Path of Nerfs


then will talk when theyll nerf u favorite build

This may come as a surprise to you but not all people are of the selfish "don't touch what I play despite how OP it is" type.
Последняя редакция: Johny_Snow#4778. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 5:36:07
Chris написал:
we're not afraid to nerf game elements

nerf? man u nerfed the whole fucking game...

i hate u now! xD

this is not a nerf.... we need a new word for this!
IGN: Elron

If more experiential points are needed then the mortality minus should be proportionally less.
Iznuts написал:
mititelul написал:

simple only kids with no job reacheng lvl 100 will support but wait WITH WHAT?

now you're just a broken record repeating the same thing over and over. you will stop others will join. you're not a special snowflake.

of corse i know that..... just regret spending so much time trying to get perfect build.....first ci now instant leech... and for what ?.... to start over.....maybe id start over when i was bored from this build....ill try im forced?
What i see? Only nerfs here, just like always
BlazeSTX написал:
unre4l написал:
The intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and accomplishment for reaching level 100. As for time spent, we selected initial values based upon data from the races and Beachhead maps in Harbinger, and other adjustments made to challange rewards before launch. Among other things, we're looking at average per-player experience earn rates on a daily basis, and we'll be making constant adjustments to ensure that players have challenges that are compelling, rewarding, and of course attainable via gameplay. We appreciate the candid feedback, and the passion the community has put forth around the current topics here on Reddit, our forums and across numerous social media outlets. Our team will continue to make changes and monitor community feedback and update everyone as soon and as often as we can.

This is flat facepalm You know ?!

The point of PoE is not to have 1 character on 100, but every character to 100.
The point of PoE is the diversity over the balance.
the point of PoE is to expand the Standard game using the ideas into the alphas called "leagues".
The point of PoE is to make every skill combination possible.

Since 3.0 - every main ideology and worth of PoE went just the oposite.

There is none consistency in here. Just constant idea about switching and remaking on the cost of everything.
This is not the game I loved initially anymore.

Bruh, it's a meme....
Yay. We now all get our AFK clear 2-3 whole screens spectres, pussy-gameplay mines that one-shots the whole screen drop & run away for cheese bosses, or get a slayer with new doubled-doubled leech new VP if you still want to feel like an actual Melee in this shitty retard-balance game.

"Vaal Pact makes things trivial BTW". yeah yeah, killing bosses off-screen with these retarded listed ones is FINE i would assume.

None of the actual OP builds are getting affected by this since you are 5 miles away from mobs and bosses anyways.

Why in the fucking hell you GGG thinks that is fine killing bosses without even seeing them, but face-tanking is a HUGE problem, prob cuz "fuck melee" right?. Welcome to Path of Pussies (summoners, totems, mines) because fast leeching is the ONLY fucking way a melee could actually take 2 subsequent NORMAL BASIC MELEE ATTACK from end-game bosses cuz the boss damage is fucking retarded.

Nerf your game not just ONE of the possibilities for dealing with your retarded design and let everything else untouched, you are just removing possibilites from the game, not balancing anything.
Последняя редакция: khuzvhan#0406. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 5:44:36
"This was one of the most heavily-requested nerfs in the history of Path of Exile."
Hm forgot aboute CI and val pact ?
You GGG remove completly VP from CI for life based you decrase it and now its bigest nerf in history ? HAHAHHA good joke XD
Again nerf with exp ? what you wil do next ? if ppl wil exp 100 lvl not in 1 week but in 2 ?
Its ridicules becouse nerfs like exp (not vp for me its dosent change anythin honestly its good nerf ) wil be pain for casual players .Top players even dont feel this i think this its bad realy bad man i feel like GGG some times ago take wrong road and now they try to go back but its not posible and now your try to turn back are so bad thats sad :(
khuzvhan написал:
Yay. We now all get our AFK clear 2-3 whole screens spectres, pussy-gameplay mines that one-shots the whole screen drop & run away for cheese bosses, or get a slayer with new doubled-doubled leech new VP if you still want to feel like an actual Melee in this shitty retard-balance game.

"Vaal Pact makes things trivial BTW". yeah yeah, killing bosses off-screen with these retarded listed ones is FINE i would assume.

None of the actual OP builds are getting affected by this since you are 5 miles away from mobs and bosses anyways.

Why in the fucking hell you GGG thinks that is fine killing bosses without even seeing them, but face-tanking is a HUGE problem, prob cuz "fuck melee" right?. Welcome to Path of Pussies (summoners, totems, mines) because fast leeching is the ONLY fucking way a melee could actually take 2 subsequent NORMAL BASIC MELEE ATTACK from end-game bosses cuz the boss damage is fucking retarded.

Nerf your game not just ONE of the possibilies for dealing with your retarded design and let everything else untouched, you are just removing possibilites from the game, not balancing anything.

they will be nerf too if are too good
Never 100 for me so.

Good i tried leech with the Fall of Oriath, because now it will be a lot more bs.
I played it without Vaal Pact(not coming near it, so i can't adjust it to those nerfs) and not as a Slayer but as an Ascendant.
Having another build in my mind, but maybe resting for one expansion.

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