[3.10] For Scion - Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry (Cyclone + Blade Flurry + Frost Blades)

another quick question. what are some recommended gems for using GCP?? cyclone, frost blade, blade flurry?
andrew08801 написал:
another quick question. what are some recommended gems for using GCP?? cyclone, frost blade, blade flurry?

You should get all gems to 20/20 with Blade Flurry and Frost Blade as priority.

Vendor a level 20 gem with 1 GCP will give you back a level 1 and 20% quality gem.

Don't worry about losing damage when you do the vendor recipe. You will level the gems up to level 19 in no time. :)
Hey have succesful played this build in abyss league and while im done with the content i thought i give it another shot against the trap totem meta.
The only problem i have so far is the variety of items and gems. You said somewhere that tombfist and stygian is better. In the Tombfist picture you said maim+imi but do we go for 2 abyss tombfist then or do we use a different 3 link than the gems in the picture itself? The gem setups are pretty confusing me right now.
RPGee auf Youtube. Deutsche PoE Beginner-Guides und mehr.
ChaosQueenKitana написал:
Hey have succesful played this build in abyss league and while im done with the content i thought i give it another shot against the trap totem meta.
The only problem i have so far is the variety of items and gems. You said somewhere that tombfist and stygian is better. In the Tombfist picture you said maim+imi but do we go for 2 abyss tombfist then or do we use a different 3 link than the gems in the picture itself? The gem setups are pretty confusing me right now.

If you are using Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets, you can use the following gems setup:

Helm / Boots:
Culling Strike + Faster Attack (or Blind) + Ancenstral Warchief + Chance to Bleed

Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Enfeeble + Leap Slam

2 Abyssal Tombfist:
Hatred + Herald of Ash (or Arctic Armor)
If you are using Tombfist with 2 abyssal sockets, you can use the following gems setup:

Helm / Boots:
Culling Strike + Faster Attack (or Blind) + Ancenstral Warchief + Chance to Bleed

Cast When Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Enfeeble + Leap Slam

2 Abyssal Tombfist:
Hatred + Herald of Ash (or Arctic Armor)

Changed a bit. That's my current gear.

Red Elder with lvl 78. Feel free to use it as a Video Showcase if you like. Guess i will do Shaper/Uber Atziri with more level and perhaps trying Uber Elder too.

RPGee auf Youtube. Deutsche PoE Beginner-Guides und mehr.
Последняя редакция: ChaosQueenKitana#1423. Время: 12 июля 2018 г., 9:22:25
my final build.
is there anything else i should add to build?? one thing i noticed is map clear speed is bit slow with frost blades..
Последняя редакция: Asciepius#4455. Время: 13 июля 2018 г., 0:14:43
Asciepius написал:
my final build.
is there anything else i should add to build?? one thing i noticed is map clear speed is bit slow with frost blades..

You tried to adjust the tree to cap your resists. I wouldn't do that. You skipped the complete part with Blademaster and Barbarism. I would try to replace the belt and the ring to cap resists and do the normal tree kira has in this guide. You can also use Fight for Survival for Frostblades. I do that too atm.
RPGee auf Youtube. Deutsche PoE Beginner-Guides und mehr.
ChaosQueenKitana написал:
Asciepius написал:
my final build.
is there anything else i should add to build?? one thing i noticed is map clear speed is bit slow with frost blades..

You tried to adjust the tree to cap your resists. I wouldn't do that. You skipped the complete part with Blademaster and Barbarism. I would try to replace the belt and the ring to cap resists and do the normal tree kira has in this guide. You can also use Fight for Survival for Frostblades. I do that too atm.

passive tree adjustment is to implement red dream as OP suggested
Последняя редакция: Asciepius#4455. Время: 13 июля 2018 г., 12:31:10
Why do we need both cyclone and frost blades for clearing? Is there another choice that can do clearing well? I'm farming up the currency for 2 x Oni's but I'd like to start the build with just one if possible.
Is blind supposed to remain at lvl 1?
Последняя редакция: DrownedBurrito#6293. Время: 14 июля 2018 г., 0:26:32

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