[3.15] Fivers Frost Blades Raider (Outdated)

Thank you all :)
yo, good build. I am just going to ask about claws again since it seems to be a constant question. It is just a slight question. I have bought claws below and I am wondering whether to swap it to different piece or not. Mostly i need way higher pdps on a claw to get it better, because I have crit multi roll on mine. why is it not included in the "must" rolls? I mean it is MORE damage with crits, no?
you think I should invest in better claws or rather put in more luv (+% ele dmg, probably opal 40%+) in my rings and get boots with +1 frenzy charge?
I am also struggeling with some resists so I have to upgrade my chest (also more life).

only thing I am feel bad about is the claw base (missing life gained on hit which I assume is very good here). Other then this I feel this is a nice claw with good aps and crit.
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can you play this with reave ? And why wouldnt you, because of ele conversion ?
Последняя редакция: aGnosticc#3705. Время: 17 марта 2018 г., 12:43:27
Fiver, thx a lot for this guide! This was my choise for league start and also as main build for whole league (I play not many time per day unfortunately). I am 85 now and going thru atlas really nice and smooth.

It will be really helpful to get any advice on my gear (except this goddamn 6link Zodiac Leather that I can't afford).

My equip:

P.S: Video of Vault for those who interested in gameplay video =)
Последняя редакция: nikitosinenka#1481. Время: 17 марта 2018 г., 13:26:58
Hollycz написал:
yo, good build. I am just going to ask about claws again since it seems to be a constant question. It is just a slight question. I have bought claws below and I am wondering whether to swap it to different piece or not. Mostly i need way higher pdps on a claw to get it better, because I have crit multi roll on mine. why is it not included in the "must" rolls? I mean it is MORE damage with crits, no?
you think I should invest in better claws or rather put in more luv (+% ele dmg, probably opal 40%+) in my rings and get boots with +1 frenzy charge?
I am also struggeling with some resists so I have to upgrade my chest (also more life).

only thing I am feel bad about is the claw base (missing life gained on hit which I assume is very good here). Other then this I feel this is a nice claw with good aps and crit.
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The claw you have is good, you definitely don't need to upgrade that right now. I would focus more on the other things you mention. EDAS and Opal rings with good rolls is probably your biggest priority at this point.

And to answer your question on Crit multi.
Yes, crit multiplier is incredibly strong. The reason it isn't listed as one of the "must have" mods is because you can't fit it on a crafted claw. The majority of the top-tier claws are probably going to have Elreon's "can have multiple mods" suffix.
This means there is only room for 2 other suffixes. Attack speed and crit chance are way more important than crit multiplier.
Because you can't have a high dps claw without attack speed, and crit multiplier is useless without crit chance. :)

But if you somehow manage to get a claw with all those 3 mods (like your claw has), that's obviously really good.

Don't panic.
Последняя редакция: Fiver#2304. Время: 17 марта 2018 г., 14:24:05
aGnosticc написал:
can you play this with reave ? And why wouldnt you, because of ele conversion ?

You could, but then you’d need to get more conversion from somewhere else to make up for the 60% from frost blades. Like you say, without conversion a lot of the gear and points in our passive tree become useless.

Don't panic.
Scoozii написал:
So i posted once and accidentally edited it because it showed i posted twice so imma quicken it up this time since it was long...

First off im reletively new. I love the Build, i have great dps and mapping, as well as Single target boss dps. My frostblades ranger is my highest level at 68 atm. I only have 2 problems atm. first is mana. I have hatred and herald, but only use herald because i cant keep up the mana. Second is my stats. I cant upgrade my gear really, because i cant keep up the stats that my other gear and gems require. For example im still using a Wurms Molt belt, because it gives me almost exactly enough int and str to use my stuff.

I summed it up quite alot from my original post. I would love to hear back with some tips (like how to post gear on forum thread, idk how).

And once again, i love the build, thanks so much.

Your characters aren't public, so I can't have a close look at it.
But as I said earlier. For mana, get soul raker if you don't have it. If that still isn't enough, get more mana leech nodes from the passive tree until your damage is high enough to leech faster than you spend it.
If you are struggling with int and strength requirements, you always have the option to stop some gems from leveling. Your lightning golem, curse on hit and assassins mark doesn't have to be max lvl to be effective. You will need to have at least 95 int anyway, because that is the requirement for Imperial Claws, but I think we get 94 int from our passive tree, so that shouldn't be a problem.
But the same is true for your strength gems. Don't level them up too far until you have the requirements for them.

How to post items in a forum thread:
Click where in the text of your post you want to insert the item.
Click on your own portrait in the upper left of the screen.
Navigate to the right character or stash tab.
Click the item you want to add.
Click the X in the top right of the character screen.

The item is now inserted in your post where you had the marker. It should look something like
linkItem location="Weapon" character="Fiver" x="0" y="0" but within brackets.

Also, in your settings page, you can make your profile public, so others can view your character. This would allow me to import your character into Path of Building for a much closer examination.

Don't panic.
Последняя редакция: Fiver#2304. Время: 17 марта 2018 г., 14:54:50
aphaoooo написал:
Hello. I just respec my skill tree into your build (was hybrid MS FB before) bcause i am getting lucky (dropped Lyco). Never tried a pure FB build before. I would like to know how to improve my damage ? And which gear to changes. My chars are public, named FG_FBMS.

Well there are quite a lot of things you can do.

First lets look at the passive tree.

I would drop everything to the left of Master of the Arena
Get rid of Dervish, Twin Terrors and the other dual-wield passives.
Get rid of Point Blank

Get Forces of Nature, Claws of the Pride, Heartseeker and Revenge of the Hunted.
After these points, focus on getting Phase Acrobatics.

You also have quartz infusion in the ascendancy.
I would rather go for avatar of the chase.


As long as you have a 5L chest, use:
FB - EDAS - Multi - Ice bite - Ancestral call/ruthless
Add hypothermia on the 6th link.

Get flasks. Check the guide for tips. You already have atziri and crit flask. That's good.

Get jewellry with Elemental damage with attack skills.
Get darkray vectors
I would recommend getting Tombfist and putting a murderous eye jewel in them.
Get 2x Fight for Survival jewels

I could add a lot of more stuff, but most of the stuff I would mention is already covered in the build. I would suggest you have a close look under "Gear in Detail" for gear choices.

Don't panic.
nikitosinenka написал:
Fiver, thx a lot for this guide! This was my choise for league start and also as main build for whole league (I play not many time per day unfortunately). I am 85 now and going thru atlas really nice and smooth.

It will be really helpful to get any advice on my gear (except this goddamn 6link Zodiac Leather that I can't afford).

My equip:

P.S: Video of Vault for those who interested in gameplay video =)

Honestly, other than low life, there isn't really anything wrong with any of your gear.
It's really the chest, like you mention yourself.

I would swap the colors on the 5L you are using, and replace Ice bite or Hypothermia for Ruthless/ancestral call.

Ancestrall call will triple your clearspeed. And then you just switch to ruthless on bosses. Try it out.

Don't panic.
Added a new video

Red Elder - Full Fight

Don't panic.

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