Path of Nerfs
Fucking berserker?
Also, good job with exp changes. Now people who don't go for efficiency can go fuck themselves when it comes to reaching higher levels. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance.
Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. | |
First they came for the crit-builds, and I did not speak out
Because fuck that 1000%multi bf. Then they came for the ES builds, and I did not speak out— Because fuck that 20kesaegisregenci bullcrap. Then they came for the leech-based builds, and I did not speak out— Because I'm playing totems and spectres. Then they will never came for me—because my name is Chris and i fucking love summoning Последняя редакция: kerosenelampsalwaysgetdirt#5278. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 1:07:37
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- You have done an ES nerf, because peoples which does NOT play ES told You so !? - You have done an Vaal pact leech nerf, because peoples which can afford the most expensive items told You so ?! - You have done an EXP nerf, because peoples with characters over lvl 99 told You so ?! - You have done an CI leach nerf, because peoples which is selling HP items told You so ?! - You have increase the hardness over the low levels with sh*t items, because the richest players toldYou so ?! - You have destoyed the relations between important items and gems because peoples which does not care about them told You so ?! In PoE 3.0 - 90% of the population gain just quit. Only the oldest players remains. [Removed by Support] Последняя редакция: Patrick_GGG#0000. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 1:07:54
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HOLY MOLY!!!!!!!!!
GGG , dudes wake the fuc.k up!!!!! why you treat the game as if only the top streamers are the only players that matter. You fuc.king make me very sorry for spending even 1 $ on this game . Why you taking such crappy directions? Fuc.king legacy acuity now? You do realize that 95% of players will never get past lvl 95 and over 98% will never get a single piece of legacy gear? Why the fuc.k you keep legacy items in the game if they were op????????? If you nerf things, nerf it !!!!!! This is a shit move, instead of balancing and improving where the game lacks , you just NERF WHAT WORKS!!! And because people invested so much into some builds , nerfed items, you keep them as legacy things, because you are afraid to loose the people who pay you $$$ ....How do you think players, especially new and casual ones feel when they see 50% of the game is legacy content that they can never have/play with ? Look what a clusterfuc.k of a game you are taking poe. You just reverse and change and nerf and add and nerf again playstyles every league... It's becoming tiring and frustrating ....IS IT THAT HARD TO KEEP WHAT ALLREADY WORKS AND JUST ADD ON TOP OF THAT ??? POE is becoming like a bad rolercoaster. DO THE NERFS RIGHT,TO THE END OR WAKE UP AND ADJUST YOUR GAME PROPERLY. You know, streamers are not the only people that matter...If 0.1 % of people found a way to become op in the game, doesn't mean you have to shi.t on the rest of us. The people who pour the real cash into your game are not able to keep up with all your switches and changes and ''improvements'' every league you know, cause they don't have the time , like a top streamer does, in order to adjust. [Removed by Support] No really, enough is enough... Последняя редакция: Patrick_GGG#0000. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 1:15:12
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nerfs are good for the game, stupid shit needs to get removed. d3 went to shit because they didnt nerf anything and dmg numbers got to billions, you dont want this happening to poe. btw getting to 100 is probably easier and achievable for more builds now because of the reflect nerf, just takes longer. you will die less because of stupid shit now i imagine, but only people who have expierence in getting to 100 would know i guess.
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Reaching 100 was always impossible for me, so this exp change do not affect me. But I think it so stupid to listen to 0.1% of nolifers and destroy game expirience for the rest 99.9% of players. Look closer to this 0.1% and see why they level to 100 in one week when for average player it takes 3+ months, and nerf accordingly,
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What is with Bloodseeker ? Claw Templar BF confirmed. |
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Vaal Pact dead. Path of exile dead.
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" Except it makes perfect sense. Nerf VP and leave slayer untouched - ensure slayer meta in Abyss. I'm honestly surprised GGG went so easy on him. " If you honestly, genuinely think that way, then it was never alive for you to begin with ;d. Последняя редакция: nskLantash#4654. Время: 5 дек. 2017 г., 1:11:29
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Good stuff, Chris. Keep it up. :)
Carry on my waypoint son, there'll be peace when maps are done.
Lay your portal gem to rest, don't you die no more. 'Cause it's a bitter sweet symphony this league. Try to make maps meet, you're a slave to the meta, then you leave. |
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