a bit, came up with two possible lvl 90ish passive trees, one with crit and one with RT that gets some more life than the crit tree. These are just suggestions, I'm not entirely sure it's worth it to go into the Shadow area for Acrobatics, the extra frenzy charge and some EDWA if you go RT.

If you go RT you can change the Rat's Nest to any other helmet like Devoto's or a rare and obviously you should not use Acuity with RT.
If you continue with crit you should probably try to get a Watcher's Eye with the Hatred %crit modifier, like this one:

You can have a look at the wiki if you want to see the possible rolls for Watcher's Eyes, there are 4 different ones for Hatred and there are other mods that could be useful to you as well.

Here's the PoB pastebin, if you go to "Tree" there's a drop-down menu at the bottom left where you can flip between the two passive trees I've set up.


If you don't use PoB, here are standalone tree links for you to check out:

RT: http://poeurl.com/bKMH
Crit: http://poeurl.com/bKMI
Последняя редакция: Euploid#7589. Время: 26 янв. 2018 г., 9:49:02
Euploid написал:
TheLey написал:
Hello, can u explain why lightning damage over cold? Since cold gives more damage because we take Fangs of Frost. I mean on ur foil stat priority

Because elemental damage rolls are not all created equal.

This is a foil with the max possible flat rolls for each type of elemental damage:

The average damage and range for each type is:

Lightning: avg 89.5, range 153
Fire: avg 83.5, range 45
Cold: avg 68.5, range 37

So Lightning has the largest range but also the highest average, fire has a smaller range but slightly lower damage than lightning, while cold has the smallest range and the lowest damage. I believe this balance choice was taken because of the strong secondary defensive benefit of cold damage.

Anyway, what it amounts to is that if you're choosing between T1 lightning and T1 cold, you'll usually get more DPS out of lightning even with Fangs of Frost. There's not a very big difference but it is there.

Ah, got it now. Thx for the explanation and great build!
thanks for putting up with me,
first off when approaching your build, i saw the lycosidae and im like,
"hhmm where have I seen that before? oh right! mathil!"

so of course its a really nice item to pick up (I even bought it myself) however; I thought "couldnt i use my mirrored axe? it cost me sooooooo much currency and its sooo God-Tier how could I not find some use for it?!?"

the only reason im using it is because it cost me soo much and its insanely OP. Will I get equal-to or more damage with a mirrored foil/lycosidae? probably. . .but I dont own a mirrored foil :/
. . .I own a mirrored axe.

despite having my axe I still went ahead with your build and its skilltree picking up crit here and there wherever I could to make up for the loss of crit due lack of foil thinking my axe's raw damage output would make up for it. mapping wasnt an issue so I looked past it.

Converting the damage boosted my dps quite a bit! so thanks for that suggestion also thank you so much for adding a specific skilltree for me! I do not use PoB, seems to complicated and I just want to throw on my character some good gear, follow a skilltree and go kill stuff!

will go the RT route and follow that skilltree instead so thanks again:)
Последняя редакция: PleaseMasterMakeMeScream#1582. Время: 26 янв. 2018 г., 21:38:26
PleaseMasterMakeMeScream написал:

will go the RT route and follow that skilltree instead so thanks again:)

If you're going RT you'll have the glove slot open so you could use Hrimburn/Hrimsorrow to convert 50% of your damage to cold.

On top of that you could either go with Winter Spirit from the passive tree to end up at 90% converted to cold and replace phys-to-lightning in your cyclone links. Or you could skip Winter Spirit and continue to use phys-to-lightning for 50/50 cold/lightning. If you go with the former you could also acquire a Watcher's Eye with the Hatred mod that converts 25-40% of phys to cold, just to get to 100% cold conversion.

The other choice of gloves would just be any old pair of Spiked Gloves. Idk how easy it is to get rares in standard but if you have trouble finding decent gloves for trade they are easy to craft with alterations. Just alt-spam until you hit Life+attack speed or res, then regal and if you hit another res or attack speed you can craft a fourth suffix like attack speed or res and you'll already have a decent pair of gloves. I crafted this pair using this method:

If you run into any issues feel free to comment again or PM me.
Can anyone recommend how to push further with my characters gear, currently at 4.8k hp
Just found this and can't think of any other build to do. Would this wep be OK even tho it has no crit chance

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