[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Alright, my info should be public now. Just need some tips on what i should trade for more resistances.
babsbegood написал:
Having a lot of fun so far, insane clearspeed and dps.

My gear:

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T15 easily done but failed miserably on Chimera, currently thinking on how to change to another opal ring and keep the resistances caped.

Corrupted Minotaur done
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Any thoughts on my gear so far?

Anyway, thanks for the great guide Fiver.

Your gear looks fine. Only thing that really sticks out is the low evasion on the body armour.

Don't panic.
1benjy1 написал:

@Fiver, big fan, got any suggestions for my character at all, or am i good?

I would say your gear looks fine for the most part. There are always small improvements to be made here and there though. :)
How is Hyrri's working out for you? I've always liked that chest.
The only downside with it is the lack of HP.

I would look for a new claw though. Get one with crit on it.
If your claw had 7.5% crit on it (which is pretty standard vagan craft), it would give you roughly 120k dps.

Don't panic.
Scoozii написал:
Alright, my info should be public now. Just need some tips on what i should trade for more resistances.

I took the liberty at having a look at your passive tree and I have some changes that I suggest you make to it.
Compare that to your current one. You really should try to grab all the available life nodes.

Ok, on to your gear.
I wouldn't use Abyssus for anything else than shaper. You should really use something else when you are mapping and doing other stuff, because you are very easily one-shotted when you wear that helm. :)
I suggest a Starkonja's Head in your case, considering your low HP.
When it comes to other gear, the rings, amulet & belt could all be replaced for just a few chaos, and you could get a lot better than what you currently have.
Remember that survivability is more important than damage. So focus on getting things with a lot of life on them and a lot of resist, before you start looking for EDAS.
Here's a bunch of cheap rings with good Life and resists.

If you have problems replacing stuff because you lack the str/int requirements, you can always take one of the +30 int/str nodes in the tree temporarily.
Also, you don't have to level all gems to 20 if this is a problem.

Don't panic.
https://pastebin.com/uS4rPYay What should i improve ?
Hi! Thanks for this nice build, please tell me what should I change or add to my gear? What is more important to buy next, good claws, taste of hate, or maybe just try to get better rings or jewels in the gloves and belt.

Thanks for your help!
Fiver написал:
1benjy1 написал:

@Fiver, big fan, got any suggestions for my character at all, or am i good?

I would say your gear looks fine for the most part. There are always small improvements to be made here and there though. :)
How is Hyrri's working out for you? I've always liked that chest.
The only downside with it is the lack of HP.

I would look for a new claw though. Get one with crit on it.
If your claw had 7.5% crit on it (which is pretty standard vagan craft), it would give you roughly 120k dps.

Yeah I love hyrri's, I'm at 4.7k life and should be able to get some more so i'm alright on that front.

Did a deathless red elder (got a big watchers eye drop too 8.5ex), can run guardians deathless in my sleep. good times. Haven't quite got the map pool sorted for shaper runs yet, but we'll see.

I do aim to try and kill uber elder with frostblades this time around (gotta put all content to the test), it's my fav skill in the game.

My weapon is next on the upgrades list, but i just want to save some big $$$ and get a really good one, and this one has good damage for now, it was the best i could craft.
Последняя редакция: 1benjy1#2294. Время: 18 марта 2018 г., 16:50:27
Shaper done hahaha

Died 3 times due to silly mistakes, but the dps is solid for the fight.

Thanks again for the build Fiver.
could you help me I have 1 exalted to buy a claw which would be the best option u.u Rare or unique
I'm lvl 92 right now, and doing really great with this build. Now, what should I upgrade on my gear? I need more life I guess (4.5k), but i dont know exactly what to change. Thanks.

My itens so far:
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I'm thinking about getting a better claw too, with high dps, it's a good idea?
Последняя редакция: dunabird#1469. Время: 18 марта 2018 г., 19:58:31

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