[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec

Dropped a belt with 3 flask mods on it, inc flask charges gained - increased flask effect duration - increased flask life recovery rate + 97 max life.
Would this be better than what i am using?
Char is Femarrowe.
Besides Xoph's Heart, what can I upgrade next? I am at 6.1k Life, 84/97/88 res.

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Последняя редакция: IronCrown#7638. Время: 30 авг. 2018 г., 8:28:22
hi.i have 1 question,how do u sustain ur mana?there is no chance to get enough mana...sry im still kinda new
scornas написал:
hi.i have 1 question,how do u sustain ur mana?there is no chance to get enough mana...sry im still kinda new

you don't want to sustain the mana, you link your attack with blood magic lvl 1 for a max boost in mana cost and due to zerphis, you will never kill yourself with the casting due to the amount of regen you will be sustaining. to keep that flask up though you must not regen full mana or it shuts off, that's why people either run RF or blood rage.
The past is a ghost that haunts you from the moment it exists, until the moment you do not.
oh!!in a mapping/boss setup there is 2x blood magic gems...and i use them as well,but i think i had them like 16 and 18lvl..and when i tryed some skill in my hideout,my hp went very fast to 0 :))))
This is a bug!
Zerphi's Last Breath - Skills used during Flask effect grant (450-600)% of Mana Cost as Life over 4 Seconds.
GGG has to change the description "Mana Cost" for "Any Cost", because it's cheaper then to make a fix!
qwertz написал:
sedateisland написал:
Shani написал:

Question though-- where are your extra resistances coming from? I only hit 85% on my non-cold when running auras, which I didn't see in your setup.

im assuming from the legacy divination giving 6% max, and with flask effectiveness, honestly past that not sure lol.

(non-legacy) Distillate & Taste of Hate alone give you +10%. Add in flask effectiveness and a purity aura and you hit >90. With legacy Distillates you can get 98% from just flask effectiveness & purities.

Not at my main system so off of memory, but... current Distillate gives 4(+2), ToH gives 6(+3)cold, you're probably only getting +4 from auras, and I don't think there's anything else that you're liable to be packing, so that's 85non-cold/94cold. A legacy Distillate is worth an extra 3% (which is what I didn't notice off the previous post) which jacks it up to 88/97. Unless I'm missing something considerable (and ignoring some really expensive stuff like +1 amulets and armor), I don't think it's feasible to keep 90+ on non-cold without significant trade-offs?

scornas написал:
oh!!in a mapping/boss setup there is 2x blood magic gems...and i use them as well,but i think i had them like 16 and 18lvl..and when i tryed some skill in my hideout,my hp went very fast to 0 :))))

The BM+BR is so you won't ever be out of mana to cast BR, so level doesn't matter much there. Note that you NEED MoM if you use BR. Turn on BR, let your mana drain a bit, pop Zerphi's, and go to town. If you skip the Zerphi's, then you'll drive yourself to death.

If your mana refills too quickly, you may need to practice the management or switch to RF/Omeyocan.
Последняя редакция: Shani#7118. Время: 3 сент. 2018 г., 14:54:07
So reading this guide I love the way the build plays. Face tanking everything is just so fun! But, it also sounds like it could be a huge pain in the butt to play. Having to manage the Zerphi, waiting for the 4s, all of the odd mechanics.

Is it a pain to play or are a lot of those more involved mechanics saved for the toughest content in the game (Uber Elder, etc)? Any insight would be appreciated!
Archetype90 написал:
So reading this guide I love the way the build plays. Face tanking everything is just so fun! But, it also sounds like it could be a huge pain in the butt to play. Having to manage the Zerphi, waiting for the 4s, all of the odd mechanics.

Is it a pain to play or are a lot of those more involved mechanics saved for the toughest content in the game (Uber Elder, etc)? Any insight would be appreciated!

Zerphi's lasts ~15sec and is the only flask that must be maintained. The shortest flask will be ~7sec (unless you're using an Alchemist's, in which it can be as low as... ~4sec?). The others are nice, but unnecessary.* Outside of bosses, I just pop all my flasks whenever my quicksilver runs low.

If you're using Omeyocan or RF, instead of BR, then you don't really have to worry about your life or mana management. Instead, if you're using RF, you're attacking every few steps to keep your health up (no big deal; you're probably doing that anyways... VD orbs rush off to blow stuff up on their own anyways), which renders the ramp up time for Zerphi's moot. I find the ramp up time most hazardous for bosses that are activated and in a different map (which is basically just Elder if you derp); everywhere else, you can just start attacking to get it going, then enter the room.

*Edit: By "unnecessary", I mean you can get by for general mapping without it. You'll still definitely want DD for higher tier mapping, ToH for Elder, and OC for bosses.
Последняя редакция: Shani#7118. Время: 4 сент. 2018 г., 11:24:44
Shani написал:
Archetype90 написал:
So reading this guide I love the way the build plays. Face tanking everything is just so fun! But, it also sounds like it could be a huge pain in the butt to play. Having to manage the Zerphi, waiting for the 4s, all of the odd mechanics.

Is it a pain to play or are a lot of those more involved mechanics saved for the toughest content in the game (Uber Elder, etc)? Any insight would be appreciated!

Zerphi's lasts ~15sec and is the only flask that must be maintained. The shortest flask will be ~7sec (unless you're using an Alchemist's, in which it can be as low as... ~4sec?). The others are nice, but unnecessary.* Outside of bosses, I just pop all my flasks whenever my quicksilver runs low.

If you're using Omeyocan or RF, instead of BR, then you don't really have to worry about your life or mana management. Instead, if you're using RF, you're attacking every few steps to keep your health up (no big deal; you're probably doing that anyways... VD orbs rush off to blow stuff up on their own anyways), which renders the ramp up time for Zerphi's moot. I find the ramp up time most hazardous for bosses that are activated and in a different map (which is basically just Elder if you derp); everywhere else, you can just start attacking to get it going, then enter the room.

*Edit: By "unnecessary", I mean you can get by for general mapping without it. You'll still definitely want DD for higher tier mapping, ToH for Elder, and OC for bosses.

Thanks a lot for the reply! Hearing this and watching some of the videos is starting to clear things up.

In the video, his mana is always at 2/500 (or whatever the upper number was). I believe I read in the guide that is because of MOM + BR + RF? Could you explain how this works?

In your post you mentioned using RF on life, which kind of threw me off as well.

Those are really my big confusions at the moment. How the MOM/RF/BR + Mana + Health interactions work. It is clear now that having to manage mana to keep Zerphi up is not an issue (thank god!).

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