[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

phocas99 написал:

Any chance you feel like sharing your character? Either way, thank you, will research the change to RF tonight.

Same tree as op, worst items than your char. Nothing else but the unique sulphur flask, a Kaom's Heart and cooldown boots.

Actually I think I shared it some pages ago.

Edit: Yep, it's on page 10.
Последняя редакция: intre#4184. Время: 3 мая 2018 г., 15:59:08
Perfect! Thanks.
Hey all, great guide. It's gotten me pretty far, but I find I'm still very vulnerable to 1-shot deletions. I switched over to the tankier setup (Coil) but not much better. Up through t14 is cake, but Core, Guardians, and especially Uber Elder will take me down to 0 in a heartbeat before I can regen it back.

I am in standard so the VD enchant and watcher's eyes are hard to come by, bu that's more offense than defense.

Here's my setup. It keeps getting pricier to make changes, but if I'm close I will. Just not sure how to stop the 1-shots


Setup I am using, slightly different from the original, but holy shit it's effective. Sitting just over 8k HP, can stand still in literally any content running current gear and pewpew. Loving RF over BR, really beefs up the VD damage and I don't notice any extra degen.
I'm gonna try this for flashback.

Question though. Can this build do uber lab reliably before it gets the pricey items?
Just got most of the gear (everything except Watcher's Eye). Throw 2 Fevered Mind to it and random rare to cap res, only able to get one 5l glove from my dump tab

even without swapping gear, the build is quite fast in mapping, just need to avoid bleeding with flask

Also, anyone tried HoG with this build?
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Последняя редакция: neohongkong#0222. Время: 4 мая 2018 г., 5:54:48
Siruy написал:
Hey all, great guide. It's gotten me pretty far, but I find I'm still very vulnerable to 1-shot deletions. I switched over to the tankier setup (Coil) but not much better. Up through t14 is cake, but Core, Guardians, and especially Uber Elder will take me down to 0 in a heartbeat before I can regen it back.

I am in standard so the VD enchant and watcher's eyes are hard to come by, bu that's more offense than defense.

Here's my setup. It keeps getting pricier to make changes, but if I'm close I will. Just not sure how to stop the 1-shots


How much life do you have? Your rings, belt and gloves could have more. Also the belt master craft doesn't do anything for you.

What's your aps? You might be better off getting a shaper belt with reduced cooldown recovery.

For general mapping, swap your coil, roots & chalice for a kaoms heart, rare boots and a basalt flask of warding. You'll get much more life this way without losing too much physical mitigation.
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
I just tried Uber Elder at lvl 84 and died just once. I don't even have Watcher's Eye and used 6L Belly (Frenzy - GMP - Faster Attack - LGOH - Chain - Blood Magic) instead of Coil. Flask setup was Zerphi - Taste of Hate - Wise Oak - Divination - Overflowing Chalice (I manage to balance all my res when I used Taste of Hate so Wise Oak is really good). My death was 100% my fault as I forgot to drink my ToH.

This build truly lives up to the name "Easiet Uber Elder Build".
Is this build viable as league starter? Thinking about it for flashback league.

Leveling: I like to say do what you like, but if you need a guide I can recommend the recent Build of the week which is similar to my build, so you won't need respeccing.

None of the links in the build of the week you linked have leveling guides and they aren't pathfinders, unless I missed something.
Why don't you use power siphon instead of frenzy? For bosses you'd lose the frenzy charges but for regular mapping you'd have power and frenzy.

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