[3.4] Zerphi Poet VD - Easiest Uber Elder build - Twinned kill - 20000+ life recovery per sec
" Im in Delve League Softcore. |
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" The only things "required" to make the build run are 2 pens (1ex for both), a zerphi's (10ex), and 3 fevered mind (a bit over 1ex for all 3). Factoring in jewelry purchases, etc, it'll probably run you like 15ex to get the build online. " With Kaom's on I have 7500 HP, and I'm still missing 2 life nodes from my tree at 93 because I'm using an Inspired Learning at the moment. The only things I die to are big slams, which I'm not sure Coil will do that much to help because of the big life loss I'll be taking, but I haven't experimented much yet. Also coil messes with my resists which are already pretty tight with my current gear, so I think for the fights where I really need the phys mitigation (Shaper, UElder) I'd rather just use a Taste. |
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I've been trying to pin down Kaom's vs Lightning Coil, for my build, for a while with little conclusive results.
Prodding PoB for more time than necessary, what results I did manage to get suggest that (with flask swaps as appropriate) KH is superior for general mapping and LC is almost definitely better if you intend to tank Elder's Rising Slam. (If you plan to just walk away from it, then take KH.) The problem is that I can't find good numbers that make sense for how much Rising Slam actually does; working backwards, one source suggests that you need about 85% physical mitigation to survive it at 5k, which I've seen reports where that definitely isn't the case. |
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Has anyone had any luck using the new resonator crafts? I was able to craft a fire penetration jewel which upped my damage quite a bit but I was wondering about crafting stygian vises.
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hello everyone! I have been playing that build in incursion and crushing content with it. however I have been playing it with... indigon. why isnt it mentionned anywhere? no mana depletion pb, huge dmg bonus, synergic as fuck with everything we play. you swap in the fevered mind for grand spectrum, add in a warlord curse on hit ring and lets go? Is it just ditched away because op did not mention it or did people try it and came back to a regular version? i'm all geared up for the build now gonna reroll anytime soon.
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One thing I don't understand, how do we keep mana from filling, if we use a lvl 1 BM on out attack setup? (nvm we use MoM right)
Последняя редакция: spetakju#0294. Время: 10 сент. 2018 г., 12:18:04
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3.4 can be viable ?
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pls update to 3.4 ! :)
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" MoM if you're using BR/RF will keep it down... depending on your exact configuration, BR may not be enough by itself, though. " Works fine. As far as I recall, the only stuff that gets changed is the upper-left section of the tree, where Elementalist/Holy Dominion is. The nodes pretty much do the same thing and you'll even spend the same amount anyways. |
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did anyone try crafting elder armor with fossiles for 2x phys as ele mods?
if so what fossils did you use. |
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