Daanvhulst написал:
Hi all,

First of all, i'm loving this build! The strongest starter I have ever made. So, thanks!

2 questions:

1. Is it viable to use Esh mirror with this build? Or aren't we shocking a lot of stuff? I would like to use it because of the OP added damage and the possibility to shield charge.

2. How can we generate frenzy charges on bosses? Could we maybe use Ice Bite in the MS links?

Sorry for the newb questions, I'm kinda new to adapting builds :}

1 Esh's mirror is actually very good when it comes to mapping purposes as it lets you build to a point where you will be one shotting packs. I don't think it's the best choice however when it comes to bossing.

2 Blood rage is how we get Frenzy. It's not a reliable means with PF and Deadeye though which is why I don't have it ticked in POB. I don't think Ice Bite would benefit from being linked in Molten for non-Raider classes since it really only shows up when there are frenzy charges.
r3dd09 написал:
toddmc написал:
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?

Hands down Perfect Form is superior thanks to layering your defenses.

Having free Arctic Armour(phys reduction and a bit of chill), Phase acrobatics(spell dodge), Evasion, and increased Dex (tidbit more accuracy) is far superior than just generic "life and resists". Heck it even has a hefty amount of flat life on it.

Good luck getting the right colours and resists to match it though.

Should we bother about Frenzy Charges? I see someone even skipped these node on the tree[/quote]

I skipped them on my tree.

With this high of AS, whirling blades QoL is pretty bad. I'm considering trying to reduce AS.

I'm also having to manage my mana while I WB or else I run out and it's a slow regen. Any solution?

EDIT: You can watch me stream this build. Just click on the twitch icon next to my name.

You can link Blood Magic support to Whirling Blades setup if you want to be able to spam it.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 8 марта 2018 г., 8:43:19
xethos25 написал:
toddmc написал:
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?

Hands down Perfect Form is superior thanks to layering your defenses.

Having free Arctic Armour(phys reduction and a bit of chill), Phase acrobatics(spell dodge), Evasion, and increased Dex (tidbit more accuracy) is far superior than just generic "life and resists". Heck it even has a hefty amount of flat life on it.

Good luck getting the right colours and resists to match it though.

I'm going for BotB just for the chromatics reasons.
Eathb написал:
r3dd09 написал:
toddmc написал:
Tossing up between going pure evasion and using Perfect Form, or going the safer high life pool option of Belly. I’m not really having any issues with clear speed at the moment so going to skip inpulsa’s. With Belly i’ll push toward 5.8-6k hp, while perfect form will give me over 80% evasion + phase acro for spell dodge. Any thoughts?

Hands down Perfect Form is superior thanks to layering your defenses.

Having free Arctic Armour(phys reduction and a bit of chill), Phase acrobatics(spell dodge), Evasion, and increased Dex (tidbit more accuracy) is far superior than just generic "life and resists". Heck it even has a hefty amount of flat life on it.

Good luck getting the right colours and resists to match it though.

Should we bother about Frenzy Charges? I see someone even skipped these node on the tree

I skipped them on my tree.

With this high of AS, whirling blades QoL is pretty bad. I'm considering trying to reduce AS.

I'm also having to manage my mana while I WB or else I run out and it's a slow regen. Any solution?

EDIT: You can watch me stream this build. Just click on the twitch icon next to my name.

You can link Blood Magic support to Whirling Blades setup if you want to be able to spam it.[/quote]

Hey, what would you suggest as end game body armor for this build? Curently using tabula

Also if you have a chance please take a look on my current gear, what should update in first turn https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Reedgf/characters ?
Daanvhulst написал:
Hi all,

First of all, i'm loving this build! The strongest starter I have ever made. So, thanks!

2 questions:

1. Is it viable to use Esh mirror with this build? Or aren't we shocking a lot of stuff? I would like to use it because of the OP added damage and the possibility to shield charge.

2. How can we generate frenzy charges on bosses? Could we maybe use Ice Bite in the MS links?

Sorry for the newb questions, I'm kinda new to adapting builds :}

To answer your first question, you should be dealing enough damage without Esh's Mirror. Dual wield and wreck content.

Second question, I'm not too concerned about keeping up frenzies during fights. I'd rather have power charges.

I just got 5l inpulsa's with RRRBB. This provides more damage than a 6l Tabula, but you don't have Ancestral Call, which sucks. I'll probably work on getting a 6l this weekend and coloring it. I'll also be trying to buy a Shroud to test out as I did play much last league and want to see what the hype is all about.

I'll be streaming for about 12+ hours today. Pop on in and ask questions.
Последняя редакция: r3dd09#3335. Время: 8 марта 2018 г., 13:17:42
This is my first ranger so I'm not sure what direction to go.

I'm thinking about going Deadeye for clear speed. So I was wandering what ascendancys I should get and in what order.
Rabiiit написал:
This is my first ranger so I'm not sure what direction to go.

I'm thinking about going Deadeye for clear speed. So I was wandering what ascendancys I should get and in what order.

TLDR: Tailwind, Accuracyx2, far shot, chain (replace with LGOH node later)

I've been playing deadeye this league and wanted to share my thoughts so far. By no means a claw / MS expert BTW., feel free to review points you don't like.

1) dmg: deadeye offers an amazing head start. You can go DW, almost completely ignore accuracy and progress through the atlas with garbage gear while dealing enough dmg. The latter is probably true for raider/pf as well but not to this extent (IMO). You can see my nonsense-gear which was enough for T15+yellow elder so far.

2) clear speed:

It feels OK. I specced very FB-friendly with +1 chain and thunderfist but I don't think it's necessary, I haven't really noticed any changes as I flipped the added cold to lvl 1, the AoE clear feels decent. However:

- Whirling blades is not fast and clearly the limiting factor. Shield charge is faster - but what is the shield of choice for a deadeye? Esh with 3.2-"density"?

- FB is pretty melee and on a rare occasion mobs will punish you for bad positioning

3) single target: frenzy charges aren't sustainable at elder fights, but the dmg is still about the same as raider (with the crit Vs bleeding enemies node). Pathfinder looks pretty strong there as well with the new flask mod.
For shaper guardians you could even get some dps uptime with leftover frenzies. Prob. still not worth speccing into them.

4) league -

Just finished coloring this and getting a 5l. Goal is to 6l it by the end of the week. Pretty excited about it.
r3dd09 написал:

Just finished coloring this and getting a 5l. Goal is to 6l it by the end of the week. Pretty excited about it.

Nice, you're making steady progress towards the end game. Will check out your stream over the weekend :)

Experimenting with these right now, will report how it goes - don't envision that MOlten Strike enchant on it will be cheap if anyone ever gets that enchant on it lol. The gloves are an upgrade over the Lightning Mitts and more versatile (Free Assassin's Mark QoL) than essence crafted Rare gloves. Still a flat downgrade to Tombfists but I'm going to be attempting to optimise my gear with the new beast items as I don't want a complete replica of my Abyss/standard char and the option of doing a glove swap for hard bosses is still there.

Just a tip for anyone, if you want to start rushing to Shaper/Guardians, Shroud is super cheap at the moment (~5ex) and is better than Inpulsa at single target damage. I envision Shroud will jump up significantly in price as the league progresses.

I will make a pros/cons list of each ascendency choices as it seems to be a reoccuring question right now. Short answer is that if you want damage go for Deadeye, if you want more survivaility go for Raider. Think of PF as inbetween those two except with better clear speed.
Последняя редакция: Eathb#4744. Время: 9 марта 2018 г., 6:40:39
When using Shroud, u lose immunity to shock. Where should we make up for this? For your Vinktar in particular.

Also, is Vaal pact better QoL?
Последняя редакция: xethos25#5459. Время: 9 марта 2018 г., 13:45:33

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