After some testing, Rupture from Deadeye is incredibly powerful, especially with the +30 life gain on hit as a defensive mechanic.

I used his Deadeye PoB and ONLY adjusted Endless Munitions to Rupture and I get higher dps and more survivability through the life gain on hit. You can really feel it on higher HP bosses like Guardians.

In practice, the Endless Munitions' ~50% AoE gain can make a few projectiles miss as well but definitely improves clearspeed.

Endless Munitions with his PoB:

39456 x 13 magma balls = 512,928 average dmg per wave of balls. Assuming all balls actually hit with 50% AoE increase.

Rupture with his PoB:

45768 x 12 magma balls = 549,216 average dmg per wave of balls.

Ignore DPS line for magma balls since the attack rate used is false. Use the Melee Hit's attack rate and multiply it by per-wave-of-balls-avg-damage for true DPS. Also, the attack rate varies with Tailwind usage in true practice so I only compare the hit damage.

Yes, I am currently using Rupture for my sessions.
Последняя редакция: xethos25#5459. Время: 6 марта 2018 г., 17:13:27
load231 написал:
I currently got the Raider version of the build up to 84 and it's really fun so far and maps (up to t10) are quite easy. I was just checking on the gems and wanted to ask why you went with icebite/increase crit. PoB says that elemental focus, hypothermia and ruthless give more dps. I'm not very familiar with mechanics. Can you please explain why you did not choose those? I guess focus is no option because it removes the ailments (but do I really need those vs bosses?) and ruthless probably doesnt work with the molten strike balls. What about hypo? Does it not work on bosses or something?
I'm also confused about concentrated effect. Does it work with molten strike? PoB doesn't seem to show a difference when adding or removing it.

Btw the leveling this build is infinitely easier if you use a claw that has life and mana gain on hit if you have no thiefs tornment yet.

I didn't pick Focus for that reason, it removes the ailments and if you're using Inpulsa's as a chest, it's a hit in the DPS numbers. The build originally started purely as a Molten Strike build and Focus really never had a place since a 3R-2B (Shroud) or 4R-2B setup which were a lot smoother for all-rounded purposes. However since Deadeye is really quick and life is starting to creep as an issue, I think with a chest like Bellly of the Beast, you'd run Ele Focus in the links. Ruthless only affects the melee component of MS I believe, we are mostly relying on projectiles to do our damage. Concentrated effect not only increases the stats in damage but it 'concentrates' the AOE so that more balls land for single target in a theoretical sense.

alexviz написал:
Having a blast with this build so far! Is the change from raider to deadeye that big of a deal? I have 5 regret points already so I<d need another 5. The only thing that is difficult is that I have 0 defensive things. Boss one shot me so badly, but at the same time I clear things SUPER FAST. Does it become a bit tankier with the cruel and merc lab points? It is easy to kill things with frost blades, but when it comes to a boss, I find it hard to use MS and having to dodge everything.

Not a big deal. In terms of defenses, Raider is the best at the moment with the extra dodge and almost permanent phasing. I'll make a pros and cons list of all 3 ascendencies but right now I believe it's something like.

Raider pros: Perma onslaught/frenzy/phasing, best defense, easy to play
Deadeye pros: Best offense, best at leeching/facetanking
PF pros: Best at mapping due to flask usage

However, I think with boss gear - Deadeye will outperform the other 2. Those damage numbers in my Deadeye POB link is almost close to Inqusitor levels except we are much better at clearing maps.

Delkaris222 написал:
For the deadeye with dual wielding imperial claw => we replace Shield charge by ?

Whirling Blades.

xethos25 написал:
After some testing, Rupture from Deadeye is incredibly powerful, especially with the +30 life gain on hit as a defensive mechanic.

I used his Deadeye PoB and ONLY adjusted Endless Munitions to Rupture and I get higher dps and more survivability through the life gain on hit. You can really feel it on higher HP bosses like Guardians.

In practice, the Endless Munitions' ~50% AoE gain can make a few projectiles miss as well but definitely improves clearspeed.

Endless Munitions with his PoB:

39456 x 13 magma balls = 512,928 average dmg per wave of balls. Assuming all balls actually hit with 50% AoE increase.

Rupture with his PoB:

45768 x 12 magma balls = 549,216 average dmg per wave of balls.

Ignore DPS line for magma balls since the attack rate used is false. Use the Melee Hit's attack rate and multiply it by per-wave-of-balls-avg-damage for true DPS. Also, the attack rate varies with Tailwind usage in true practice so I only compare the hit damage.

Yes, I am currently using Rupture for my sessions.

Thank you for this!

I agree 100% with the calculations. Gathering Winds and Rupture are a get. I am uncertain how good Far Shot is tbqh in Frost Blades. If it's not doing much then we'd might as well drop it and grab Powerful Precision just for some extra damage numbers.

I do want to try this build with a 4R-2B setup using MOlten to clear with the increased AOE and projectiles ascendency though.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 7 марта 2018 г., 8:03:16
BTW for anyone who ascended with Deadeye, Oskarm is looking like a nice glove to link Frost Blades with.

Allows you to drop Curse on Hit and Assassin's Mark and throw in Onslaught/Culling Strike to HoT or use Vaal Lightning Trap/Haste.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 7 марта 2018 г., 8:02:33
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?
toddmc написал:
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?

Hands down Perfect Form is superior thanks to layering your defenses.

Having free Arctic Armour(phys reduction and a bit of chill), Phase acrobatics(spell dodge), Evasion, and increased Dex (tidbit more accuracy) is far superior than just generic "life and resists". Heck it even has a hefty amount of flat life on it.

Good luck getting the right colours and resists to match it though.
Последняя редакция: xethos25#5459. Время: 7 марта 2018 г., 11:47:56
xethos25 написал:
After some testing, Rupture from Deadeye is incredibly powerful, especially with the +30 life gain on hit as a defensive mechanic.

I used his Deadeye PoB and ONLY adjusted Endless Munitions to Rupture and I get higher dps and more survivability through the life gain on hit. You can really feel it on higher HP bosses like Guardians.

In practice, the Endless Munitions' ~50% AoE gain can make a few projectiles miss as well but definitely improves clearspeed.

Endless Munitions with his PoB:

39456 x 13 magma balls = 512,928 average dmg per wave of balls. Assuming all balls actually hit with 50% AoE increase.

Rupture with his PoB:

45768 x 12 magma balls = 549,216 average dmg per wave of balls.

Ignore DPS line for magma balls since the attack rate used is false. Use the Melee Hit's attack rate and multiply it by per-wave-of-balls-avg-damage for true DPS. Also, the attack rate varies with Tailwind usage in true practice so I only compare the hit damage.

Yes, I am currently using Rupture for my sessions.

I was just signing on to ask this question. I feel like rupture is very strong and should be utilized.

Are you using lycos or are you dual wielding? I sold my lycos yesterday as I was transitioning from Scion (got to 89 this league) to Ranger.

missed out on a 387 edps claw today :( was 10 seconds too slow.

EDIT: typed this up last night and didn't hit submit. feels bad man
Lyco is unnecessary with Deadeye as the ascendencies gives you enough end game accuracy.
xethos25 написал:
toddmc написал:
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?

Hands down Perfect Form is superior thanks to layering your defenses.

Having free Arctic Armour(phys reduction and a bit of chill), Phase acrobatics(spell dodge), Evasion, and increased Dex (tidbit more accuracy) is far superior than just generic "life and resists". Heck it even has a hefty amount of flat life on it.

Good luck getting the right colours and resists to match it though.

Should we bother about Frenzy Charges? I see someone even skipped these node on the tree
Reedgf написал:
xethos25 написал:
toddmc написал:
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?

Hands down Perfect Form is superior thanks to layering your defenses.

Having free Arctic Armour(phys reduction and a bit of chill), Phase acrobatics(spell dodge), Evasion, and increased Dex (tidbit more accuracy) is far superior than just generic "life and resists". Heck it even has a hefty amount of flat life on it.

Good luck getting the right colours and resists to match it though.

Should we bother about Frenzy Charges? I see someone even skipped these node on the tree

I skipped them on my tree.

With this high of AS, whirling blades QoL is pretty bad. I'm considering trying to reduce AS.

I'm also having to manage my mana while I WB or else I run out and it's a slow regen. Any solution?

EDIT: You can watch me stream this build. Just click on the twitch icon next to my name.
Последняя редакция: r3dd09#3335. Время: 8 марта 2018 г., 0:11:01
Hi all,

First of all, i'm loving this build! The strongest starter I have ever made. So, thanks!

2 questions:

1. Is it viable to use Esh mirror with this build? Or aren't we shocking a lot of stuff? I would like to use it because of the OP added damage and the possibility to shield charge.

2. How can we generate frenzy charges on bosses? Could we maybe use Ice Bite in the MS links?

Sorry for the newb questions, I'm kinda new to adapting builds :}

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