3.5 Magic Find Windrippin Boi (Windripper LA/Barrage Raider)

kimjungbill написал:
is it possible to use a deovots or inspired learning on this build if farming t3 burial.

You can, they're good items to use if you want to purely farm t3 burials but really terrible in any high-ish tier map
Do i need to make any changes in the tree if i wanna switch to deadeye to farm t3 chambers faster?
kimjungbill написал:
Do i need to make any changes in the tree if i wanna switch to deadeye to farm t3 chambers faster?

Take off life nodes, or whatever nodes you dont need (resists, dmg) and spec into Celerity and Quickstep nodes. Probably dont need Wrath gem for t3's so use grace and the %movement speed with Grace watcher's eye
Последняя редакция: illmtk#1047. Время: 23 нояб. 2018 г., 22:17:23
I feel like bossing with this build is extremely slow and painful. Any ideas on what to focus on to change that?
should i get a headhunter or a +2 ts helm enchant first? All im doing is farming t3 chambers until i get the proper gear to farm red maps.

kimjungbill написал:
should i get a headhunter or a +2 ts helm enchant first? All im doing is farming t3 chambers until i get the proper gear to farm red maps.

I would personally get a headhunter first as it is definitely the biggest boost to clearspeed, I would call it equivalent to around 70% extra movement speed for mapping.
Really bad build. Can't handle t16 maps with headhunter on lvl 90.
mybirthname написал:
Really bad build. Can't handle t16 maps with headhunter on lvl 90.

Get good abyss jewels seeing as they're the single biggest thing the build scales off in terms of both dmg and life :P, also quality your gems. Also I can easily run t16 maps on a 5link, so if you're unable to on a 6link it's something you're doing, not the build.
Hi ! In first sorry for my bad english, i hope you'll understand.

I tried your build and i've a lot of fun with this playstyle but i have some problem about mapping, i did this build to increased the speed of my map clear but it take more time to clean than my older build (which was a cyclone/ancestral warchief). Could you tell me if something's wrong with my gear ?

My problem are against rare and boss it take me a while to shutdown them, it depend about which rare but some of them are very hard.
Последняя редакция: Turkane#4018. Время: 24 нояб. 2018 г., 11:13:45
Turkane написал:
Hi ! In first sorry for my bad english, i hope you'll understand.

I tried your build and i've a lot of fun with this playstyle but i have some problem about mapping, i did this build to increased the speed of my map clear but it take more time to clean than my older build (which was a cyclone/ancestral warchief). Could you tell me if something's wrong with my gear ?

My problem are against rare and boss it take me a while to shutdown them, it depend about which rare but some of them are very hard.

You should get your last 2 ascendancy points from uberlab and get the last nodes then you can get an "of adrenaline" movement speed suffix on one of your flasks to boost your speed and constant use of your flasks is the main thing that boosts your speed as you're more than twice as fast with them (at least I am anyway). Also you have normal jewels instead of abyss jewels which is a large loss to your dmg potential as you can get flat elemental dmg on abyss jewels where you can only get % on normal jewels, which is WAY less dmg.

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