[3.10] For Scion - Goddess Sword Spinning in Flurry (Cyclone + Blade Flurry + Frost Blades)

ChaosQueenKitana написал:

Red Elder with lvl 78. Feel free to use it as a Video Showcase if you like. Guess i will do Shaper/Uber Atziri with more level and perhaps trying Uber Elder too.


Thank you for the video. I will have it included in the video section. :)


Asciepius написал:
ChaosQueenKitana написал:
Asciepius написал:
my final build.
is there anything else i should add to build?? one thing i noticed is map clear speed is bit slow with frost blades..

You tried to adjust the tree to cap your resists. I wouldn't do that. You skipped the complete part with Blademaster and Barbarism. I would try to replace the belt and the ring to cap resists and do the normal tree kira has in this guide. You can also use Fight for Survival for Frostblades. I do that too atm.

passive tree adjustment is to implement red dream as OP suggested

Red dream is not required for the build. It is mainly for players who prefer to get "free" endurance charges without self casting. A Shaper amulet with charges on kill will achieve the same effect.

Looking at your pastebin, I see that you spec into Sentinel (near Scion wheel) for resistances. As pointed out by @ChaosQueenKitana, following the level 90 skill tree closely by picking up Blademaster and Barbarism will give you more damage, life and resistance.


nhantheman написал:
Why do we need both cyclone and frost blades for clearing? Is there another choice that can do clearing well? I'm farming up the currency for 2 x Oni's but I'd like to start the build with just one if possible.

WildStrike is another skill for AOE clear. Main downside is that you will need to be close to mobs which is not as safe when compared with Frostblades.

Cyclone is not just for AOE clearing. It is also for re-positioning, proc-ing fortify and applying bleed.


DrownedBurrito написал:
Is blind supposed to remain at lvl 1?

No. You can get it to level 20. The gem is there for easier reference. :)
Hello, I apologize for my English. I see no reason to use three abilities. What if I use BF + inc aoe for maps and change it to conc on bosses (i doesn't have another oni and don't wanna farm it again, playing SSF so i can't just buy it)? And the cyclone in the chest can be replaced by 6l warchief.
Or will it be worse?

And one more question. When we play Champ, our totems can taunt too. So when we get Culling strike from slayer isn't our totems get it too? It's important cos we can link another gem to our totem.

p.s. i try to use double strike, and it's looks like more better for aoe and for solo.
Последняя редакция: Seduction1996#5888. Время: 12 сент. 2018 г., 16:57:46
Seduction1996 написал:
Hello, I apologize for my English. I see no reason to use three abilities. What if I use BF + inc aoe for maps and change it to conc on bosses (i doesn't have another oni and don't wanna farm it again, playing SSF so i can't just buy it)? And the cyclone in the chest can be replaced by 6l warchief.
Or will it be worse?

And one more question. When we play Champ, our totems can taunt too. So when we get Culling strike from slayer isn't our totems get it too? It's important cos we can link another gem to our totem.

p.s. i try to use double strike, and it's looks like more better for aoe and for solo.

You can certainly do that. You can also setup Frostblade on your 5/6L chest piece in the future and use that for mapping. Frostblade is really great for mapping.

Cyclone is mainly for procing Fortify and re-positioning during combat. You can definitely drop it.

As for Champion vs Slayer, Slayer's overleech + Culling Strike is way better because it helps to counter the Goddess's degen penalty. You will definitely want to pick Slayer over here.

Yes. The new Double Strike has good single target. You can also use that for the build instead of BladeFlurry / Frostblade. :)
There is alot of alternatives for the gem setup I guess since the writen guide is different from the pob. Anyone got sugestions or tips playing this build in Delve league :) ?
I've been thinking about swapping cyclone for static strike, increased duration, chance to bleed and fortify, plus some other stuff.

Reason being that static strike makes a buff that damages mobs, and thus keeps up fortify for a longer time.

Only thing i dont know, can Static Strike inflict bleeding?
robin_nerf написал:
There is alot of alternatives for the gem setup I guess since the writen guide is different from the pob. Anyone got sugestions or tips playing this build in Delve league :) ?

Get a Quartz flask for Delve. It will be very handy. I would say AOE is crucial inside there since the mobs will be streaming towards you.


Kacxer написал:
I've been thinking about swapping cyclone for static strike, increased duration, chance to bleed and fortify, plus some other stuff.

Reason being that static strike makes a buff that damages mobs, and thus keeps up fortify for a longer time.

Only thing i dont know, can Static Strike inflict bleeding?

Yes. Static Strike will apply bleed unless you do full elemental conversion.
Is this the "best" build using Oni-goroshi ? or is there a better one ?
Tsuum написал:
Is this the "best" build using Oni-goroshi ? or is there a better one ?

It can clear all content for certain. The best? Maybe.
i'm kinda new and really don't know one thing...
where i'm suppose add anger spell which suppose to work with Watchers Eye? What spell should i replace?
wikivik написал:
i'm kinda new and really don't know one thing...
where i'm suppose add anger spell which suppose to work with Watchers Eye? What spell should i replace?

For Anger, you will want Watcher's Eye that "gain #% physical damage as extra fire" and "fire penetration".

You will replace Hatred with Anger.

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